89| Money Mindset Series #5: Are you being selfish? Prosperity is about blessing, Not possessing.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast. I'm Jessica Hefley, and this Money Series why don't we go one more week? Why don't we? We can call it part 5. You can call it “Jessica was going to talk about this anyways”, an extension to the whole concept around money. Today we're going to talk about lies you believe you've been thinking that are selfish about money. Make sure you're in the Prosperity with Purpose Facebook group each week! We're doing monthly giveaways in March for y'all who are sharing and passing this word along and helping set others free and helping your teams and your friends and your family have breakthrough in this area, so they can have more prosperity with purpose.

Let's hop to it! 6 lies about money that are keeping you from prosperity. Yep, your thoughts about money are actually selfish and we're going to cover 6 of them. Are you read? Because real prosperity is defined by how much we give away not by how much we are keeping for ourselves. We about to break, I feel like I have a breaker. Ah, what do you want to even call it? I have the ability to help people break out of these glass ceilings out of these old ways of thinking that is just the Lord working through me, but there are ways that have kept you thinking that money is selfish that are keeping you from making as much as you possibly can because more money in the hands of good people is going to change the world.

Prosperity is not selfish.

Prosperity is not about you. The motivation for prosperity is about desiring to have the resources to bless others and accomplish what God has called you to to do. Prosperity is about blessing not possessing, so go to www.jessicahefley.com/money. I've got a printout for you guys that is all scripture around money to help you renew your mind. Biblically I'm not making this stuff up. I'm not being hokey. I'm not trying to make you believe something that it's not Biblically based. Renew your mind repeat, repeat, repeat. Get this printout print it out, read it daily. Look it up in your Bible see it all of these scriptures around money. I'm going to quote some of them for you in just a minute but lie number 1 about around the concept of your thoughts about money are actually selfish I have enough have you ever have you ever thought that thought about money? I have enough, I mean I. Ah so many people join my network marketing company and they get caught in this like oh I have enough I mean my bills are paid I'm so grateful. My family is taken care of. Selfish - I'm calling you out because you know what the only people that you are thinking about is you. Good for you. Your bills are paid for, but there are other people who need your help- the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor. So when your thought is “I have enough”, that is the focus of that is I,I,I,I. Prosperity is about blessing not possessing. If you have the talents, gifts, and ability, if you are able to steward what the Lord has entrusted you to multiply, then you'll never have enough because enough is not just for you. It's for others. Okay so I have enough and want you to ask yourself if you're ever thinking that thought or living into that thought of oh I have enough money. We notice that that actually is a selfish way to think. Number 2 “It's not that important, money's not that important.” Okay, you ever caught that one I've made a bunch of reels about all these money topics. It's not that important. Love is really what's important or you know family is really what's important I ain't saying the Bible and people ain’t saying you have to choose 1 or the other why can't both be important. Why do you have to have this hierarchy of which they are important if you think that money is not important I bet you don't have very much of it. Because people who have a lot of money and are using that to bless the world and using that to bless others. They know it's important. Money is important. Money funds. everything the bad and the good. I was just watching The Chosen again. The new episodes were out in the theater and I was just reminded that Jesus's ministry was funded by wealthy people. There was this lady who keeps sending them gifts of extravagant silks and coins and different things that can go and sell in the market and get a lot of money for it. Okay, so if that was just “I have enough.” “Money's not that important.” No, she absolutely understands that money is important. She understands how to steward it. She understands how to multiply it and because of that she is able to fund Jesus's ministry fund other things with the extra with the money. Money is not bad. Can I scream it from the mountaintops? Money is not bad! Money is not bad! Money is not bad and money's not bad! Okay so number 2 was “It's not important.” It is important. Okay number 3 your thoughts around money that are actually selfish number 3 is “I don't need it, I don't need it.” I mean kind of goes in with the first one I don't need it. The I focus where we get back thinking of like I don't need anything else I don't need so like can we switch that focus offs off of eye and put it on someone someone or something else god has put. A burden on your heart for something that your life living out your life is the answer to that prayer oftentimes we're praying like Lord would you help this person or would you help this ministry or would you fund this or this people or in real big need Lord provide for that. What if we start thinking about those up those prayers, those opportunities as ways for you to be the answer to that prayer for the burden that is on your heart for you. To fulfill that with the blessing and the prosperity that flows through your life to answer that prayer. Interesting way to think about it. Didn't you think number four “I'll mismanage it.” This is another one of your thoughts around money that are actually selfish. If you continue to think well if I get any more money I'll mismanage it. I had a whole coaching session on this couple years ago. This was such an eye-opener to me. This was one of my thoughts I kept thinking. Oh you know we haven't note we have enough it was using all of these selfish things that I'm teaching you not to think. I was thinking? Oh you know we have enough we have more than enough we have more than enough we'd ever dream that we would ever have so and and I'm just scared like I don't know how to invest I'm not real savvy in that area. I don't, and she helped me see what in the world. What if you can make more money and figure it out as you go right. Like what if that's the thought instead of I'll mismanage money what if instead we switch that for the thought of I can make more money and figure out it figure it out as I go because I was repelling I was in a stage where I'd made the same amount of income for years I was repelling more income because of some of my thoughts like oh I have enough priority have more than other people or I'll just miss Me. We'll just Miss We We don't know how to invest very smart like those were all thoughts that were repelling more prosperity to flow through our life to be able to help other people with it. If you don't know what to do with it, give it away. If you have some sort of secret cap in your mind of that's this is X amount of money that I want to make in 0 more great than keep that amount of money and give everything else away. Don't let that be an excuse to not make more to not have more prosperity flow through your life. This very podcast is called Prosperity with Purpose. Okay, when you are living with purpose. It is so bit much bigger than you. It is so much more than you So All these I I have enough. It's not that important I don't need it I'll mismanage it. Those are all eyes those are putting the selfish focus on you instead of the bigger picture. Okay number 5 I don't deserve it. So. Interesting. What makes someone deserve or not deserve it or what makes someone that you would gift the money or the income to deserving or not deserving who would you be without the thought of I don't deserve it. If you go back to episode 1 of the Money Mindset series all around money is neutral. The neutrality around money. It doesn't mean anything your worth doesn't come from an amount of money that you have or make or amount of money that you don't have or make it. It doesn't mean anything you get to you get to choose what you make money mean. And you thinking I don't deserve it unfortunately is blocking off and capping off an an no sealing amount of money flowing through you to help other people because you think that you don't deserve it. So. Interesting, right? Such a selfish way to view money such a selfish way to view prosperity and then number 6 number 6 thoughts around money that are actually selfish is god wants me to be poor or it's more nobler. To be poor who taught you that who taught you that I used to think that this was a lie that I used to believe I think oh god can only teach you about character or teach you hard lessons when you have 0 money and have to depend on him. There may be seasons for that. But that is boxing god in god. Can teach you lessons when you're a multibillionaire and he can teach you lessons when you have $5 okay, that has nothing to do with how god can talk to you how god can change you how god can work through you what layers of of selfish you're going to have to work through the amount of money, does not mean that. What matters? What's so important is doing all of this in partnership with God because apart from me, you can do nothing? Okay, but for you to think you're more nobler because you're poorer that I'm going to call that out as pride because again, you're not better than me because you have less money than me. I am not better than you because I have more money than you. Because remember money doesn't mean anything. It is neutral. You could decide what you make it means but it can fund those things that you have been dreaming to fund. It can buy somebody a house. It can buy someone who depends on who do. Devotes their life to ministry and doesn't even have a working car to buy them a car. It can scholarship people to special retreats. It can pay for adoptions. How do I know those things because we've done all of those things from the flow of prosperity through us to other people we have been able to radically bless and let's stop judging. Radically bless you paying for someone's coffee is just the same as us buying somebody a house to live in. Stop there's no hierarchy or lowerarchy - it is all about having things flow through you to bless others. Okay, but you might as well make more you might. Make a ridiculously amount of more money to be able to do more of those things if you're watching me on Youtube I am like flailing my arms getting a little hot on this. Okay, so go to Wwwwdotjesica heffley.com/moneyto get these scriptures. Okay, because we want to have prosperity with purpose. We did Dave Ramsey years and years ago. I love Dave Ramsey, my husband hates it I will love it. I was such a nerd. The concepts of it all. But I remember we actually went through the video series at church. And you know his concept of living is live like no one else so you can give like no one else and I will never forget I think it was like week 10 or 12 or whatever it was the last week. It was such a well done video like they had that they showed this video and had like emotional music and it had actors playing out the story but it was this story of how a family at church wanted to adopt and because another family had lived like no one else had been good. Stewards had made good had made more money saved money they were able to write a $30,000 check to pay for this entire person's adoption just like write a check and I remember that this was probably gosh fourteen years ago like I will never forget what emotion that invoked inside of me to be able to live in such a way where I you know my past was like. I can afford to give you $15 for your mission trip or whatever you know to be able to write a $30,000 check for somebody's adult like to me that that that speaks to me and that's maybe why adoption is so important to me I think it's ridiculous I think it is the dumbest thing ever that people have to pay 30 plus 40 Plus thousand dollars to adopt, that makes me righteous angry because so many good people who have a heart to adopt don't even pursue that because they think I can't afford it I'll never be able to raise $40000 we'll never be able to come up with $40000. I want to help make that money and I want you to help make that money too like I want whatever the Lord has burdened on your heart make more, make more so that you can be the answer to that prayer. So what do you long for what's a burden. What's the way that you can shift these thoughts about money that are selfish to actually be. Truly prosperous. Okay, the 6 lies again are ah number one I have enough number 2 it's not important number three I don't need it number 4 All I'll mismanage it number five I don't deserve it again. All of those are I and number 6 is more nobler to be poor. Read you some scriptures from this printout that you guys can get at jessicahefley.com/money this is 3 pages of straight up scripture horrible there you go so important to renew our mind to the truth. The truth is Jesus and the truth will set you free. Not what Jessica says. Not what anybody else says but from your own study from your own being in the word for your your own renewing your mind to the truth here. Go proverbs. There's just a couple of them proverbs 1022 the blessing of the Lord brings wealth and he adds no sorrow to it that was one I had to renew my mind with because it kept feeling guilty or shameful or have more money than them or oh I'm able to afford this and they are I kept being in this comparison ish. Okay, no the blessing of the Lord brings wealth and he adds no sorrow to it. You are doing nothing wrong for making money you are doing nothing wrong for making a lot what is even a lot of money again that's the the judgment scale again. Just stop judging. What is a what is a lot but have like we did in episode number 2 we did. We did a money exercise off the bat if you have not listened to that. Go back I think it's episode 86 it's part 2 in this money series where I have you do a income exercise to help you crush through. All your thoughts and dream bigger have the bigger possibility of a certain amount of income because I do believe it's important to have goals to have aspirations to have things that you are working towards because that will push you further that will get you out of your comfort zone more. That will help you focus more on others than this selfish place that keeps us um, stagnant and stuck okay proverbs 3 8 honor the Lord honor the Lord with your wealth with your first fruits of all your crops then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine honor god with your wealth. That's what prosperity with purpose is for honoring him with your wealth. What's mother ones um proverbs 13:22 A good person leaves an inheritance to their children's, children. Hear me it is time for us to raise up and have a completely different money story, a completely different money result than our parents and our grandparents did this first are ah a good person leaves an inheritance to our children's children that is about finances but that also is about an emotional and spiritual intelligence that it's also about the things that you break off curses that you break off that affects generations and generations. But when it says the inheritance for your children's children that is not just thinking about your kids in their future that is you financially thinking about your grandchildren's financial future. What sort of legacy. Do you want to give them. How do you want to set them up not to be striving or just getting vibe but to truly prosper and truly understand the entrepreneur your spirit and truly understand stewarding or multiplying so they can in turn do the same thing for their grandchildren proverbs. Third. 11 proverbs 11:23 A generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed that verse will always be really special to us. Cedar Rock ministries is 1 of our favorite ministries. We so used to be on the board for that. It's a really ,really, really intentional marriage retreats. They do one couple and you get to spend so many intentional hours with Nick and Renee Fouts, and it's it's unlike anything I've ever experienced. You've been to marriage retreats before this is not like that this is very so hard to explain actually I have an episode about it So Keri put that in the show notes about you can go listen to what it's all about, but it helps you in your connection with yourself and God. Your connection but to yourself and your connection with your spouse in some of the most intentional intimate ways I've ever experienced. Anyways. so one of our favorite things to do is send people we know need that. pastor couples to that to those retreats. We know we are so grateful for pastors we are so grateful for their service. We honestly know that they probably don't make much. For what they actually do and the impact they have on the kingdom. So we love to bless them a lot of our but lot of our best friends are in full-time ministry its just a heart that we have me and Rob used to be in ministry used to be youth ministers. We are called to ministry in the marketplace so we are not called to a full time position at the at at church but we love to pastor our pastors. We love to pour into them. We love to be a sounding board for them. We love to be a safe friend for them. That's not in all the meetings and all the not not in it someone that they can lean on that's a little bit removed from the day to day. Anyways, we've seen lots and lots of couples. It's one of our most favorite things to do to this but 1 pastors in particular and they have 6 children that 6 children and and I don't know I just knew that if you got 6 children and three of them were triplets that it probably was a little bit tired, so we just felt really led to send them and after the retreat they sent us a note and they put this verse in there I was not expecting a thank you note that is it was just this sweet, sweet, sweet gesture. And they put this Verse Proverbs 11:23 They were so grateful and and Proverbs 11:23 says A generous person will prosper. Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. and I've kind of taken that on as I want to be generous I know that when we refresh. Others we in turn are refreshed and that is what I want for every single one of you listeners to stop thinking and viewing these money thought to stop coming in agreement with all of these thoughts that are selfish around money that are only thinking about you only focusing on you. And help you have a bigger view of real prosperity is not defined by how is defined by how much you give away not by how much you keep for yourself. Prosperity is about blessing not possessing so I just pray a blessing over you this week as the Holy Spirit works on your heart. As he downloads things that he is gonna he is calling you to be the answer for that prayer as he blesses your business as you are consistent as you are focusing on serving as you are focusing on who God has called you who God calls who God says you are and who you are called to serve. Pray a blessing that you take that you tear off the spirit of comparison or the spirit of apathy or and the spirit of perfection or obsession with self and all these selfish thoughts and take on his view of you his view of money his view of prosperity and I disbellive but all my heart was really excited to kind of end this series with this, because it is just so important. It so important for us to renew our minds. It is so important for us to have a bigger picture. It is so important for us to have that that humongous goal that we have thought about we've allowed our brain to The mustard seed of possibility that can be possible for you in your future and that seed as you continue to renew your mind with these verses as you continue to be aware of your thoughts as you continue to continue to redefine prosperity that seed is growing which in turn with that will come supernatural ideas on how to work your business supernatural connections. To bring blessing to your business. Supernatural ideas like that all comes because you become the answer to the prayer the income through you meets the needs of others prosperity is about blessing not possessing so y'all go make a ton of it Amen, Amen. See you next week!