90| Expansiveness; How Not Conforming To The World Pays Off.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose podcast, I'm Jessica Hefley, and I think we could go on and and on with the Money Mindset series forever. But we're going to leave it part 5 from last week and we're going to go move forward from now on. This will be a little bit about money. So many other episodes in the future because this is Prosperity with Purpose. But today let's talk about expansiveness. Let's talk about some of the things we went through in the last 5 episodes. Go check those out. Start with episode one. I believe it's actual episode like 85 but episode 1 in the Money Mindset period. But it is episode 85. Okay, check that out but put it in the show notes where you can get that started. The second part ,the second one of the series talked about who I don't want to give it away, I want you to go listen to it. Okay I'll give away because I have to help you understand what the context of episode is, so I had you go back and listen to it. It's very powerful. I had y'all put your dream big dream goals like income yearly goals like a big stretch goal and I had you scratch it out and double it and I want to talk about that again for a second because there's something that that does to us if we allow. It's called expansiveness is starting to. Allow the possibility of something bigger than you had imagined before is starting to allow that thought to creep in to think about it to not let it be like so sticker shock. The first time you ever see it but start thinking about hey that actually could be possible for me that amount of income actually could be a really big blessing to those that I love and could help make the world. A better place. Okay, so expansiveness and this whole concept of expansiveness led me to thinking differently again which usually always takes us back to right thinking. Differently So I've been going on daily walk and we have this. We're not in a neighborhood. We're on a bunch of acreage but we're close to a neighborhood So go walk in the neighborhood and there's this really big Hill. Really big long Hill I like to consider call it. My Booty Gains Hill. Watching walking it every day I'm like yeah I'm gonna get some booty gains. That's how it just makes me excited Anyways i' been going every day. It's amazing. What yeah, what will happen in your life when you decide to have to decide ahead of time that you'll do something Anyways, the other day I was like I'm just gonna meditate on this one verse over and over and over in my mind Romans twelve. To do not be conformed to the pattern of the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Okay, so I go on a walk and I'm just thinking about it that Verse I'm saying it out loud I'm allowing mine to think on it and ponder on it even and ah the passion translation I Love how it is worded in there. Says stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the holy spirit through a total reformation of how you think renewed renewing your mind completely changed by how you think so I'm going to my walk and I'm just thinking about the scriptures over and over and over again and it's reminding me again that we think differently as followers of Christ. We think differently as leaders we think differently than other people, and so it's just this expansiveness theme and thinking differently calling myself higher. Calling other people higher, call it not just calling myself I've been since I've been in this expansive mode these last couple of weeks I have been calling my team hire I have been calling my friends hire I have been It's like what this is this is the power of growth. This is the power of you joining the prosperity of purpose mentorship because when you work on you. Your thoughts your processes your emotions how you show up how you how you steward your time and your money and your resources how you grow your business like that gives you authority to set other people free in that area is this so interesting. Some people ask me today like my budget on what I spend. On like reinvesting back into my team or gifts or prizes or things like that for my network marketing team and I was like my biggest chunk is investing in me and that's not selfish and I said if you want to 10 x your business. The biggest amount of money you should spend is should be on your own coaching because you will then. Have the agency and authority in those areas to help your team I believe that has been 10 fold sent back to me because of how I have had I have made this a priority to grow to stretch to be uncomfortable to learn to get coaching to ask the uncomfortable questions to put things into play to be able to be uncomfortable, to be able to be embarrassed and asking things that I don't want to ask all of those things have provided breakthroughs that in turn I can now have other people on my team have breakthroughs. It is the best investment. So anyways, thinking differently if we have to think differently, who is challenging you to think differently? How are you daily and weekly investing in thinking differently? So anyway, so my original really big scary goal was $10,000,000 a year. I'm like, “Oh my goodness that just seems so big and hard!”, just different from what just anyways so when I had to cross that out because I do but I do what I tell y'all to do it then became $20,000,000 and it's been really interesting to these last couple weeks allow my brain to be like $20,000,000 so a person who earns $20,000,000 a year. How do they show up? Who and what kind of person is that? What kind of person do they hire on their team to help them? How do they think? How do they show up. How do they give, and it's been really fun to allow your brain to start this, so I'm excited about you guys as you have started to double that and started to just enjoy the possibility of that enjoy expanding your mind around that amount because your body won't go where your mind hasn't already been so even like literally journaling about it like having fun with it all the things that you're going to do with it anyways. So and just focusing on expansiveness and focusing on gratitude the other day. Okay, so recently got a text from a very high up person at our headquarters for the network marketing company that work with Plexus. Anyways, it wasn't any special to you but how she worded it sparked expansiveness in me. She just had mentioned some research and some things that they were going to bring to us at convention and how a legacy leader like me would be really interested in learning about this. What are you really interested in growing this way, and I could have just been like yeah didda du but when she it was like when she called me a Legacy Minded Leader. It was like oh okay, legacy minded leaders make $20,000,000 a year. Legacy Minded Leaders are expansive. Expansive legacy minded leaders think differently than other leaders. It like took me to another level higher of the possibilities and took me another level higher in my identity. So when I was thinking that I'm just a leader you know or top leader I don't know. Oh and she probably doesn't even know this. I’ll tell her that but when she said it legacy minded leader it just it rose me up I'm like I want to be that I want to be a person who learns about this I want to be a person who is the legacy minded leader because that's bigger than just a regular leader that is leaving a legacy. I just found that super interesting the timing of all that of you know that expansiveness that next level of thinking I had just went on a walk. It might have even been that day when I was really, really thinking over and over again. “Do not conform to the pattern in this world. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” have you ever done that if you've like really chewed on that particular verse? “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2 fun fact in our new house we built a house last year have we have a powder bathroom in the hallway, and I have wallpaper that is all the book of Romans written on wallpaper. I love it in there. It's like my moody bathroom. I've got one wall that's got the Romans all over, but it's behind the mirror I've got like a pretty mirror and then the rest of the wall is like a dark, pretty moody color. But anyway. Okay, so do not be transformed do be not be conformed by the pattern of this world but be transformer renew renewing of your mind I'm going to read it again in the passion translation stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you. But be inwardly transformed by the holy spirit through a total reformation of how you think how you think it is that important when I talk about it over and over and over again is because it is that important. When you get the $97 “How To Get Off The Hot Mess Express” mini course which every single one of you needs because it is that important it is the layered foundation of what I teach inside of my mentorship teaching you how to take your thoughts captive, teaching you how to understand. Thoughts create feelings which are creating actions or inactions. It is so incredibly powerful and speaking of stop imitating the world and the opinions of the culture around you be okay, y'all this also happened this week. The Lord just lines all these things out that are happening in my own personal life and then I come and talk to you about him on podcasts see what I mean that's what I'm talking. When you get coaching when you are aware of all these things you can then go and teach your people train your people about how the lord is downloading things in your life as you are open to the expansiveness of it anyways. Okay, y'all. Gonna talk about it for a second not because I want to get it give this person any more publicity but this was an example that came to my mind. Okay, so a certain someone who is not a country music. Singer has a big country music singer top hit right now I have avoided. Okay, when that first came out. It's. Beyonce and so the texas hold him zone. Okay, hear me out when the I have I got lots of thoughts and feelings around her but they're not conspiracy theory thoughts and feelings. It would be wise of you to be careful about that song and be careful about her I'm saying it.

She literally says she has an alter ego that something possesses her body and she becomes someone else. Yeah, that's demonic. Sorry I'm laughing because I'm uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable but you got to be careful.So here's the day when it first came out I went and looked up the lyrics because I'm always like I want to make sure like what is she saying in this like what? What? This is very interesting that she's coming over into the very conservative country music market isn't it anyways. So I went and looked up the lyrics I'm like these don't even make no sense. This isn't what is a song even about. Yeah, it's got a catchy tune. But this doesn't even sense. So I refuse to put it in any of my reels y'all but the other day was just innocently scrolling and so it was in somebody else's reel that I follow and then I went to go take a shower. And I could not stop singing the song and I kept catching myself and I was like, why am I singing the song? Why is it so catchy? And then I started to think what are the other songs in my life that are like popular, popular songs and they're so catchy and you can't stop singing them and then get in your head I'm like y'all go look her and Taylor Swift are like best friends forever. And Taylor Swift is not even hiding it. She literally says she's a witch she literally says she makes songs for witches. We got to be aware of these things whether you like it or not there. It is there. It is. And so in light of that when I was like could not stop singing that song I was like no no no and then I got out to shower and I'm like I have to make a or later on that day I was listening to some sort of worship music and I was noticing a theme around some of them around gratitude I'm like I have to get a playlist out to my listeners. Some worship music on repeat that is about gratitude, and so I'm going to put the playlist down in the show notes for you guys because it's just important for us to renew our mind. It's important for us to catch ourselves on what we do have on repeat repeat repeat repeat and is that the truth. Is that the truth over you is that going to help you in your walk and help you in your journey and propel you forward or just like stall you on repeat singing some stupid song. They don't even make no sense. Okay, so that's what I got for today. So listen to that playlist work on your own awareness and expansiveness around that like a big, huge scary goal of the income and see what the lord does with that see what ideas start spreading like this week for example in Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship I was teaching on hiring, delegating and resting. Most people aren't thinking about hiring and and delegating at a next level. If they want to if they plan to increase their income or even keep their own income they have now. But to delegate and hire is something most people avoid but man when you really grasp that and the reason why and how that. Stimulates the economy and provides a good job for somebody else, but it really also helps you operate in your zone of genius doing the things that only you can do doing the things that god has gifted you with to steward and multiply and letting somebody else take care of all the other things. So. Can't wait to see y'all next week thanks Arere here and don't forget to get and be in the prosperity purpose Facebook group. We've got some fun fun, fun stuff going along in there and thank you! Thank you! Thank you for sharing the podcast. It's an honor. You guys are the best see ya.