88| Money Mindset Series #4: Gratitude - How you view money is how you view all areas of your life.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast I'm Jessica Hefley. I don't know why I did that? Okay listen if you're not in the podcast group, we have a Facebook group Prosperity with Purpose Facebook group! We're doing some fun giveaways and some fun stuff in that group. You want to be in there! My show notes has a link and Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship is where you will get coaching from me to have the breakthrough individualized one on one. To help you process all of these money money mindset things at a level that you've never thought about before. At a level that is so transformative in helping you step into a different purpose!

Today we are talking about all about the attitude of gratitude, because how you view money is how you view other areas of your life! You may think all this talk, by the way we're on episode 4, of a four part series on money mindsets. This is the fourth one - go what we've got lots episodes for that! We're in a series right now about money minds up and how you view money is how you view all other areas of your life. You might. be thinking “You know, money's not that important!” Ah that was my evil laugh! Okay, money's not that important, and I bet if you that is your core belief, I bet you don't have very much of it because the people who have money understand that it is important. Understand the tool that it is and understand it's way more than just money and I'm going to show you how? Okay,. So for example, how you view money is probably how you view all areas all other areas of your life If you're thinking I don't have enough if you're thinking I don't have enough money and I bet you. You're also believing I'm not Enough. Or you may be thinking I'll never have enough money what else in your life. Do you? Also think you'll never have enough of love Relationships Happiness peace seeing the correlation here if you feel a lot of like bitterness around people who have money a lot of judgment around people who have money or don't have money or whatever. Ah I bet you're struggling with some bitterness and judgment around lots of different areas of life. Lots of other things in life and if you're feeling like obsessed with the amount of money or obsessed with what you have or obsessed with what you don't have. I bet you're more of a jealous-obsessed person about other people's opinions or and what you own or what you don't own like the obsessiveness of being involved their children's life or the obsessive enough of of everything your husband does or you know like it. It equates to the other areas of life start noticing the correlations. Maybe maybe you're suspicious like isn't that suspicious of that meme on Instagram you know like maybe you're really suspicious of somebody who has a lot of money huh I wonder if you're also suspicious of. Lots of other things going behind the scenes or in the scenes or you don't trust anybody or notice the theme. Maybe your maybe your thought or your belief is that money is slimy or bad or dangerous and then I bet you don't just think money is slimy or bad or dangerous. You probably think. All humankind are all people are slimy and bad and dangerous. So that's so interesting because all of those views right? They tend to have like a closed-ness a stuck-ness you know, bitterness, jealousy, judgment - judgmental, obsessive, suspicious, slimy and dangerous. I'm not enough like those all kind of are like a closed way to view life- a closed way to see the world, right? Instead of this this attitude of gratitude. I hate cheesy cliches. I hate them. But I mean attitude of gratitude, but it's true. This attitude of gratitude. This way of being in life that is abundant and full and open and you know gratitude. I bet you if you have a lot of gratitude around your money, I bet you have a lot of gratitude in other areas of your life for the things that you own the things that you have the experiences. That you get to experience the relationships that you get to be in a relationship with I bet you. There's a lot of gratitude in all areas of life I bet if you are accepting of the reality of your money situation right? now we talked about that last week as if when you are more accepting of what is accepting of reality when you. , are willing to come to grips with what is that I bet you're accepting with lots of other areas of your life and I bet you that brings you a lot of peace and a lot of empowerment if. You're really generous with your money that I bet you. You're really generous with your time and you're really generous with your thoughts and you're really generous and how you believe in people and you're really generous with your , your curiosity with yourself and generous with your curiosity with others and generous. And how you think about yourself and generous and how you think about others. So interesting how that is also correlated to how you are with money. If you're really trusting what you're trusting around money you're trusting in yourself, you're trusting in your ability to create more. You're trusting, and I bet you're more trusting of other people and more trusting in your relationships and more trusting of God and more trusting like when you I bet you when you give when you if you you know when you tithe like that isn't and just a law to do just because God said but it's it creates this relationship of trust it creates a. This relationship of I Trust God with this I trust that he will provide for me this this beautiful generous open stance in life right? like it's open when you believe that money is a tool for good and I bet you believe that lots of other good is possible in the world. Lots of other things can be used. For good your times your talents your resources can also be used for good and I bet you're using your money for good but you're also using other areas of your life for good. It is such an open stance a wholeness view of life Such an It's a way of viewing life from ah from a posture of growth. A posture of abundance from a posture of openness and all of those ways create Peace. So the other day when I was thinking about doing this episode just gratitude in general and I I noticed that it gratitude takes a pause right? like so much in Life. We have to pause and notice our thoughts pause and decide if you want to keep doing or acting the same way or if we want to do or act a different way like there's so much power in the pause and gratitude takes a pause and so I just paused there and I was just and I literally started to list things out like everything that I am grateful for, and because it's so easy to be grateful for the big things. You know the ways that you get at work or a really phenomenal connection or a reaction or interaction with your spouse or just a really, but a fun vacation. It's just so easy to be grateful for those things, but we lose the gratitude in everything. So I just started to write it out like for me to be and grateful about every little thing I was like: I'm grateful for my bed. I'm grateful for my shoes. I'm grateful that I have clean underwear. I'm grateful that I have running hot water and a fridge that keeps my food cold, and I'm grateful for a stove and I'm grateful for my flooring. Some people don't have flooring in their homes or it's falling apart. I'm grateful for my couch. I'm grateful to have a hair dryer and toothpaste and a car.I let my mind like wonder and then it was every single little detailed aspect about the next - about my car like I'm grateful that I can afford gas and have insurance and for a radio and for a heater in my car and that my windshield isn't cracked and then I'm grateful for the airbag in the rearview mirrors and that I have automatic rolldown windows. I am grateful I don't drive a stickshift. I Just let there be enjoyment around every single possible detail that I could think of to be grateful for and so I really want to challenge you guys this week to how yes in every area of your life. But how can you be grateful for every single aspect of money.

What if the next time you sit down to pay bills it is instead of a closed stuck mindset of, “Oh my gosh I hate paying bills! The IRS is stealing my money! I can't believe how much the gas was this month!”, what if instead you’reI so grateful that I get to pay this bill I am so grateful that I had heat. During the one week of freeze in Arkansas. That's why my heating bill is higher I am so grateful for the the muscles in my hand move so I can grip this pen and write this check I am so grateful. That I have stamps sitting in my desk I don't have to go scrounge up pennies to be able to even put my bill in the mail just that attitude of gratitude around money and watch that openness that growth stance what that will do to help you be open. And the money do to increase and grow in your life and so I got a little activity for you guys because again on this theme of how you view money is how you view all other areas of your life I want you to be clear with yourself on how you view money. So make a list of 1 through 25 do this right now 1 through 25 1 through 3 or 5 six seven all the way through 25 and I want you to make a list of reasons why money is good. Why money is fun. Why money is enjoyable! Why money is a blessing to you and a blessing to others! Literally write write a list of 25 reasons to give your brain clarity. Give your brain expansiveness. Give your brain creativity. Give your brain areas of growth and gratitude to see all the reasons. That money is good and money is purposeful and money can be used for great things that and how view view this from a place of openness and enjoyment and have fun with it like stopping your rigidness and all my money and all don't only list all the ways that money. Feeds the poor yes money feeds the poor absolutely money also pays for vacation and there's any money can buy you a poll can buy me a boat buy me a truck to pull it. Okay there's a really redneck song that talks about how money can't. How it the house. What's it called money can't the money and this says money can't buy you everything but it can buy you a boat. It can buy you a truck to pull it. It was just saying like the fun things that it cant provide stop being so rigid and stop thinking money is so bad and something. Such an awful person for having money or wanting money or doing things with money money again is neutral. It doesn't mean anything and money has no ceiling. We've learning these these are these are all been foundational steps on the and and this journey with money these past 4 episodes if money doesn't mean anything and there's literally no limit to the amount of possible income that you can earn! Have fun because you know what you're going to do more of something that you enjoy something that is fun something that brings a fun result in your life. Discipline Equals Freedom The hard work that you do the the Mindset intentionality, the active ways you fight against the enemy. Those are all you know - they’re work. But where who said work was a bad thing? It can provide you a lot of freedoms and a lot of fun and so in this episode I Just want to. To remind you and encourage you to have this attitude of gratitude this attitude of openness to notice the areas of your life where you may be closed off Maybe that's around money but also notice when you're like getting really possessive or really jealous about maybe a friendship. Or you're getting really uncomfortable about how somebody acted or how you don't like how you're not showing up to exercise all of these things are related all of these things are related how you view money is how you view everything else in your life and so maybe you can start with. Maybe. You know the uncomfortableness or the feelings that come up around money will help open you up to other areas of your life. But I Also want you to notice the other areas of your life that think that you think have nothing to do with money. Also also are related. Your relationship with money and everything in life is related and everything goes back to your thoughts an it. That's why it is so incredibly powerful for us to be noticesers of how we view money, because I want you to make more money. You want you to make more money. You creating more peace in your life means getting a hold on your thoughts. Being more open to the attitude of gratitude will affect your relationship and your results around your money around your income so to recap this quick series because we got lots more to talk about and don't you worry. We're gonna talk about money again, but we've got some shame to talk about. We've got some acceptance to talk about. We got some other areas of your business. We're got talk about in the episodes coming up so this series of 4 things on money mindset episode 1 is about how money is neutral, bringing the neutrality back to money number 2 was really getting like having a lot of awareness around. What your thoughts around money have created for you going back engaging with your past story around money episode number 3 in the money mindset series was really about ownership empowering you to have a different future with your money ownership around it. Oh so good and then episode 4 here is just an attitude of. Gratitude and attitude of openness and wholeness and growth so make that list of 25 reasons why money is good and awesome and fun and enjoyable and it is a blessing to you and to others and shift how you think about money which in turn will shift. How you feel about money which in turn will shift your actions towards making more God bless you God bless your family God bless your business. Yes, it's okay for to pray for God to bless the bless your business bless the hand of your work bless it. And let me pray blessing for you right now. A blessing I'm just going to speak scripture over you me and my friend Michelle Stuchill and some other people were thinking about just what is the way that we can bless our business, bless our organization, bless our team. How can we speak the literal word of God when you don't know what to pray? You can just speak. The word of God, there is so much power in it. So I just took verses from Psalm 67 and Psalm 90 and put it together in a blessing for our business, and may I speak this blessing over your business. We'll put this in the show notes may you speak this blessing over you and over your business. May you focus on the truth may you focus on the word of God may you cling ah to the hope against all hope Abraham and hope believed against all hope Jessica in hope believed may fill in that blank with your name your future with your business with your income. You're going to do with it having prosperity with. Purpose. So here we go may God be gracious to us and bless us so that your ways may be known on earth your salvation among the nation may all the pupils praise you God oh Lord our God let your favor rest upon us come work with us and then our work will endure. You will give us success in all we do. I'm going to read it again straight from scripture Psalm 67 and Psalms 90 may God be gracious to us and bless us so that your ways may be known on earth you know so your salvation among the nation may all the people praise you God. Ah, Lord our God let your favor rest upon us come work with us and then our work will endure. You will give us success in all, we do Amen and Amen apart from you can do nothing. This is a partnership and what episode was it I think it's episode 81 ish around 81 talk about the good news. how how to share the gospel with people. This is so much bigger than you the purpose of you making more money is not just for you. It's ok that you like in the book or how having invade your finances talks about when things flow through a water hose you're going to get wet too. But the whole purpose of you having more income making more income growing your influence. So the blessing can flow through you. You will be blessed because of it. But it's to flow through you to bless other people and once you grasp that I mean it just very simply is the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor make. More money I'm so grateful that you are here I'm so grateful that you're partnering with me and others in this mission this prosperity with purpose to create more peace so you can make more money and because of your list of 25 all the reasons why money is good

And money is purposeful and money is fun and enjoyable and money is a blessing from the Lord and there's no reason it can't flow through you.

God Bless You - see you next week.