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Hey, and welcome back. Today we are talking about five reasons to SHARE more, to SELL more. I coach so many people that are just putting their product out there to the world every once in a while, posting about it once a week, nonchalantly and they're like, “I need more money, I need to make more sales.” I have a passion and a heart to really help people. And I'm like, sister, let me tell you a story. But first of all, in this podcast episode, I'm gonna give you five reasons why you should share more to sell more. Okay, if you don't know my full story, my background is I am, first of all, totally and completely an introvert. And did you know the least likely personality to be successful in network marketing is an introvert? That was me. And so I still am at the very, very top of Plexus Worldwide. I'm number two in the company in leadership development. That is our breadwinner, by far. We make seven figures a year in residual income through that company, and so because of all the giftings and talents and blessings from that, that propelled me on to do my coaching business, which is such a passion project for me because all of these things that I coach people on definitely helped them in their network marketing company, but I wanted to be an avenue to coach people that were not just in network marketing- to coach realtors and church leaders and people in sales, anybody who was in a leadership role. I am so passionate about leadership and that's what birthed the Leading Ladies Movement.
So a little backstory on that, but, I needed to tell you that to tell you this part of the story... I've been with Plexus for nine years, but year one is the year I worked the hardest and I have not worked a fraction of the amount of time that I worked in year one that I have all the rest of the years. But that first year, I went from zero to the top rank in the entire company to Diamond in 11 months, which is incredibly fast. But here are some reasons why. I posted the mess out of what I was doing, what I had to offer, how it could benefit people, and why everybody else should be a part of it. I'm not kidding. I probably posted about four times a day. Some of those were Plexus-related posts. Some of those were not Plexus-related posts, but, I was engaging. I was putting my message out there and nobody had any questions about what I was doing and who they would go to when they were ready to order. So I've got five reasons. Let me work through these because I believe that you are not putting your message out there enough. There is so much fear no matter what you are doing, no matter what you are promoting, no matter what you are a part of, there's always, well, not always, but there tends to be this fear of, oh, I don't want to offend anybody. I don't want to annoy anybody. I'm scared to put that out there. What will people think of me? What will they do, how will they judge me? A million different things, but here, we're gonna cover five right now. Number one, you are not posting or podcasting, or whatever avenue you have to market, you are not doing it ENOUGH. You are not doing it too much. It is a lie and a story that you're living into when you think, oh, I'm posting too much or I'm selling too much or I'm talking about this too much. No, you are not too much. You are not. The way that advertising works, the small percentage of people who actually see what you put out into the world, whether that's even a billboard out on the interstate, or that's Facebook or Instagram, algorithms limit people from actually seeing what you put out into the world. You are not posting too much. You're actually posting too little. What if you started to live into that, into that truth? You are not posting too much. It is time for you to take massive consistent action to get your message, your product, and what you are selling out there. Take massive consistent action. You are not posting too much. You are not posting enough. Can you hear me? Amen.
Okay, so number two, she wants to hear from you more. Okay, your ideal client, the one who has been reading your posts or listening to your podcasts or watching your stories and never once put in a heart or a like, never once commented, never once engaged, never once has messaged you, or maybe they have, okay? They have, and they've been on the fence, okay? They want to hear more from you. The people that are going to take what you have to offer, take your service and run with it and tell everybody about it, the ones who are gonna have the biggest transformations, they want to hear more from you. You are educating them, you are entertaining them, you are encouraging them and they want more of you and they want more of what you have to offer. Isn't that so much more fun way to look at it? Like they want to hear from you more. Your ideal person wants to hear from you more. My ideal client, her name is Jenny, and Jenny wants to hear from me more, okay? She loves what I have to say. I help her, I offer her transformation and I provide that transformation. So she wants to hear from me more.
Number three, confidently overshare because you believe in the transformation that they will receive when they buy your product or your service. When they start working with you, that is why you should post all the time about it because it shows that you confidently believe that they will have a transformation when they say yes. You confidently believe that what you do or what you have to offer works and helps people, okay? I do not go to timid sellers. If I'm looking to buy a product or a service, I don't go to the people who are like shy about it and embarrassed about what they have to offer. I go to the people who are loud and who are proud and who have no doubt that what they have, what are they putting out to the world, will change it. That's the people that I wanna work with, that's the people that I go to, and that's the people who are waiting to work. with you so confidently overshare because you believe in the transformation that they will receive. Number four, make it so that your brand there, is no question on who they should go to get help. They should come to you. No question because they know who you are, what you represent, and what you sell. There should be no question. And that first year I was highly, highly developing my Plexus business. People knew where to go to get some Plexus because I was talking about it and I was talking about it a lot. And so, so many people said, I came to you because you are doing well. You like what you're doing. You're talking about it. You obviously believe in what you do because you're putting yourself out there so much. They had no question where to get that from. And it was from me. And in the same way, I am building my coaching practice, there is no question who you should go to get the breakthrough that you need in your life and your business. If you want to create more peace, if you want to make more money, if you want to multiply your time, if you want to steward your business God's way, there should be no question in your mind. Here is where, Leading Ladies program my coaching program, is where you will find that. I believe in that. I post about that. I am not posting too much because you are the people that are listening and you want to hear more. So you have that be the same as what YOU have to offer to the world. Have them never question who to go to get the result.
Okay, and number five, do not fear man's judgment. Proverbs 29:25, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare. A literal trap, fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Fear of man's opinion will disable trusting and the Lord protects you from that.” Some of y'all need to break off the spirit of fear. Fear of comparison and worry of man's opinion of you. What will so and so think? Okay, your second cousin twice removed is broke and sad and depressed? Like you are putting way too much authority and way too much care and concern over what they have to say. That does not matter. Do not fear man's judgment. Do not fear man's opinion. You will have so much more freedom and you'll be truly walking in line with the will of God of what he has over your life when you stop caring about what other people think. You will make more sales when you stop caring about what other people think. But most importantly, more people will have transformations from your product and have a completely different life, a completely different outcome because you were posting more. You gave them more of what your ideal client really wanted to hear. You confidently overshared. There was no question on where they went to go for help and you repented of your fear, fear of man's opinion. The more that you repent of fear of man's opinion, the more that you repent of fear of judgment, the more that you repent of fear in general, the more the intimacy of your relationship with God will increase. The point of it is that stuff doesn't matter because I can help people and I know I can help people, and I put it out to the world that I can help people. Are you doing that? Are you taking massive consistent action to get your message out to the world so that you can transform more lives? Because that's what I want to do and that's what I want to inspire you to do. That's what God has called me to do to help people multiply and steward their businesses, to bring that kingdom of heaven to earth and that comes through you. He does “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within you.” So it is time, sister, you are not over-posting. You actually need to go share more, post more, get your message out there more, and watch your business transform.
Now you can't just do this for a week. This is a long-term strategy and the more inspiration you will find for the strategy, the more will come from the more you tap into what has God called you to do. What if you woke up every morning and said, “God, what do you want me to do for my business today?” And listened. and did what He is calling you to do to help more people without the fear of man's opinions. So y'all bring it, come on, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's reinforce this. We'll see you inside Leading Ladies where we will practice your thought work to stay on point with this, to stay on point with getting your message out, but most importantly, to stay on point with your belief that what you have to offer matters, what you have to offer transforms lives. It's really not even about you and your number of sales or your income amount. It is about the number of people that you can help, but you cannot help them unless you help them get started. And you cannot help them get started unless they hear your message. So get it out there more. Capiche? See you next week!