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So I’m torn but leaning in. God made it evidence and confirmed multiple times my word for the year 2023. But then I read the book the “12 Week Year” and it rocked my world and how I now set goals, which I taught all about inside Leading Ladies this month including a goal-setting sheet like I’ve never before seen to help you plan and dream and execute from a place of love and PURPOSE and powerful, meaningful decisions instead of fear and past failure and self-hatred. (Oh how I wish I could condense that hour-long training into a 3-minute email!!) So in light of all that I now view my life in quarters instead of years, but I digress, back to my word of the year, or should I say quarter. I’ll reevaluate at the end of March ;) Right now it’s my guiding light. Do you have a word for 2023? Hit reply and let me know!
What does that mean?
Being fully present. All in where I am and what I’m doing and who I’m with. Also, present to FEEL every single emotion that comes up without stuff or avoiding or dismissing. Constraining to focus on work when it's work time and rest when it's rest time and play when it's playtime and…getting the point here?
Did you know that most people feel “burn out” or struggle with anxiety because they are not in the PRESENT? They are thinking about what needs to get done, or what didn’t get done. How they wish they could change something from the past or worry about what is to come in the future. Neither of these scenarios is PRESENT. Once again sneaky sneaky satan wants you to focus on what you literally CANNOT change (your past) and worry about every negative possible outcome (in your future) so you will be so distracted and not fully PRESENT in the right now, today. THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER IS TODAY. The only way you can bring heaven to earth and partner with God is through the work he is calling you to is TODAY.
Do you know another sneaky sneaky time and energy sucker? Thinking about work when you are off and thinking about being off when you should be working. Or thinking about this notification and that text and this voice message and that email and this and that and this and that and this and that.
The skill and muscle I’ll need to develop to make PRESENCE possible in 2023 are very very important. Are you ready for it? Are you ready to hear HOW the only way presence is possible for me and for you if you choose? CONSTRAINT.
CONSTRAINING myself to FOCUS. Focus on the task or non-task at hand. Being FULLY present requires constraint to decide ahead of time to not let anything that is distracting you from being ALL IN and finishing what you set out to do in that specific time period. It will change everything! It will bring peace. You will get more done in less time. You will enjoy life more. You will have less anxiety and more enjoyment.
It’s a great place to start.
Interested in hearing AND implementing the teachings mentioned above? It will take some new ways of thinking and feeling that you may not be familiar with. But you have to ask yourself is what I am currently doing working? Am I where I truly want to be? Do I feel how I truly WANT to feel about my work and my life? Did you know when you join Leading Ladies you get access to that entire month’s training and coaching replays and the 6 months moving forward?! Don’t worry you didn’t miss a thing, see you on the inside. It’s time!
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