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Hey guys welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast! I'm Jessica Hefley ,and we're going to talk about why it's been so hard for me to wake up in the winter. I've got some thoughts. We're going to process and walk through and this is really interesting to me so I'm really been pondering that. I was pondering this. You know it's January Twenty something now, and I'm recording this and I have been pondering this for a while, and I wanted to share it with you because I think there's some really interesting insights. Okay, so usually because this has so taken me by surprise. Usually I am so excited for New Year's. Building up to New Year's, even in November I'm already thinking about what are my goals. What are the things I want for the New Year? What's my word going to be? You know all those things, and so I'm mindful that if it is it my season. Yeah, we just moved into a new house in October. Listen to the last couple episodes that explain some of that process and my sabbatical and all that. But. It was just so interesting to me that this New Year's in particular I wasn't that excited about it. I wasn't gung-ho about my new goals and getting really ah pumped up about all the areas in my life and all the different area things that I want to improve and focus on and and it really was really interesting because. I loved that for so long and kind of coinciding with that I've been reading through the old testament and just read through some things which I find incredibly fascinating and just in the okay first of all our calendar is not the original calendar of Jesus back in the Bible that that calendar passed it started around March was their beginning of their New Year okay so I don't know where we messed up. You can go down that rabbit hole. You can find some lots of interesting things but our calendar does not line up. Okay, so let's just think about this objectively. Okay, when is a natural time for it in in the in the year and the seasons when's the natural time when you are inspired to do things inspired to clean to go outside to exercise more to just come alive to grow. Okay, it's spring right. And what's the natural tendency of when it's cold outside and dark outside and snowy outside it is too rest to stay inside to heal to get warm to do less movement and so I'm just finding.
All of this incredibly interesting with the natural I think as I am growing spiritually and also as I am growing just emotionally with life coaching tools and getting real curious about things. I just found that interesting but I found that interesting because I was having so much trouble getting up in the morning. And there are seasons when I am incredibly disciplined and it's but I am when I wake up to get my kids up for school and it is still dark it is doing something to me and I can't I can't get my thoughts around it I can't you know think my way you know think a new thought to get me out of this and just thinking naturally, let's go back to also objectivelyback in the good old days the farmers they woke up with the sun and went to bed when the sun went down back in the olden days when they didn't have electricity. They did the same thing. They woke up when the light came out or when the rooster crowed and at night they didn't have electricity so they went to bed and so it's just all these circadian this natural rhythms are just finding it really interesting to me that how non naturalural it is to get up. So much before the sun rises and I was just having a really hard time it was is this the time change but I don't remember having this heart of a time with it for so long in the past. So it really really got me and just curious about that and so I was wondering tell I would love to know common or. But I put this on Instagram put that you know tell me how the new Year's the time change the darkness whatever is doing for you but it also freed me up because I also was having a little bit of guilt, like, wait I don't have all these huge and ambitious goals around January 1st,is something wrong with me? Am I not being a good leader that I'm not gung-ho about this right now? And so it's really interesting to explore that with curiosity and compassion too, and some of the 2 biggest words and that I teach and we explore and coach in great detail and inside of Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship. It just was super interesting to me that I actually know nothing is wrong with me because I actually live my life in twelve week increments I teach people the twelve week breakthrough which is a way to set goals within ninety days which I think is excellent and you also don't have to wait till January first or you don't have to wait till spring or you don't have to wait till the beginning of a month to start those. It is a one of a kind framework that really,really gets nitty gritty. First of all getting really clear about what you want in the next twelve weeks but also why we go 7 levels deep with your why. We do. We anticipate the obstacles that will come up ahead of time and already have solutions planned for when those come up, we go we go on around our thoughts and what ah rewards you'll give yourself when you achieve the go. Anyways, it's very in-depth that it's way more than just writing a goal on a piece of paper and wishing that it'll happen and it's it's transformative. so I do that throughout my year and so I'm focusing on certain things I have goals for how many people I want to reach in my mentorship and my coaching program. How many podcasts I want to put out a wee and that I want to read the old testament. So I'm really marathoning that but those are some of my current goals but it was just interesting to me and I want to. To say this because winter is it's time that it naturally again naturally or we can say in the natural realm I want I want to operate from the spiritual realm but in the natural realm. It's dark. There's less sunlight. You're getting less vitamin D which is highly associated with depression. t's just easier to feel those feelings or to feel as if you may be depressed or lonely or apathetic and I just want to break that off of you in Jesus name I want to. Want to teach you how to have the authority to break that off to be aware that that's happening and to fight back against that last night I was listening to a podcast by John Eldridge and they have a wild at heart ministry and podcast. It's really great. My husband is a part of man alive. There's local ones all over the country that have broken out from what they were taught at wild at heart from John Eldridge I think the book is called yeah wild at heart it was a book that John Eldridge wrote Twenty five years ago bestseller it's a great book and then there's a woman version called “Captivating” I highly encourage you guys to check those out to really recapture the heart of a man. And the heart of a woman. Maybe even in today's pop culture society going back to how God created man and woman the man is made for adventure and to rescue a woman and to fight for what is right? and there's certain things about a woman that God innately made within them. It's really interesting, but what he was talking about last night was doing a 2 part series and it was just on I what I took away from it is that there's so many words when it talk when it talks about spiritual warfare in the bible. They're active words they're not passive things we are to fight for this. We are to call things forth. We are to put on the armor of God. They are active words. They're not passive words, so I was just really encouraged I'll say when I was listening to that, to share that with you guys in this winterish gloomy season to really encourage you and push into you to fight back against loneliness, depression or apathy . To go back to be reminded of what your purpose is and what your mission is and why you are here and why you have this business in the first place and why it is important for you to take the steps to create more peace, in order to make more money. Why that is important because you're going to get in this season 1 of my episodes. Previously where I was, it's just easier not to do it okay it is and especially in the winter. It's easier not to do it. But I just want to do let you know let you off not off the hook and I mean I don't have the permission I don't have the power to do that. But just if you are also feeling a little bit of guilt and shame. They don't have these massive goals. You're not going to go run a marathon January 1st.
That was another thing I was remembering as I was I was trying to think of some notes for this podcast episode is years ago I did do a half marathon I know I know you're impressed right? Jessica who literally hates running. so that's good for you. Let me tell you this that is good for you in seasons of your life to do something you absolutely hate. Okay, or I am all I am very much about living in alignment with your you know your values which what with what gotts told you to do being curious with your thoughts and feelings and actions. But sometimes you got to push yourself. You gotta do hard things. But anyways when I did a half marathon years ago I so remember they started training in January and that was horrible getting up when it's dark outside and it's cold, if you know. Have lofty goals of running a marathon or making $1,000,000 in the next six weeks you know it's okay, but be pick something that you can be consistent in this winter. But so when I look at for example for me when I look at exercise goals. There are seasons when I've done 75 hard. There are seasons when I'm done very consistent weight hard heavy lifting weight straight weight lifting training and there's a season right now and where it's winter or there was a season a couple months ago and I was very much traveling a lot we were in the heat of the home building process. It was a very stressful season for me. Which also is taxing on your body. We're going to do some health episodes coming up soon. But it's really tax if you're an incredibly stressful state. It may be detrimental for you to be doing excruciatingly hard and taxing hit workout exercise regimens or heavy lifting there is. Season. So anyways, listen to your body in the season but be consistent. So if you're not your goal is not to do couched 5 k and go run three miles a day do twenty five pushups and twenty five squats every day do something to be consistent. If you're in a season in your business where you're not “ I'm going to reach my next goal in the next ninety days and I'm going to push, push fresh pressure.” If you're not in that season there are seasons for that if that's not if that's not you today. Still ask yourself what can I do today? What can I do daily in my business. To maintain consistency. Okay, so anyways, this as I I hope you guys know? Do you know the song Seasons by Hill Song, it came also came to mind and I was thinking about doing this episode with you guys. So I just wanted to share that with you that that this winter is . Really funking me out but I'm taking active steps to be consistent but also especially since last night be encouraged to actively pray against that actively and meditate on specific scriptures that go against the spirit of depression or loneliness or apathy or how you can cast those things off, you can say I break that. And the name of Jesus I'm not coming in agreement with that. Get off of me sometimes I physically will wipe things off of me sometimes I'll go around with oil and and pray over my house and anoint it and just it's just another act of obedience to show that I am dedicating this to the Lord. I am calling on the lord to be present here to fight for us here to he is welcome here, anyways, so this all this might be a great time to go back in I did a five part series years ago on spiritual warfare which was a great great series for beginners and experts alike on how for you to take authority of your home, your life, your business and some really tangible and practical tips in that but I'm going to sign off for now. Seriously let me know. I think I'm just longing to not feel alone in this. But I really do know that I am not alone in this. That this winter is different. And how I have been setting goals some of it may do with the climate of the world. We're in an election year 2024 who knows what's going to happen. Let me give you a little bit of advice for the 2024 year is to hold onto it loosely. I have some really, really, really, really, really exciting travel plans this year with my family. We're going to some really exciting places. I will tell you guys all about it. They're big memorable once in a lifetime trips. But I'm also mindful that it is 2024 the who knows?I just hold life a little bit looser and my plans are not set in stone because you know. We never thought 2020 would happen but the world could shut down. It could not I have no idea. It's kind of fun for it to be “Oh I have no idea it's going to happen, but I am not holding on”, plans very much could change, but I am. To be consistent I'm going to be gentle on myself in the winter. I'm so excited for spring and the natural and motivation and inspiration that comes with that. But in the winter don't just do nothing. This is a great time to reflect to journal to be consistent and even to plan. But what you do want to do in the spring. So God Bless you, God Bless your family ,God Bless you as you fight for you and your family and your businesses, and God Bless you and your consistency. We'll see you inside of Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship.