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Hello welcome back to the Prosperity With Purpose Podcast. I am Jessica Hefley and today we're diving into one of my favorite tools. That is the foundation inside of How To Get Off The Hot Mess Express which comes for free with the mentorship. This is just a recorded pre-recorded mini-course that teaches you these things. It's for free when you join the mentorship but with the feelings. We're getting in touch with the feelings- I don't know why I'm saying. That's so weird right now. I am very excited about this because most high achievers miss this and this is why they keep experiencing burnout. They keep their anxiety is so high. They may be achieving in their business or in some area of their life but the other areas feel unfulfilled or feel low or feel lacking and they just don't feel like they have wholeness in all areas of their life, and we all know that when one area of your life improves. It helps improve the other areas as well. So I want to help you be a whole-hearted leader. A leader who genuinely loves what they do who operates for a place of purpose who knows who they are because they will prosper and prosper other people in the making. Okay so get out the little feelings wheel we're going to I'm actually going to give you this one part of the welcome packet that comes with How To Get Off The Hot Mess Express mini-course but just the feelings wheel. Okay I want you to be looking at that I ah here I've um, pulled it up on my YouTube video. It's got all these different feelings and about trust me I'm good. This is all going to make sense in just moment. Mad, scared, joyful, powerful, peaceful, sad and actually you know 20 more emotions from each of those that spread out that are more detailed why we're talking about this in the first place. So over and over and over again I hear people say I coach people in their businesses right? I post in my network marketing business, I post about the income. I post about the business. There's things that I have done to actively work my business that have got me to the top of it and then I'll coach some people and they'll say well that just feels inauthentic to me or I'll you know I'll challenge them to do something and they'll be like that feels inauthentic. I want to be authentic in how I work my business or how I post about my business or how I display myself to the world and I'm here to challenge you on that which is so interesting for you to notice. Okay, let's go through inauthentic. What does that mean. What does that actually feel like where are you feeling inauthentic in your body because when I look at this little feelings wheel. So fascinating- the scared section of the wheel. Ah, most people feel they're I'm curious if they're confusing inauthentic with fear with being scared those are very similar feelings sensations and the body they can be. They're commonly missed diagnosed. It's not the right word but people are saying I don't want to be inauthentic when really, what's probably going on beneath. There are some. Other but more specific feelings which would make sense why you would avoid it like the plague but I'm going to help you process those today on this episode so you no longer avoid things like the plague because leaders are not avoiders to help you actually process this so you can move forward to help you actually identify what's going on. And your thoughts and your heart and your mind and in your body so that you can grow your business so that you can prosper so you can have prosperity with purpose. There's 4 that I want to evaluate or talk about today that may be similar to inauthentic but what probably what possibly it could be is insecure number 1 insecure so interesting. Do you notice that the feelings of insecurity could easily be mistaken with I don't want to be inauthentic. What does insecurity feel like for you? Where is that is that in your stomach? Do you get that like pit in your stomach of like, I don't feel confident in this, I feel scared, I feel like I am an imposter, I feel definitely not bold, not confident that this feels new. This feels uncomfortable this feels like I don't want to do that. Interesting. 1 of the things I teach people is that they are able to feel every feeling and not die. Did you die? Okay so insecure I want you to notice if you are actually feeling the feeling of insecurity and where is that in your body take a couple moments and acknowledge that you're feeling insecure in that way. Don't discredit it or discount it or ignore it. Acknowledge that you're feeling that way and then when you fully acknowledge it then you have a choice you have agency over that you can choose to stay in that feeling. It can be like oh okay, I'm feeling a little insecure about this. But I am able to I can make powerful decisions so my life and business can move forward and then choose in bravery to move forward to make that post to start start that podcast to talk about the business to do that reach out to do that marketing. Okay, you have a choice. You always have a choice but when you are unaware and you're just like oh that doesn't feel and that feels inauthentic I'm going to call ah b s and say well let's explore that because that might be something else. Okay inauthentic is like the noble title to put up. I don't want it to be inauthentic. I am challenging you. To look a little deeper because if you keep staying in this I don't want to feel that feeling then you ain't going to be able to move forward. I mean, internet we bless you in the name of Jesus it keeps pausing so we're gonna keep moving forward. Number 2 rejected is also one of those deeper feelings. That is I miss or confused with being scared or being fearful or being in the inauthentic so rejected. Oh I don't want to feel rejected what does rejected feel like to you does it feel like in your head It feels heavy. It feels. Does it feel in your chest like I don't want to feel rejected and and does it just notice is a possibility that you're feeling rejected instead of inauthentic or fear. Number 3 embarrassed. Where do you feel embarrassed in your body? Literally take a moment when's the last time you truly felt embarrassed where did you feel that in your physical body? What part of your body when you when you're like I'm embarrassed where is that? Does your face maybe turn red and hot? Where does it have a temperature? Does it have a color? Does it have a size? What does embarrassed feel like in your body? Journal that, journal everything that comes up with embarrassed. And then you get to choose to move forward. You get to you have the beautiful gift of acknowledging that you're actually feeling embarrassed. That's actually what's going on and then you get to decide to move your life and make powerful decisions to move your life in your business forward. The fourth insignificant. What if you're actually feeling insignificant? What if you actually make that post and nobody likes it or not very many people comment on it? That might make you feel embarrassed like before or insignificant. What's insignificant? It's different for every person. There's no right or wrong answer. That maybe in your throat. Do you feel like your voice doesn't matter.? Do you feel like what you have to sit people don't care about what you have to say so that makes you feel insignificant which is an uncomfortable feeling. But you don't want to feel that make you make perfect perfect sense. Of course you don't want to do things that are going to make you feel insignificant because that is it could be a very triggering thing of something that's happened in your past however that is your past that may have triggered you. In your past. But now you have the tools and the ability to be in the present with the feeling of insignificant you have a loving father who speaks the truth over your identity that you are incredibly significant. No matter. What. Anybody else says no matter how many likes comments email sign-ins orders. You get the the thought ah of that you are insignificant is a lie and you get to choose if you're going to partner with the truth or you're going to partner with a lie so isn't this fascinating. Just simply deciphering when someone's like I don't want to post about income because I don't want to be inauthentic girl. We're going to challenge you on what is actually happening there behind the layers and then we're going to challenge you to do it in spite of those feelings. I have always taught I have knowledge when I am scared of something that means I have to do it I have I just I may I make myself do it because I am oh self-aware enough to notice. Really don't want to do this. This is going to make me feel uncomfortable. I actually feel scared right now I will take a moment I will feel it in my body I will journal about it and then I know that leaders go first I know that leaders lead the way I know that leaders are pioneers. Let's take that back and say all those things for you I know that you are a pioneer. I Know that you go first I know that you steer the ship I know that you are willing to feel every single feeling on this feelings wheel process that and still choose to move forward because we do not allow these things to stop Us. We did not allow these things to stop us in our tracks we did not allow these things to keep us for more prosperity with purpose if you listen to my money five part money Mindset series that are recorded right? but are the episodes right before this one please check those out because those will radically change how you view yourself, how you view money, but this is bigger than money. It's how you view your every area of your life. This expansiveness, this goodness of God like we have too bottled these things up. We have missed. We have misguided thoughts that are actually selfish about like I don't want to do that. I have enough money. I know I'll mismanage it. I I have enough. Like all of those things are so self-obsessed when we are called to steward and multiply we are called to feed the poor we are called to bring our gifts forth. So here's your homework for today. Are you up for a challenge? Because I like to work with people who are up for a challenge. And prosperity in my mentorship. We challenge each other every week because that's how you make someone better is challenged and that's why I am there to coach them inside of the mentorship because what you're doing isn't working or what you do you're doing has gotten you this far. And that's the whole point of a coach to help you bring help bring up some blind spots for you. They're called blind spots because you don't see them you're blind to them so it's so accelerating your growth to have someone to be able to notice those to ask you the curious questions to help you process. And help you move forward on your own. So here's the feelings. Well this is so fascinating. You can see all the different want here. We go that this next week. Try this for one week well first of all, get How To Get Off The Hot Mess Express and this explains it in way more detail. It's $97 it's prerecorded every single person needs this or jump into the mentorship because this is all provided inside the mentorship for free. You take the feelings wheel for one week I want you 3 times a day. It could be right when you wake up around lunchtime or at night or life's crazy just 3 times a day I want you to pick up the feelings wheel. And I want you to actually be able to identify what you are feeling in that moment and it may be more than one and I just simply want you to write it down and help yourself journal about it process about it because here's the thing most of us are here's the key ones or this is not an exhaustive list. It also can be feelings that are not on this list. But. Kind of there's kind of 6 powerful ones like you're either mad or sad or feeling peaceful and powerful. There's good feelings too powerful or joyful or scared but most people like me before learning this work. You know like because there's like over a hundred feelings on this wheel and I'm like there's a hundred feeling like I thought there was 3 angry sad and happy. Like and my life was pretty surface level because and have the depth of being able to acknowledge these and process these and for me for my personality who tends to get angry about out things you know I get that makes me so angry. It was so easy just to be angry or just to be mad. It took more work to look further than what mad was look deeper so really behind the mad I probably sometimes I was feeling hurt or I was feeling frustrated or I was feeling skeptical or critical or hateful or rage or embarrassed like there was something below the anchor or it's so easy for us to be like well I'm so sad or I'm depressed like really let's what actually is going on. What's a little bit deeper than that are you feeling lonely are you feeling bored? Are you feeling guilty? Are you feeling stupid? Are you feeling inadequate? Are you feeling inferior? Or are you feeling apathetic? Get a little bit deeper, because it's so easy to say you're sad or it's easy to say you're mad or it's easy to say I'm scared or I'm not doing that instead explore a little deeper to find some freedom that's what I'm here for to help be a conduit to break these things off to help you find some freedom to live a wholehearted life. So there you go pretty simple just look at just start notice. So many people are so out of touch with their body like I will ask them coaching questions. It's so fascinating I'm like okay well how does that make you feel and then they'll go and they'll talk for 5 minutes about all their thoughts I'm like. Let's go back to it. Those are all thoughts but how are those thoughts making you feel in your physical body god made our bodies. This is not like woooo weird stuff like this is how god made us so we've got to get back to the body. Get. Back to what we're actually feeling and then we will have with more understanding about why we have been acting certain certain ways or avoiding certain things avoiding certain conversations or avoiding doing things in our business avoiding moving forward. We're upper level living in us limiting ourselves that the list goes on but this is an excellent self-awarenessreness, self- empowerment tool that will give you agency and specific specificity on what’s really going on so 3 times a day check in with the Wheel notice where and it could be more than one at you know every time you check in it give me 1 on top. 1 time. From 1 uncomfortable conversation I had with somebody, processed it and I had 11 different emotions that I was feeling in my body. It was like once I process one it was like oh I'm embarrassed and then like oh wait. No I'm angry. Oh did I do something wrong. It was this beautiful thing and then after I process it I was. It felt so much lighter it wasn't triggering me. It wasn't triggering the anger or triggering the sadness or triggering the fear. It was like oh wait. No this is actually what's going on huh as not a big of his deal as big of a deal as I thought and I am a person of purpose who lives on purpose. So I want to move forward. So we started all of this from the original thought of when people were saying I don't want to be an authentic. Super interesting. I want you go back and to explore those 4 areas could you instead actually be feeling insecure or not wanting to feel rejected embarrassed or insignificant. Super. Super powerful. That's I'm here for I'm here to help you have the breakthroughs y'all we'll see you next time.