87| Money Mindset Series #3: Allowing OWNERSHIP to EMPOWER you to create different results.

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Hello welcome back to the prosperity with purpose podcast with Jessica Hefley we are on our Money Mindship Money set series talking about extreme ownership. The ship was in there somewhere ok money ownership is what we are talking about if you just jumped in on the series. Make sure you go back and listen to episode 1 and 2 in this series where we really talk about neutrality of money and then we really talk about our thoughts and engaging with their story of why we are in the place we are right now with our money. Now I want to teach you about extreme ownership when it comes to money. Okay I I kind of stand on a pillar foundation. I think some there's important. 3 kind of leaders. Leaders steer a ship, leaders are problem solvers ,and leaders take extreme ownership. Let me say those again leaders steer the ship. They can change the the direction they can change the trajectory for their team for their business for their own lives. They can steer the ship. Okay, you can steer the ship you can steer the ship in a different direction for your own life ,for your own team for your business. Leaders also are problem solvers. Yes, that's right. They have the ability to solve problems. They have the ability to not wait until somebody else takes care, fixes it or does this, or they take extreme ownership in the way but they are problem solvers and leaders take extreme ownership. Okay, so now we're going to equate that with money. Okay I've got three ways for you for money ownership.

Number 1, 2 and 3 -

Number 1- I am responsible and accountable for where I am right now with my money situation. We'll unpack that just second.

Number 2 - I am the creator of my relationship with money.

Number 3 - I create my financial future.

All of these are I statements I want you to know like because first of all apart from me, you can do nothing let me preface this every part of these are in partnership with God. so I'm not saying go be your own god you can create, you can do whatever you want. How I teach foundationally in everything, so all of these are in partnership with God, but I want to empower you that there are things that you can do to have a completely different creature.

So let's unpack number one. Well first of all, there are so no money problems just thought problems. Let me say it again.

What if there are no money problems. They are just thought problems!

So sorry, Biggie biggie biggie Mo Money does not equal Mo Problems. Okay, there are no money problems just thought problems. Meaning the way that you think about your situation.

So number 1: I am responsible and accountable for where I am now.

This will free you. This will take a huge weight off of your shoulders if you live this out taking responsibility taking ownership. Taking accountability for where you are right now, where are you in your financial situation right now. Are you in a lot of debt and hiding it? Do you have no idea what you're doing and want to make sure nobody else knows about that. Do you have a lot of shame around past decisions that you have had about money and are you blaming somebody else for your current situation? Did an accident happen and you lost a lot of money and you didn't really don't believe that it was that it is is your fault? Whatever it is, we have to come to a place that we it's always you have to start on a place of honesty. To stop like not admitting or not coming to terms with what reality is what your true money situation is right now we can. We can keep hustling, hustling and has and us and because we're trying to but figure out how to like we have to make the money or we're gonna have to get another job or we have to do this so the collectors are going to come out of us. Or you and maybe I should say lead. Let's come to grips with where you are. There's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This is not for you to spiral into shame or come in agreement that you are a mistake, or you are a problem. Or you can't figure this out or something is foundationally wrong with you? No, it's just a beautiful place of accepting what is incredibly important so take a moment right now. What is your true and honest financial situation? What is it? Do you have a ton of credit card debt?

You have no plan for saving or investing in the future and what is where are you right? Now you can't hide it. You can't outrun it. You can't keep pretending that this is not your reality. This is your reality. It was always supposed to be this way because it is right. Come to grips with what is if you want to accelerate your view of money your mindset of money your results with money your future with money. You have to come to grips in reality with what “is”. Take some time with that. Journal with that. Get that all out. You may not like where you are. You may love where you are, but you have to know where you are you have to know your red dot. You have to know on the map of life on this journey of where you're trying to get to you have to know where you are starting and there is such freedom such beauty such authority with just even. Acknowledging what is so number one I am responsible and accountable for where I am now. Okay, all of this all of this thing that I'm talking about today is meant to empower you to have a different future. So this is empowering. It actually IS empowering. To accept what is, because it is reality. It is something that you cannot. You cannot change the past you cannot change but happened 5 minutes ago but you have the ability to have a different future when you are honest with where you are now. Also word for every year of your life but on your health journey, your weight loss journey, your marriage your parenting your leader like whatever this is where you are today. We can work with that. We can't work with you pretending that. It's not reality. We can't work with you living in La La Land not taking ownership but we can work with today. Okay. We can move forward from that, so number 1 take responsibility and accountability for where you are now no shame. No condemnation. It is so incredibly powerful to you to accept what is. And have hope and belief that the future can be different. Number two: I am the creator of my relationship with money. I love that I keep using the word create. It's a word that I use so often because it helps you not take a passive role in your life. It helps you create things in your life. Create things that are different. Create a different future. It is such an empowering word to me. We need to say it more. You are the creator of your life again. That's not you playing God. In partnership with the Lord, you can create something you were made to create. This is why people who don't have jobs -this what happened with my husband. My Plexus was amazing. It still is amazing. It provided way more than any income than he was ever making outside of the home, and so he got to be home for a couple years and that was great. That was a beautiful season for us and he was home when our children were little but he was also made to create. Made to create with his hands - creativity is his gift and like other men, he was made to create. There's something really, really empowering in that. You were made to create. You were made made to create in your business. What you sell. What team culture you're creating. What you are offering to the world. How you are adding value like those are all ways that you create, and it is incredibly empowering.You are the creator of your relationship with money. In the past 2 episodes we've really gotten more clarity and more a-ha. More curiosity about your story around money because you are the creator of your relationship with money, and how you view money equals your results with money. You can change the results that you have with money when you change your relationship with money. How you think about it. How you've processed it. How you have made certain things lower down the emotions and came to a place of neutrality, and how you then want to powerfully decide how you're going to relate with money, what you are making money mean, (and a side note with that is everybody gets to choose what they believe). So if you're growing in this area and you are changing what you believe money means and you feel empowered and you have a purpose behind why you want to make more money and what you're going to do with it and how you're going to change the world and how you're going to affect culture people get to choose what they believe. Other people may disagree with you other people may still judge you but that doesn't make it true their thoughts their judgments their views of you doesn't make it true and also their views of themselves doesn't necessarily make it true. So if they're still believing they're better than you because they make more money than you or if they're still believing. They're not as good as you because they're not making as much money as you that doesn't make it true There's a beautiful part of like surrendering that people get to choose whatever they want to make things mean. But so do you you get to choose. What you make things mean and I'm going to choose an empowering thought wealthy people think differently people that go to the next level in life think differently you as a high level leader achiever think differently than others and so I'm constantly having to check in with my own thoughts to elevate my thoughts last week we did the money exercise where you had to double your income. How would someone who makes that income think how would they show up? You know if your dream income was million dollars then double to 2,000,000. You may not be that person yet. But what is 1 step in the way that someone who makes even $10000 more than you? How do they show up differently than you do now? What an empowering way to think about it not of like oh my gosh I'm so never going to be there I'm not like her you know like how I'm clinging to hope i'mlinging into my future. So how can I show up like that. Maybe I put makeup on 2 times this week instead of 1. Maybe I go on a walk. Maybe I do some exercise. Maybe actually do the creation cycle that I learned about in Jessica’s “How to get off the Hot Mess Express” course. Maybe actually incorporat it like that because someone who’s living from their identity and their purpose shows up differently. They think differently. They think empowering thoughts. This is an active step if you look at all these ways in the Bible of our faith is active. The putting on the Armor of God is active. They are forward movement. They are on the offense. This is not like a just certain arrows case or else or all whatever happens happens. No, in partnership the Lord we still can live on the off like it is forward. It is intentional and there is that battlefield on our minds and if we do not take offense if we do not play on the offense moving forward then everything that just comes towards us will destroy us. This is an empowering way to live. An empowering way to think so number 2 was I am the creator of my relationship with money. That means I get to create something different. Number 3 I create my financial future. I create in partnership with the Lord I create, we create our financial future. That means you play a part in it. That means it can be different than it was in the past. So years and years ago I used to always hear this this saying and you've probably heard this before that, you know that most millionaires if they were to lose everything within 2 to 3 years they would be a millionaire again, and I used to think, I do not understand that at all because that sounds so impossible to become a millionaire and if they were to lose it. Oh my gosh! So it would be so much work to do it all over again. No, it's not because abundance isn't like this place you arrive to it is abundance is a place that you can tap into it's something you tune into it's a way of living. It's a way of being It's a way of thinking, and it's different than the rest of the world. So it does come easier because they have done the mindset work. They have done the actionable steps. They have elevated their thoughts. They believe that they are a creator of their relationship with money they believe that they are the creator of their financial future. They're not sitting around being passive waiting to win the lottery and they do do it again and you can do it again. And I would do it again and it doesn't have to be hard who so there are no money problems just thought problems isn't that so interesting. So let's take this back to just a couple couple really tangible examples. Okay, so back to number 1 - I am responsible and accountable for where I am now in my money right? Correct. Okay so what are your current thoughts and what are they playing out for you? I am bad with money. I am bad with money when you think I am bad with money. What does that create for you in your life when you think I am bad with money? That means you probably hide or ignore looking at your money and pretend like you don't have a problem, so you charge everything on a credit card. I don't know. How does it show it for you when you say I am bad with money? What is empowering about that? What does that create for you? What are the actions that you take when you come in agreement and think the thought, “I am bad with money”? Okay, what if you flipped that to “I'm capable of learning more about money and my future with money is going to be different than my past”. How does that change in your body? How does that change your actions if your thought is capable of learning more about money? It feels a little bit lighter doesn't it ? It feels a little bit more empowering because you are capable to learn something new. You are capable to change your relationship with money. You are capable to change your financial future now, but I'm bad with money just lets you go eat sandwich and keep being bad with money! Okay. Another really tangible example”I'll never get out of debt”. I coach a lot of people that have a lot of shame around past decisions and they're not coming to ownership with it. Not the number one. They're not coming to the very first step of accepting what is and so because of that they just keep running from it. They just keep running. They don't like the feeling of shame, so they don't want to feel it so they just keep doing other things so they never have to feel that they never have to acknowledge it and it never changes. So what is a instead of I'll never get out of debt. What's a different empowering thought a different empowering view that you could have about it? How about “I believe I can get out of debt. I believe my future can look different than my past”. I am better with money today than I was yesterday. Give yourself breadcrumbs. You don't have to go from I will never get out of debt too. I will be debtfree and next Saturday. You know, like but give yourself this bridge point take take ownership of what your thoughts are take ownership of what they've been creating for you take ownership that if you don't have the results that you want with money with your relationship with money in your career with your income level take ownership but take. Tory of what those thoughts even are that are creating where you are in the first place another really disempowering thought is if only blank would do this then I could have more money if only my company would do this if only my company would provide this if only my team would do this if only my husband like. That is so disappowering. But you make perfect sense if that is your thought if you keep waiting until somebody else does the specific thing that you think is going to be the money shot that you think is going to be the key to unlock everything else. Let me break it to you I'll break a tea if anybody else got to break a tea I'll be honest with you, you're gonna be holding out forever, and that's not an active way for you to create. If we go back to the leadership, leadership is about steering the ship. Leaders are problem solvers and leaders take extreme ownership. Nobody else is responsible for your success or unsuccess. You’re an active participant. You are the creator of your relationship with money you are the creator of your financial future and you're the creator. Um, you're responsible and accountable for where you are now because it doesn't have to be where. You are in the future. A tangible thing that me that we're currently doing is this year I hired someone from a biblical from a biblical spiritual perspective who also is a Cfo Chief Financial officer. I could spiral in embarrassment and shame around this or I could live with my own advice and take responsibility and ownership for where we are now is that we haven't been the most organized with money. It's not I'm a nerd I don't want to spend. My husband is a free spirit and he loves this. But it's just it's been in an evolution is within our marriage money right? Because it brings up lots of things and both of us. But where I came to reality is I can go another year without being really organized in this area and having more purposeful plan in our financial area or I could do something about it. So I did something about it and I'm paying a pretty penny but I. Because I want to have a different future. So I'm going to stop taking a passive role and just being like oh the money comes in and the money comes out I want to take and I want to be an active participant. I want to acknowledge that I don't like where we are, right? I just I feel like it could be in a much better place. It could be a much purposeful place I feel like we could be better stewards with our money and since it's not a strong suit for me or my husband I hired that you get to hire areas or people are zones of in their zone of genius that's not yours and so I am. Excellent with mindset I'm excellent with the growth aspect of it. You know I wasn't the best with some of the details and so I hired somebody to look at it I hired somebody to import their wisdom their knowledge their viewpoint I hired somebody to ask me questions to um, help me help us have. A game plan to help us have the future that we want so not just stop thinking about it or dreaming about it but I did something about it I became an active participant I became a creator in my future and that's at all levels. Every single level. You are at you get to explore and figure out. Okay I don't have the results I want in this area. What can I do about it. How can I stop complaining about it or whining about it or wishing that it was different and how can I be an active participant in having a different result so extreme. Ownership with your money I hope that you find I know that you I know that you have I know that you have found this episode empowering on steps that you can take on that you being an active participant in your future relationship with money and your future results with money. So go back listen to episode one and two. Listen to this again and we're going to do one more and to really kind of I could talk about this forever and ever and ever honestly.But you want to know my best resource I've ever had on money is from a Biblical perspective and the book “How Heaven invade your finances” by James Baker get it, read it. Read it again in the beginning. I have never highlighted a book more in my entire life. I have never taken to heart. So it is a different way to view money ,and it if you allow it to if you want to be a creator active participant it will allow for everything to change about you and your family financially. There you go you have fun noticing your empowering or disempowering thoughts about money this week notice be a noticer of your thoughts. Do not sit back an active way to change your life is to notice what your thoughts are and notice what they are creating for you. So. Elevate your thoughts elevate your thoughts around money wealthy people think differently people at the next level think differently people who who double their yearly income think differently show up differently. You are a creator for your present and for your future.