Failure is Feedback Season 1, Episode 14


What if we viewed failure as a stepping stone and not a stopping zone? Failure is inevitable and we need to stop letting it get us down!

Fear of failure has to go back to certainty or uncertainty. If you're waiting to be 100% certain without a doubt, it's not going to happen. The sooner you embrace uncertainty, you can start really living your life. Everything has a lesson, but it takes reflection to see the lesson behind the failure. You will always find what you're looking for. If you are focused on how you are stuck, how you are a failure, and that's the identity you've taken on, you will find proof of that.

My prayer is that you can break FREE of this feeling and of this cycle. And you're going to do this by recognizing how this powerful thought is keeping you from the things you really want in life. It's keeping you from making a greater impact and fulfilling your bigger purpose.

If you're feeling stuck, why don't you shift your mindset to look for clues to help you get unstuck. If you're feeling like a big failure, look for things around you that prove your success. You will ALWAYS find what you're looking for. So look for the good, the empowering, the positive things and that is what you will find! Want to take your growth a step further?

Try a journal prompt and get out those thoughts and feelings! Prompt- When a situation is not going how you hoped, what went wrong and how can I show up differently next time?

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