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Hello welcome back to the prosperity with purpose podcasts I'm Jessica Heffley and we're starting a money series. Excited and 1 of my favorite topics 1 of the hottest topics. 1 of the most popular topics talk about is money and being a christian and making more of it and talking about all the things that people shy away from but why did they shy away from them. What made it weird who taught them. Ah, talking about money was taboo or wrong or anything all these okay anyways, we're going to start out of the series I want to lay a foundation for you to start thinking about money as neutral money is not good. Money is not. Bad I want you to start noticing that money is neutral. You can think about it. However, you choose it's literally neutral. You think of a I don't have 1 in front of me like a brick like if like a big big like a rock and pretend to have a rock. No, but. Aids here for you guys watching video on Youtube but um, think you have it pretend I have a rock in my hand. A rock is neutral. It's not morally good. It's not morally bad. You can take the rock or this brick that I have in my imaginary brick I have in my hand and you can throw it through someone's window and rob their house and break into their house. You can do that with a brick, or you can take that brick and that can build the foundation of a church or a home or a homeless shelter. You can build something good with that brick. The brick itself is neutral. What you choose to do with it makes it what you can. You can rob somebody or bash somebody's window or you can build the foundation of something to understand, but the rock itself is neutral. So I want us to start thinking about money as neutral, neither good neither bad.
What if we started to take the judgment away around money?
Oh that person bought that car that means nothing oh that person drives that car. Still. Means nothing oh that person lives in a double-wide interesting. Oh that person lives in a mansion interesting. What if it's neutral what if we do not attach a meaning to money you get to choose whatever you want to make it mean. Okay, you you can make a certain amount of money mean whatever you want, for example, $200 could be an incredibly life changing amount for somebody for somebody else $200 who's in like major huge trouble or debt. To them $200000 may not be enough. The amount of money doesn't mean anything. You are the one who gets to choose what you make a certain amount mean, what you make money mean! What are you making a certain number mean? You get to ask yourself - this is important. We're going to lay on this and in the weeks to come but I want you to start noticing how much judgment you currently have around money. Around people who have money. Around people who don't have money. What you are making yourself mean, or your success or your worth because of the amount of money you currently have or the amount of money you currently make? I just want you to notice - I just want you to be a noticer of your thoughts - this is foundational in everything - mindset work. Everything for what I teach in leadership and success. Is you have to start noticing what you are even making things mean. Okay, so I wanted to start out with this because well I always love my own life circumstances. What I'm dealing with what I'm going with what I'm like struggling with wrestling with and I like to bring those to you guys because that shows that well first of all I am normal I am a certified christian life coach but I also still struggle with some mindset stuff. So here's here's what happened recently so recently I was at a retrest - I work for a network marketing company Plexus, and I'm in the top of that company. They had the top 30 come and they did a special retreat to a mastermind retreat. They had Phil Jones come and he spoke to us. It was phenomenal and they did a special gift for us. I might tell you about we got training we got time with our CEO, our President our CFO all of the C-s suites- the chief training officers. The the people who comes out with our products and the marketing . We are partnering with them to bring about the future to work together to row in the same direction. It' a beautiful partnership. Anyways, it's this really special trip. We we went to the The Waldolf Astoria in California and Orange County to this really bougie fancy, nice restaurant. It was gorgeous. But y'all actually flooded in California it was like this noaic flood. They talked about where we were so excited to go to California in February to get sunshine from the drab duriiness we've currently been having in Arkansas and most of the country and we get there and it literally rains the entire time we are there. Pouring! We're on a hill right by the ocean at this resort but California is flooding! All the streets are! One of the worst floods! Anyways, we stayed inside but it still was amazing and wonderful.
Last year at this trip there is supposed to be like a special top 30 trip and so they're new at this. We're new at this. We get to offer suggestions. You know they get to run with it. The gift wasn't exactly like top notch. So this year that we were just like please have it be like something really special and anyway so we walk in the room and there are Louis Vuitton boxes where all of our seats are and there are these beautiful yellow boxes, yellow-orange whatever you call it boxes. You know the label. They've got the fancy Louis Vuitton ribbon around it, everyone is squealing, freaking out, getting pictures taken with it. It already upped the essence of the room and nobody even knew I was inside the box. Nobody had even opened the box yet. I feel so unique in this but we're going get to and just like and nobody had even looked inside but it just the fact that it was a Louis Vuitton box may you know.
Just was a completely different vibe different feeling different experience in last year, so anyways ended up being these beautiful scarves and super fancy stuff. All that stuff so great ,and I am going home and I'm still thinking about it. But I'm still thinking about it because I don't care about Louis Vuitton, but for some people it’s their dream. It was so luxurious. They felt so incredibly special. They've always wanted that and I just literally don't care. The meaning I have attached to Louis Vuitton is different from the meaning they have attached to Louis Vuitton, but I was I was still thinking about it. So if you're ever like still thinking about something and it's this is a surefire sign like if something is making you feel uncomfortable and to me that is always an invitation to explore deeper. There's always an invitation to get the journaling out to get the creation cycles out to use the tools I teach with my students to figure out what I have made something mean, right? And so I got to be real honest. First of all, you can' find healing in breakthrough. It's rare to find healing in breakthrough until you're completely honest with where you are, so I had to get honest on how I judged people who love Louis Vuitton just being honest, the truth isn’t always pretty.
Sometimes like I literally don't care like I did not grow up aspiring to get Louis Vuittons, and it doesn't mean anything to me. It doesn't mean that you're more special or you aren’t. I just don't care, and it's not something that excites me. It's not something that I guess the meaning I have attached to Louis Vuitton is almost unnecessary. But so I was like wait, am I ok with that I know most of the people loved it? I'm so glad they listened. It was a nice treat. A nice treasure. I'm not dissing the gift anyway, I just got really curious about why Louis Vuitton doesn't matter to me. I got to really thinking about it. iFor example I do own one Louis Vuitton never full I did not pay for that house I'm not kidding anything fancy that I own plexus has paid for or is from a shopping spree that I earned or a a contest that I had that they did and I it was It's like super fun I I don't know I just It's just not a core value of mine and that is okay. I have worked with lots of people on my team that they've thought the meaning they have attached to is if “oh if I get to the top of the company then I have to wear Louis Vuitton or I have to dress this certain way or have to act that certain way.”, and it's almost like they feel like they're betraying who they genuinely are. You get to choose. You don't ever have to own a Louis Vuitton. You can own 10 Louis Vuittons. You get to decide what you make that mean. But for me when I was still really wrestling with this. I had to come to grips and I was judging people who loved it . What was I making that mean like they were thinking that was some sort of status or some sort of important made them more important than somebody else or did to do but really no, it doesn't I don't know I like on I just don't like it and that's ok, it's ok for it not to be my thing. It's okay for it to be some other people's thing. Okay, the measure you use will be measured against you so when I was so worried about what other people would think when I'd be wearing this louis baton scarf or the one never full that I ownd because I got it from a Plexus shopping spree that I don't even carry, because I still was worried what people would think about me or think that they would think that's important to me or that's where I would spend all my money or to to when I literally only use it when I travel on Plexus trips because it's literally a never full bag. Have you ever seen how much you could fit to a never full bag? It is a lot. Okay, but all of this went back to what measure you use will be measured against you, and so when I was over there judging , what I was making it mean? What about people who enjoyed that brand or wanted that brand or sought that brand out that in turn the measure you use would be measured against you. I was so worried then about what other people would think about me when I carried that purse or wore that scarf or whatever.
I want you to think about a situation in your life. This may be super dumb and you may not relate to this at all I do believe there's going to be a lot of you that will relate to this but you may not but there is something I want you to get to notice. This is what we're doing this week noticing something in your life that you have judged around money. Maybe someone who has less than you or more than you or what have you made it mean because all of this comes down money has nothing to do with your worth? We don't work from a place to gain our work our worth. We don't work so we'll be worth something or the money! No, we are already worth it. Jesus died for us to make us worthy!
Nothing we do or don't do can make us any anymore any less worthy.
But when you operate out of a place of already knowing your worth You're not working for it. That's a completely beautiful different place of abundance, because you are working from a place of purpose.You are working from a place of, “I know who I am!” “I know who I've been called to serve!” “I know why I am showing up here on social media!” “I am so obsessed with helping the person who needs what I have to offer.” Because I know that that I am worth it I know it that they are worth it. That's also a beautiful thing that you get to do in leadership is you get to rise other people up who do not believe in themselves yet who do not think they are worth. You get to call call life forth in someone else. Anyways I just thought that was super interesting and I've gained a lot since I've wrestled with this or that. I no longer care. I don't care if you carry a Louis Vuitton or not. I'm not making it mean anything about you anymore. I'm not making it mean anything about me anymore. It's a preference good for you or not for you? It doesn't matter. But as long as I was holding onto like making that mean something bad about me or bad about something else. It was this like ick cycle of judgment , and I get to choose. I get to choose what I make something mean. You get to choose what you make money mean. So this week as we build upon as we go on to next week well first of all I want to hear what your stories like what have you some things that you've made mean something that wasn't and you're learning like if you are truly to look at money as being neutral again we're going to build upon this. This is a foundation in this money series. Just start thinking about it as neutral, “Huh,this bill was this much, interesting”, “My house payment is this much, interesting”, “My car payment is this much, interesting”, “My paycheck was this much this month…interesting”. What if you didn't make any of that mean anything about. you? And to kind of piggyback on that a part of all of this we'll get into this in another week but and no matter what how you live your life how you spend your money and what you do for a living. Whatever, I want to I want to introduce this to you be willing to be misunderstood be willing to be misunderstood.I think there's some incredibly important pillars for leadership for leading.
I was doing a training call on Friday, and I was kind of rising them up to a higher level and some of the pillars that I was talking about is leaders steer aspiring leaders and take extreme ownership, and leaders are problem solvers and in all of those areas. You have to be willing to be misunderstood. So as you're learning and gleaning and growing and money and as you're becoming more neutral about what you choose to make it mean other people are still going to choose to make it mean things. So the choices that you make they may judge you. You have to be willing to be misunderstood. Me teach you a little trick, like what it feesl like to be misunderstood. It usually feels like “Oh I don't want people to think that about me, or that's not who I really am” it may make you feel sad or make make you feel grief. It may make you feel angry defensive like whatever that is for you. You get to start noticing. And then you get to take a deep breath. It's okay, if somebody misunderstands you it's part of you moving forward. You don't have time to explain yourself to everybody and you don't have to because the truth sets you free. The truth comes to light in the end. But be okay with being misunderstood and this week start thinking about everything around money as neutral, get curious with yourself - “Huh, why did I react that way? Huh why did I think that way? Why did I judge that person. What am I making this amount mean about me. And come back next week we're going to build upon it and it's going to get better and brighter and juicier and juicier. But for this week look at money as neutral. Have fun. Let me know how it goes!