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Hey welcome to the prosperity with purpose podcast I am Jessica Hefley! We have revamped we have improved. We've got our twelve week very specific very targeted mentorship that is out live. We've got our “How to get off the Hot Mess Express.” mini-course out to the public. The podcast is rolling and growing and I've got special effects! Thank you, thank you everybody! Yeah, we've all got to laugh because I recorded 2 podcasts on my old equipment and my assistant was like, “Yeah those were like really fuzzy and something is wrong with the microphone.” So, you know I did some Instagram stories about this other day, like how sometimes resistance is the tax you pay to get the results to get to your dreams. So many people when they experience resistance are like “My God what have I done that we are doing the wrong thing"? I know I know, that I know that I know, that I know that I know, that I'm supposed to do this and so I'm excited because we are going to change what prosperity means. We are going to change the face of prosperity, and when I was looking and I was thinking about different titles. There's a couple of different things that came up. Here we go. So okay, so I was looking at different ways to name the podcast. I was looking at prosperity. Like what does prosperity mean? And so I looked up the definition of that, and it means to like succeed or make successful, prosper. But it also means to flourish, physically grow strong and healthy, to thrive. So I was looking up okay so there's lots of stuff and definitions about prosperity or prosper and they have to do with success. So I was like what is the definition of success or to to be successful? And it's to achieve a desired aim or result. Okay. Third John 2 says “I pray that in all things you will prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers”, prospering spirit, soul and body is so important for the overwhelmed business owner. I am here to help you thrive in all of those areas. Spirit, soul and body, and I know, that I know that know, that I know,and that I know, that I know that I know, that I am called to teach this. Teach God’s people how to handle stress. That was very evident to me as I took my sabbatical. I took about 2 months off from my coaching practice, and I want to do my next episode on that and really reveal what the Lord showed to me through that through resting through all of those light bulbs downloads. Super good. But anyways, okay I really believe you have an epidemic of anxiety and adhd and adult ADD. How many people do you know that have have like developed ADD as an adult, or it's definitely gotten much worse? As a overwhelmed business owner, and I have it there, and I have a theory, and I believe that ADD is nothing more than unprocessed anxiety. You go from 1 thing to the next to the next to the next to next to avoid feeling like a failure, feeling uncomfortable, having a difficult conversation, doing something you that you may not be perfect at, you may not be the best at that, you have the possibility to fail at that. You're just like being me minimum and you make perfect sense. Makes perfect sense how you have acted like that and developed patterns like that in many ways thrived in doing that that was your way to get things done but and so I want to help you explore those with compassion and curiosity like what really though. Can we explore can we uncover as part of this add to really so help you be a person of purpose who lives on purpose. Not this thing to this thing to the same and this thing this thing but know who you are and what you are called to do and so I the thing about renaming the podcast. There's lots of different names that came up. Since holistic health is so important to me a leader that is like I said before like healthy in spirit and soul and by it so healed leader, a holistic business leader to lead holistically, lead yourself first and others will follow all of these things but but didn't want it to be people think it was only like a crunchy podcast. But we are going to cover some crunchy topics that's for sure, because it has to deal with Health in all areas of life, Prosperity with Purpose because the overwhelmed leader can't help others who are overwhelmed, the anxious leader can't help others who are anxious. The stressed out person can't help other people are stressed out, so we are going to get to the root of that to really live fully present with purpose because healed people heal leaders who have the tools and are practicing incorporating the tools that I teach inside of Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship will steward their calling with more confidence want some confidence in what they're called to do and what God has called them to do on this earth. And they're feeling like “I'm not good enough”, “I don't know if this is made number 1 What we are going to steward is incredibly important. This life is not yours. This job is not yours. This family is not yours. All of these belong to God and you have just been entrusted to steward these ,and so I'm going to help you steward these and steward your business with confidence. Number 2 Carry your calling with ease. It does not have to always be heavy. There are tools, tangible tools that I teach you that will help you to carry out your calling with ease, help it feel lighter, help it feel more fun, help it feel more meaningful and number 3 multiply what God has entrusted to you the parable of the talents is one of the bible stories that it shows people were given some and what they did with it, and the ones who utilized it, who multiplied their gifts, talents, money were given more were given influence over cities. The Lord was pleased with them. We must use our talents gifts resources. Whatever that we have been given to multiply it and so I just really, really believe what if prosperity isn't selfish what if you are taught about prosperity or money are truly thriving, truly being happy and healthy? Truly making a difference in this world. What if that wasn't selfish what if prosperity and abundance and living as a recipient God's overflowing blessing, including finances, is meant for you. Is meant to transform generations of your family members to come by the things that you do today. What if it's meant to change your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country which we might be in . Let's do this, what if it's meant to change the daily living circumstances. Those who are going through tough seasons of life for you prospering more provides the necessities that so many people need food, water ,shelter. You know what? The best way. So many people are like how do I, how can help the poor, how can I help other people? One of the worst ways to help the poor is to be poor.
We need you to not? We need you to prosper. We need you to be more than enough, to help your family, but also to help others. What if being prosperous was to bless someone else with vacation or marriage therapy or pay their tuition? Like are we dreaming big enough about what these income can do are we understanding. Where we live and where we are part of there are so many nonprofit organizations so many just people in need so many people with dreams that are praying for them to be funded praying for ways to for the kingdom of heaven to come to earth and that's going to be through you as you prosper and as as you teach and help and live your living example. Helps other people prosper too, and what if it's too like some other fun things that think of wanted what does it mean to prosper like I always like to think of big picture things and I love to think of like tangible things like y'all there's some new parents that you know they’re burned out. They need a gift card to Texas roadhouse. They need to go out on a date. They need you to help babysit their kids and need you to be healthy enough prosper in us be able to bless them in that season because you may be past that you may be in that but just 1 step ahead and that's how we give back to those. And what if it is time to stop shying away from stewarding and multiplying our God-given gifts to bring more of Heaven to Earth. We'll say it again and again and again and again as He as His conduits in partnership with him in partnership with him apart from me, you can do nothing. John 15 my most favorite chapters of the Bible which leads us to second Corinthians 9:8, yes god is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace so that you will have more than enough of everything every moment in every way He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do. amen Prosperity with Purpose, I'm so I'm ready to start stop playing at comfortable. Okay I'm ready to stop just paying the bills, saving some for a rainy day, which are all blessings definitely, but I'm ready and could continue continue to grow. Bless the socks off of others, and for them to experience the overflowing abundance and love of a generous heavenly father. So we have dreams and we are praying to see those come through fruition so keep listening because Prosperity with Purpose has just begun and we have got some fun, big powerful themes that we are touching on coming up real soon! Who is with me for Prosperity with Purpose.