82| Fear is the Fertilizer of Growth.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast! I'm Jessica Hefley, and I thought I was supposed to outgrow this! I thought I was supposed to outgrow fear. But you think as being like a business coach a life coach knowing every single tool and just kind of coming of. Age you know I'm 41 now you know fear is for little kids who are scared of the dark right I had some realizations I wanted to share with you because I think it's pretty relatable on where you are in your business is fear like it just rears its little head sometimes doesn't it. And doesn't always come up. You don't even realize that at first that it actually is fear is what's showing up but it shows up as oh I'm gonna not do that or oh I'm not going have that hard conversation or oh I'm not going to post that or oh I'm not going to start making reels. Or did do did do do feel in the blank and if you really uncover it. It's fear like you're scared. You're scared of what people will think of you scared it may not work out scared people won't sign up for your program or buy your product. Or fill in the blank but listen listen to me fear is the fertilizer of growth sometimes I just laugh because I I don't like cliche sayings I don't like to do things how everybody else does them so when it's like this catchy little cheesy saying I get a little sarcastic but fear is the fertilizer of growth. Okay, because in order for you to grow. There is has to be some sort of fear that you overcome. It's important for us to remember those people that you envy on social media or maybe these professional athletes. Or um, professional network marketers or professional. You know CEOs of businesses and we look at them and we think oh they've got their shiz together like oh must be nice. Oh they've got it easy breezy or those business owner must be ranking in the dough or whatever your thought is when really they. Had to overcome and are currently I promise you still working through fears. But if you are seeing growth as an outcome in their life if you're seeing growth as a fruit of their life. It's because fear's the fertilizer. Oh. Yes let's use that fruit analogy if you you can jut you can see if something in somebody's life is working by its fruit. What is it producing and how does so how does fruit grow or how does somebody produce something. Okay, it's fertilized. It's fertilized by fear. Okay, so congratulations to you if you are on the cusp of doing something scary. Do something scary every single day to ensure your growth but I was saying about this in bed last night because I was having a little bit of a freakout moment and I was like and I freaked out, and I anyways I was like I got to do a podcast episode about this and tell them about this. Okay, so last time my husband is out of town this week all week for work. He's in Vegas at the shot show. It's like a big thing we own multiple gun and ammo and tactical stores in. So. It's like this big thing people from all over the country is I don't really understand exactly what they do there. It's now it's a really big deal for the business. So he's gone and so it's just me this week and I have still been having a I'm just going to be honest with you guys I still like I have a fear of talking to you about things that are hard for me. But then i'm. But then I realize no wait. They have things that are hard to so let's normalize it but give you tools on what to do and these hard things happen. So I have a last episode I talked to about how I had a friend that's helping me me edit the podcast but i. Here's what was happening to me last night I was being a little bit stubborn and I was like no I want to figure out how to do it myself I don't want to be dependent on anybody else I want to be able to put a podcast out there really fast if I need to and so anyways last night when I'm single parenting at this week right so my children are going to need some more attention. It's just me. Um, Judson our son goes to basketball practice on Tuesday nights and so usually me and rainy hang out and she looks forward to that. It's like her special mommy dalater time and so after Judson leaves I'm like on my laptop trying to edit this podcast or not this one. It was another It's the one on the gospel or share the gospel and teach you how to do it, go check that one out episode number 81. And for some reason like I feel like I have got to do this tonight. I've got to do this right now you know when it's supposed to be my time with my daughter I'm on my laptop like frustrated and like. Getting so angry like if somebody would just I'm sure if my friend would just sit down with me face to face and teach me he could teach me in 5 minutes but what so what took me 3 hours could be done in 5 minutes but for some reason I felt like I needed to figure it. But and I was upset and I it took so long. And then my daughter is like why aren't she snuggling with me. Why are you doing this and I just kept being like oh honey hold on hold on hold on I'm almost done I'm almost done. This is really important I got to get this done. You know whatever you you guys? do it to whatever you say to your kids to try to buy more time on doing something. That's not more important than they are. Um, but you're just stuck in this so I did that and then at the end of the night I regretted it I was just like what have I gotten myself into like am I going to have to hire more and then I thought about all these other things like I want to do a lot of things with our podcast group prosperity with. Excuse me prosperity with purpose. We have a podcast group and we're about to do tons of engagement and prizes and a lot of neat things in there I'm like do I need to hire someone else for that and then I'm still um in my plexus business and I have somebody else for that and it just was it just was feeling weighty right? Which it does, when we're being irrational and which it does when we let our mind our thoughts go crazy without taking them captive right? It feels these are surefire signs. It was starting to it was feeling heavy I was like wait a minute can I go back to sabbatical because it was really fun and sabbatical. Everything felt light and easy and this feels heavy. Which is an automatic indicator. Okay, if something feels heavy that there is a different way to go about it. There is something that I need to release to the lord bring to the lord. Go back to my. Partnership with him remember not trying to do all of it on my own and figure it out and getting flustered and upset. But so I last time after the kids of Tibet I just was like I just started crying and praying to the lord because which I had not done in a couple of days hint hint ten ten hint there as well. Which was. Again I was like oh my gosh I have been trying to figure this out on my own I have been trying to do I've been working so hard and it and I felt like I've been spending so many hours and getting not very much done and it didn't feel fulfilling. It didn't feel purposeful I wasn't feeling like a good steward and so i. There you go I broke down and I was just started crying I was like Lord what is like oh my word I have been trying to carry. This is this even what you want me to do and I was like well you help me find this is lord you've told me this is what you want me to do okay, this is that you have told me that you want me to help Christians handle stress, help the overwhelmed business owner, so send me the resources send me the people that can help send me the systems if I keep my eyes on you I trust you and it was just like I was exhausted and I just stopped what I was working on I i. I prayed about it I took some deep breaths I got realigned to what my purpose is why I'm doing is this in the first place and hello my big huge versa say all the time apart from me, you can do nothing and it was like a break in clarity. It was like. Oh hu like I went to bed and immediately got a download of someone who could help me with my business that I am interested in hiring and I messaged like um I messaged a couple people and then another one was like oh my goodness. This would be a perfect fit and it was just the immediate immediacy of going back to stop trying to do it on your own going back to god wants to work through you if if your if your business helps serve people if it solves a problem like it brings if it brings the kingdom of heaven to earth like that is good. He wants to partner in that. So let him. And that and stop trying to do it all on your own. So anyways, here's a couple of things that I was reminded of I wanted to teach you guys is how how will it?

How whatever you're spinning out of control in or feeling like is so heavy or feeling like you can't get done or feeling like you know whatever how do you want to feel when it's done very simple question. How do you want to feel when it's done and so last night when I was you know talking to god about this I'm like I want to feel like what I do matters I don't want to feel like I spent 2 hours making graphics in Canva when I know there is somebody that can do this in 5 minutes like I want to feel like I I am utilizing my time importantly I want to feel purposeful I want to feel like I'm making an impact I want to feel like I'm contributing in the areas where only I can contribute okay, somebody else can edit a podcast I'm the only one that can have my voice on. This podcast and over overcome other speakers and trainers and teachers is not I'm talking about but like what are the things that I absolutely only meet I can do and how can the lord provide somebody to help me delegate the rest. Okay so I wanted to feel like I was being wise like I wanted to feel like I was being smart so I got. Had to remind myself of what do I want to feel like when it's done not right now when it feels like oh this is a lot but when I'm truly walking in my calling living in my purpose operating in my zone of genius how do I want to feel when that's done and I reminded myself of that and that's what I want you to remind yourself of that. And align with that. Why are you doing this in the first place. Okay, whether it's your your business. What is your business. What are you selling? What product do you provide? What service do you provide? Why are you doing this in the first place. Do not forget your first love why are you doing it we're doing it to help people doing it because you provide a solution and so when you're spinning in overwhelm and chaos and I can't get it all done and stubbornness and I have to figure this out and I'm the only one that can do this when you're spinning in whatever that is for you fill in the blank right there when you are spinning in burp I'm going to put overwhelm. Kind of how I felt last night when you are spinning and overwhelm what are you not doing. This is the key because the the good ol fairs will analogy like I talked about in a couple episodes back like when you're spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning. You can't stop spinning so when you're spinning, you're stuck. And that you're like obsessed with that you are focused on that 1 emotion of overwhelm or fear or anxiety or what is it because when you need to notice that when you are spinning in that. What are you not doing because what? ah last night what was I not doing I was not. Delegating the things that could be delegated I was not focusing I was not stewarding my time while doing the things that only I could do I had to pause and say oh my gosh I was spinning in this and what do I doing? Okay so here we go. This one simple thing I want you to start starting your mornings with this one simple thing I like to keep things simple around here round here. We keep thinking. Okay god what do you want me to do today very simple in your business if you would start each day God what do you want me to do today? God how can I serve the people you've called me to help today? Okay we I am so over the 1 year long term goals. Okay, there are people in your business. There are people who need to be in your business or need what you have to offer and there are people in your homes who you have both called to serve you called to serve the people in your home your your spouse your kids you've also called to serve the people in your business that is what God is utilizing. Working partnering with you to steward and multiply your business. So God what do you want me to do today that 1 simple question will help you zone in laser focus on what needs to get done today that you can do. Not getting stuck in Canva for 3 hours trying to make some graphics beautiful when you can hire a college kid. What do you want me to do today. Okay and I met and I came out with the list last night of the things that I have to do that God has called me to do. And I did them today. All right calibrated I get him today. God is doing a new thing. Every new day is a new opportunity so fear is the fertilizer for growth y'all is always an invitation for you to grow. So when you're spinning in the blank, when you're spinning in fear, when you're spinning in anxiety, when you're spinning in worry when you're spinning in oh my goodness I'll never get it all done. What are you not doing? God what can I do today? What do you want me to do today in my business?