100| Fear of man is debilitating, how to combat!

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Hello! Welcome back to the Prosperity With Purpose podcast. I am Jessica Hefley. We got a quick one for you today over the fear of man. It's a snare y'al! Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of man will prove to be a snare but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Another version says. “Fear of human opinion disables, and trusting in God protects you from that.”, listen to this, so I feel like I have worked on fear, fear of man the most and more than a lot of people. I'm a big proponent of “Do it scared”. If you noticing the feelings of when you feel afraid or when you feel scared to do something, acknowledging that and then still choosing to move forward and doing that. But y'all I had some really big awareness that I wanted to share with you other day. So this has been a couple months ago now. So I have been growing in some of my spiritual giftings. and things I always think it's important to learn from someone who's ahead of you a couple steps ahead of you more wiser, more experienced and get their insight get their wisdom and so I took the initiative to take a lady out to lunch and just like learn from her. Had another mutual friend that said hey she's a lot like your personality I think she'd really be helpful for you and so I sought that out. Seek out areas you want to grow in, and so I offered to take her to lunch and just ask her some questions. Just spend some time with her, just get her insight get her wisdom. So what you were just talking about. Some things that happened in the last couple of weeks in my business, personal life, some very upsetting things, anyways, the whole point of all this is saying I kept telling her stories of things and she would say things like that's the fear man. That's the fear man, and I kept going oh I thought I worked on that, and I would just take note. I would be talking about something and she'd be like yep, that's the fear of man and I just kept kept filing that away that she said that multiple times over the lunch and so afterwards I was just kind of evaluating, like “Huh, she said that a lot.” I thought I dealt with that. I thought that was something I had found freedom in, and then I was talking to another friend about it like I thought I had kind of dealt with this and it was such a reminder about this daily dependence on God in our business. I'm going to give you some tangible examples of how this shows up for you. But it's one of the other things you're like oh I thought I already worked on. And fear I thought I already worked on shame. I thought I already worked on this area of my business. I thought I already worked on this area of my personality and then it comes up again and to me that is the beautiful reminder of our daily dependence on God. It's not a oh I figure that out. Check mark never have to go back to that again. No it is a, “Daily Lord the fear of man is evident. Daily Lord let me let me tune into you. Let me hear your voice, let me remind it of who I am, and what I am called to do. Who you say I am, and what you've called me to do if you watch it on YouTube I'm doing those hand signals again. And so it was just actually a beautiful reminder that there's no shame or condemnation that I haven't figured out the fear of man, yet it was just so interesting. I got really curious of huh that came up recently huh that came up a couple times recently and then took me back to the scripture Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of human opinion disables, trusting in God protects you from that.” So what are some tangible ways that it can show up for you in your business? Okay, so I hear people say often, “Well I don't know how to do that.” or “Ooh I can't do that in my business.” You know whether it's posting or having a conversation or choosing to do whatever. We'll move the needle in your business when you catch yourself being like, I could never do that! I don't I don't know how to do that! I want you to pause and evaluate if you don't know Quotations ‘You don't know how to do that.” or “You can't do that.”, because a fear of what somebody will think about you, how someone may judge you, how someone may misperceive you, how someone may get their feelings hurt. How someone may feel offended by that. Oh all of them are not irresponsibility. Those are all their personal choices. And so that's why again daily as a leader we've got to plug into our source. We've got to plug into what God has called us to do, so I want you to take notice the next time you're about to post something about your business. Do some marketing do some sales do some follow-up. Do some closing and yeah, of those things you get to now notice if the fear man is holding you back, or the fear of man is causing you to be timid, or the fear man is causing you to avoid doing that activity ,and then what would it look like if you take this to heart. Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of human opinion disables, trusting in God protects you from that.” What would it look like to trust in God no matter what the outcome of any but what anybody else says to you, if anybody else says yes or no to what you have to offer if anybody else has any opinion or rude comment or whatever about what you post or what you do or what you sell. What if you only looked to the opinion of God, and what if when something else happens when the human opinions get loud and they're a siren and they get you off guard, that gets you off track. What if you just daily went back to the Lord and were reminded of who He says you are and you reminded of what He has called you to do. You are in a business to serve others. You are in a business to change the world. You are doing this for the people who need what you have to offer. You are showing up to serve her, not the haters. Okay there unfortunately will always be haters, but fear of human human opinion disables, trusting the Lord. Daily dependence in the Lord daily reminder of what He says about you, protects you from, that it helps you move forward with confidence. It helps you move forward with boldness, and this is what differentiates true leaders from others because you will have opposition in what you do okay, because Satan doesn't want good things. Satan does not want you to make more money. Satan does not want you to help set more people free. Satan does not want you to help people in any way. Okay, so you stay laser focused on your dependence on God knowing who you are and why you are doing it. It is so important. I just want to do this really quick episode. Go back memorize Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of human opinion disables, trusting in God protects you from that.” The word of God is real. It is alive. It is so applicable to every area of your business! Repeat, repeat, repeat Proverbs. 29:25. See you next time guys.