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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose podcast I'm Jessica Hefley, and we are having a blast in the Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship where we are breaking down these things even further and you get a coach to personally help you work through, ask the questions, help you have this breakthrough even deeper to the next level. We're gonna give you lots to think about today - lots to chew on lots to help you have that freedom but in that mentorship is while you're at to get signed up. We're starting with an exercise today. Okay so get your pens out. Even if you're driving I need you, you just have to write one number, right now. What I want you to write? We're going to unpack last week's episode. But first of all I want you to write down what is your dream annual income in your business - your dream income? You know you're not going have to tell me this you don't have to tell anybody this you may be scared or embarrassed or whatever. But what is your biggest possible thing that you can dream of as being your yearly income in your business write it down. Don't not write it down - literally write it down! Pull over on the side of the road, if you're driving, and if you're in the middle of making dinner get out that scratch piece of paper and pencil write it on a napkin. I don't care but physically write it down and as you are doing that I'm go unpack last week's episode. Okay, so last week if you're just jumping in we're on a 3 to 4 part series. Not sure how long we're gonna do it.
On Money Mindset and last week we really explored this concept of neutrality around money. We often have such heightened emotions about what we believe about it about what we believe about ourselves about what we believe about other people based on how the amount of income that they have or don't have or what they want or don't want or what they like or don't like there's just a lot of judgment and which we're going to go a little bit of story work that really goes back to our background.
Because most people don't even know that they have a money mindset issue. For example, I just put on my Instagram that I was going to be recording some podcast episodes letting people give me their opinion on their inside on what area they'd like me to talk about to help them have breakthrough and I realized like me saying money mindset, money mindset is pinched my nose I don't know where I did that. Okay, so me saying that most people don't even realize they have a money issue. They feel so valid in their feelings or in their stance or they've never engaged with their past story of why they believe the way they do or why they act the way they do so they're just coasting through life and staying about the same but we and about staying about the same on this episode we are about breaking through going to the next level next level of healing wholeness and wealth. So we're going to get really curious. Make sure you've written down that number, haven't forgot about it. We're going to come back to in a minute your dream income. Okay, but so for me, what started so much of my study on abundance, working through my money mindset, finding growth around all of these things. So I can't say this enough and I guess I could just keep saying it, but I want to help you have an experience with it in that thoughts are everything the way that you think will generate more money, or more scarcity in your life. I can tell you strategy all day long. I can tell you the exact things to do to grow your business, but every single person's dynamic is different. Their personality, their influence, their reach, their number of followers on social media, how they experience and fear, growth, embarrassment, perfectionism all of those things.
That is why it's so important to go to the foundation, because the way you think will generate more money or more scarcity in your life, and you can 100% change your relationship with money which means that you can change the amount of money in your life.
Next week are really going to talk about ownership. To unpack some more of last week to really the gist of last week when I was talking about Louis Vuitton and how it's not my thing, and I was thinking this makes me little bit uncomfortable. The truth I don't know if I ever got the hit the nail on the head but the truth of the matter is my uncomfortableness was coming from my own judgments, and so I had to actually repent of that I was judging people who wanted to have a Louis Vuitton and because I was thinking that my way is better I was higher or nobler or better because I didn't things things like that. It didn't matter to me. I didn't see the importance of such petty things. It literally was from a place of judgment for a place of comparison and so we've really, and anything in life, is in leadership. We really have to come to a place of humility of that's how that's the truth of my story I don't like it. I didn't even like to tell you guys. I think that's why I never flat out said it last week but there is something about the repentance acts to us the humility aspect of there's something about. Spirit of comparison that we can cast off because when we are comparing ourselves to other people that means we are either thinking that we're better than them or we're thinking we're worse than them and so either comparison is always leaving somebody in this hierarchy of better or worse which gets away from the neutrality that we're theme of we're trying to get back to around money. Taking the emotions out it and be able to look through it look at it objectively and um with curiosity. So anyways, some things that really helped me start to discover is when I because gonna most people do not do not know their money story but what will help you uncover it is why. You get to notice why you really want things you want in life when it comes to money there's certain things in your life that you're going to say “I want that!”, “I want that"!”, like “I desperately want that!”, “That is something that is important to me, I want that!” or you'll start to notice things in your life of that I want nothing to do with that I want nothing to do with that person. I want nothing to do with this object, I want nothing to do with this. Those are some some ways that you can start to notice. There's something in your story. That's always an invitation I call those invitations to bring before the Lord invitations for the Holy Spirit when you are noticing such strong feelings or noticing you can't stop thinking about a certain thing - what is this to unpack - so many years ago. What started all this is I was I was in a life coaching session with my first life coach that I had hired because my life was kind of feeling stagnant and stuck, and I thought it I thought my company spoiled. I thought it was my husband's fault. I thought it was my friends' fault. I thought it was everybody else I was ready to change and so much this it just broke for you a lot of things. Anyways, one of the stories I was talking about with my life coach is I said something like I don't want my kids to be spoiled and he was said,
“What do you mean?” tell me more about that and help me understand what you mean when you said that and I was like “Yeah, we'll probably be able to afford to buy our children a car or pay for their college which both were things that you know my parents could not afford and or they chose not to spend. There's a whole. I don't like to say can't afford because there's a whole other thing around that and but anyways so he helped me discover. He was like “Well why would your children be spoiled if you had the means and you bought them a vehicle?”, and I was like “You know I just don't want them to be spoiled, and it helped me see the meaning I had attached to people who could when I was a child. People who could buy themselves, who bought their children cars. I viewed them as spoiled. I made the judgment. The agreement as a young child that if anybody or any parent bought their child a car that meant that they were spoiled little brats. That was so interesting, because here I was in a different dynamic as an adult desperately wanting my children to not be spoiled little brats and the only thing that I could equate to spoil little brats is if their parents bought them a car. That meant they were sport little brats, and so I got to choose If that's still the story I wanted to believe. I get to decide if that's how I want to move for it or if they I had choices or if spoiled little brats could mean something else besides someone and he said “Well, what makes someone not spoiled?”, and we got to the root of it and is just being really, really grateful. Not a sense of entitlement, but a sense of gratitude and so we got back to you know then we when we when we know we want to do better with our kids or somebody else or even with our business. This is so fascinating when I coach a lot of people but they're like okay well tell me exactly what to do to make my children grateful children like tell me the exact. Step. So The thing the actionable things that I have to do in order to fix this when it was like you just model it you first get to experience more gratitude in your life and you get to model that to your children and then they're not spoil little breads. It was just there interesting because it's in every especially when you have small children every area that you have breakthrough in it thens it's like literally breaking generational curses. It's allowing. It's giving you the the agency and authority of your children to not to have to go through that experience like this is biblical like second and third generation. You can break off generational curses even like in your health like or people say alcoholism just runs in my family It's just and I'm like no what ran in your family was possibly depression or unable to process thoughts or something else on a much deeper level and when you. Find freedom in that that breaks them free from that curse and it's really fascinating topic to study. But anyways so what are some of the reasons I want you to unpack some of your story. What are some of the things that. You're noticing that's coming up that's weird for you around money. So another example I've done a lot of money mindset work but just last week on the episode I realized that the Louis Vitton thing was really bothering me and so that I viewed as an invitation for something bring to before the lord an invitation for something to explore within me. Wasn't somebody else's problem or somebody else making me feel this way. It was me and I got to then explore my story. My judgments my decisions my agreements that I had made with that brand or those people who liked that brand or whatever and so you get to do the same you get to do that. Another couple ones of mine were I got to the root of of about 3 of them. So I'd really highly encourage you to kind of get to the root of 3 of them. Here's the lies that I didn't even know as believing, wealthy people are spoiled and entitled number 2 hard work. With your hands builds character and number 3 “wealthy people are taking money away from poor people”, these are fascinating and then these is just my story and because I was finding I grew up lower middle class and so when I started to work in network marketing and make a 7 figure yearly income I felt I was betraying something like to my core, to my roots. It felt wrong. I had to really, really, really unpack that and that may be what's keeping you from getting to the next level on your income because you feel like you are literally betraying your roots. Betraying where you grew up betraying. You came from betraying your blood and this is an opportunity for you to go to the next level because you know what as simply as I can put it the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor. So the best way that you can help people who need. Help or help um the situation that you came from or the situation that you can currently in is make more money which is a huge part of this podcast to help you create more peace in order to make more money and what is holding you back from making more money is a story that you have told yourself about what you've made money mean or about people who have money mean. It is something in the meaning, something in the thoughts and because you can 100% change your relationship with money which in turn will change your amount of money if you don't like the results you have with money you've got to stop beating yourself up, and get curious about what are your thoughts are that created what you currently have. The current amount of money that you have is a result of years and years of thinking feeling and acting around your money story. So we're going to go back at the beginning of this podcast. Oh wait, let me explain this a little bit more my 3, so “wealthy people are spoiled and entitled” and so we kind of talked about that this spoil and entitledness for that camera when I was talking about buying a car for my children. Number 2 “Hard work with your hands builds character”. And so my dad he was such a phenomenal man. He worked in a glass factory his entire life. He worked swingshift. They wore steel-toed boots, safety goggles. He worked hard. He could fix anything. He could build anything. I grew up associating that a good man, a good person worked hard with their hands. They sweated when they had to bring in the example before me and my parents weren't doing this on purpose. This was just the example before me how my father provided for our family was sweat and tears. He was coming home and taking a shower because you worked hard. You were sweaty. You were dirty and so when I and my profession was literally laying by my pool working from my Iphone and making 7 figures like it was like but again that feeling almost of betrayal like, “Wait! No, like you have to work hard and have the sweat of your brow” in like that I was thinking that was the only option to be a person of character like because I also that was my story I've worked since I was 13. I paid for almost all of my college. I've always had a job I worked. And I almost again that spirit of comparison ,I almost had I had this like hierarchy about me because I had to work through college my spoiler my spoiled friends who their parents paid for everything didn't have to work. You know so I viewed myself as better than others because I worked hard. And so it was like this identity crisis when money was coming in easy or money was coming in without the so like so literal sweat of my brow. There was other areas that I had to work through and grow in and um, but the beauty of it is my dad cannot do something successful on a phone and I cannot do something successful. Building or working with my hands like those are in our zone of geniuses. There's nothing right or wrong about the way I make money or the way my dad make money those were that was what we knew and what so I'm saying I'm taking the judgment away from it and so I got to explore, got to redefine what it meant to make money from my iphone while sitting on my couch and that's freaking amazing. It doesn't mean I was doing something wrong or doesn't mean I don't have high character. Um I learned a different way to do it. There's no judgment around it and the number 3 is wealthy people take money away from poor people. This was so Fascinating. I don't think this at all now. But I I believed this to my core I believe that me making more money was taking more somehow this weird distorted view of, I did really well in my business, that meant other people in my business couldn't do well or I was taking money or I should feel bad that they weren't making a lot of money and I was making a lot of money like what? No like there's different levels of me putting myself out there. Me learning, me growing, me investing in coaching, me reading personal development books there's lots of factors. It's not like a black and white thing and I am not doing anything wrong that was but again, that's such a trigger for me like am I doing something wrong that may not be your particular trigger. You get to explore. And get curious about what your triggers are but you have to understand so many of you don't don't even know that you have come in agreement with your old story. You feel like it is such a betrayal to make more money than than your husband or make more money than your dad or make more money than this person or it feels so you get what I am wanting to say, begging you, but I I don't have that control over you. It's all an individual choice but I'm inviting you to explore where you can find freedom in this, because making more money changes the world for better. I believe with all this is why I do what I do because more money needs to be in the hand of good people and you got you're the good people listening to this podcast because you do good things with your money. We're going to talk about that way more in another episode anyways. Okay. Your dream income. So at the beginning of the episode I had you write down. What is your like stretch I'm not don't don't make this comfortable y'all like what is the biggest dream that you have in your current job or not even have be like just you're a yearly income like oh that would be such a dream that would be. If I could do it but that's like my dream. Okay, so you've written that number down correct right? Great now, get your pen back out I'm just going to have you do 1 more thing. I want you to look at that number and I want you to scratch it out and double it and write the double number next to it. Yes I want you to take that number that was so scary and so big and may have appeared to be so out of reach ,and I want you to scratch it out and I want you to double it!
Woo what's coming up for you right now? ‘Your first goal was already a stretch and now double it. Yes, double it! You will not make more money than what you believe is possible for you. It's time to start allowing the expansiveness of possibility. It's like blaring at me I can barely see my notes but that's okay because we're just going by the seat of our pants I think the holy spirit works that way. Okay, so you're being open. The possibility of more income is a great first step so many of us are close minded. This is the amount of money that we have made for the last five years and it's going down a little bit each year or. I get a 1 % raise each year and that's what I'm going do until I take those blinders off look at that number for a moment that double number you get to then, what are you? How does that make you feel inside? We're going to have the gamut like I I wish I could like have a what one conversation with you right now like for some of you. You're like “Heck yeah, let's go game on this is fun!” This is exciting some of you are thinking, “Oh my word Jessica is crazy. That number is impossible!” Okay, so let's take away the judgment on whatever your reaction is to doubling that number and just look at it and just with a mustard seed of possibility look at that number. What is the saying? “Your body won't go where your mind has never been.” It's a great saying. I have my concealed carry license so I can carry a firearm. In the class it's a really great guy in order to do that in the state of Arkansas anyways, you have to go through this class where it's very much about situational awareness learning about the gun getting very familiar with it. You have to practice you have to unload it load it. You have to they they test you you have a written test and you have to go out to the range and actually use your firearm. That's a great program I think it's very smart very wise but 1 of the things they teach you in situational awareness is you have to think about a situation before it happens. They have you go through scenarios that involve a gun so you are thinking about them before they would ever actually happen to you in your real in your real life. So smart. And I apply this so much to when I teach people about money mindset because your body won't go where your mind has never been so this double number is opening you up to a place that your body has never been before but you are going to start thinking about it. You are going to start believing it. You are going to go start being. Open to the possibility of it. Okay, you also get to be honest so much about growth of what I teach is about being honest. So if you're not like gung ho ya. Let's go if you're having a little bit of a freak out moment or some fear or some doubt or even some embarrassment or some like feelings of that number? Yeah well that sounds great, but how the heck am I ever going to do that, or I'm going to have to hire some people to get to that number and that feels horrible right now like whatever it is I am never encouraging you to to doubt your reality but I'm encouraging you to be honest with it journal about it. Write it down and put all those fears out on the paper. But I'm also asking you to cling to an ounce of hope, to cling to the openness of possibility because there literally is no ceiling on the amount of money you can make. You may be in a 9 to 5 job right now and you maybe think no because there is always possibilities on the side additional things I believe in supernatural and. Relationships connections downloads ideas things that come when you are partnering with hope and faith and possibility instead of when you're hoping with doubt fear scarcity death because death dead things don't grow right. Dead things shrivel dead things get smaller dead things. Don't get bigger and so I want to partner with life in life more abundantly and there and life that is growing, life that is an expansive life. One of my favorite Bible verses and from Romans for it talks about Abraham and it says “Against all hope Abraham in hope believed and the promise was given to him.” so to this, I vcling. Do you guys have scriptures that you cling to? It is the living word of God to you and that is one of mine against all hope Abraham in hope believed that is so I could unpack I could do a whole episode on that like unpacking when everybody else says no when the world says another way when and it doesn't in the natural makes sense. Abraham against all hope Abraham and hope believed. Maybe you don't have a cheering inner circle. Maybe you currently don't have a lot of people that believe in you your business your ideas your possibilities and your potential in this world but against all hope. Sarah, Amanda, Melissa whatever your name is against all hope Jessica believed in against all hope Jessica in hope believed that is powerful so your assignment this week is to look. At that doubly number look at it look at it look at it think about it. Be prayerful to it. You could do so be be have fun with it, let's just be.
It may seem impossible or it may seem hard or it may seem whatever right now, but let's let's go ahead and plan it out your body won't go or your mind has already been so here's a fun thing. I don't know what number you wrote down, go ahead and make a plan of what you will do with that money once you make that much make a plan. How much are you going to give. Out of that what percentage are you going to give where you're going to pay down debt where are you're going to invest in more streams of income where are you going to buy um a lake house, where are you going to do something fun for your children, where are you going to ,how much are you going to spend on help making that dream happen? And all it like make a plan your body won't go or your mind has been why not let yourself dream. Let yourself go there. Let yourself be open to the possibility cling to hope. Last week we really built on this concept of neutrality around money lowering the emotions around money this week we got really curious about maybe what of our stories or our agreements are hangups what we have about money about amounts of money. All of those things. Whatever your story is but. Then also clinging to the hope and a possibility of an income that is so much larger than it is right now. So have fun, clinging to hope come back next week and we're really going talk about ownership around money because I want to empower you that the ability to change your amount of money the ability to change your life and empower you with the ownership that you actually have around that so many feel so many people feel like that's out of their control. There is specific ownership things and thoughts that you can have around that that will change your results with money I'm so proud for y'all for being here. This is big! This is a big deal to help you create more peace in order to make more money. We'll see you next week!