120 | Handling Mistakes And How To Get Back On Track

A while back, someone suggested I book a “peace consultation” to help with my hormone health. My first thought? What does peace have to do with hormone levels? I almost laughed it off.

But something nudged me to go for it—and it served as a reminder of just how powerful peace can be. Peace isn’t just a nice idea or a feeling—it’s a force that can transform your health, your business, and your life. When you intentionally cultivate it, everything shifts. More clarity. More energy. More prosperity. 

In this episode, I’m sharing about the massive impact peace can have on your mind, body, and business. And how sometimes, peace is exactly what we need when we feel like we’ve messed up or fallen off track.

Here’s what you’ll hear:

- How the Pause App has helped me build spiritual resilience. (Download the app HERE)

- The power of speaking life over your body—because your words truly matter 

- Why peace isn’t just a feeling—it’s the foundation that fuels every area of your life

If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or like you’ve veered way off course—this episode is for you. Peace is the secret to getting back on track and creating the life you were meant to live.




Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship is a 12- week interactive coaching program designed to help you steward your life and multiply your business God’s way!

*Click here to learn more!* https://www.jessicahefley.com/prosperity-with-purpose

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