
93| Want To Free Up More Mental Space? It's SPRING CLEANING time, let's get organized!

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast I'm Jessica Hefley and we are doing a little spring cleaning around here. You may think that your cluttered house or your this and that and that has nothing to do with your business, but it does because clutter equals unmade decisions. This is what is happening inside of your head. It is what is happening inside of your body, and it is what is happening all around yo’ house. So we're going to do a quick episode how to spring cleaning. You're gonna do like note your tangible house like tangible things around your house. We're going to help you make decisions because you are capable of making decisions, so your life can move forward. That was a transformational anchor thought for me. As a recovering perfectionist I got coaching years and years ago on this and she helped me have this tremendous breakthrough that decisions were so hard for me because I was so scared that I was going to make the wrong decision. So pick picking out paint colors was debilitating… debilitating! What if I pick the wrong one? What if I don't like it? It all of that came down to this - you are capable! I am capable of making a decision, so life can move forward. You can change your mind later but you got to make some decisions so life can move forward, so life can go can move and not stay stagnant and stuck. Four areas I'm going to challenge you and you're actual living space this week because this does have to do with your mental health. This does have to do with your mental, emotional health. This does have to do with your spiritual health - you doing these things. Choosing not to have clutter in these areas will mean will mean that you made a decision which will also free up so much mental space but give you the agency and the courage then to also make decisions in your business. To not freeze at indecision, to not freeze at imperfection, to not freeze and you don't know you don't know what to do now. You know exactly what to do! You know exactly what to do! Just do it and if you make a mistake or it's not as good as you wish then you can fix it later, but you got to do something so life can move forward. You are capable of making decisions to create peace for your life and that's what we're about round here . To create more peace so you can make more money. That's what the Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship is about that's what our basic intro Mini-course How To Get Off The Hot Mess Express for ninety seven bucks. That's what it is for to help you start to unclutter your life. To help you to make decisions because you are capable of making decisions to move. The 4 areas - here you go 1) The space you've been avoiding the most! That's your first space you're going to declutter over spring break over spring cleaning or whatever you all got one. Everybody got one. It's an area. It's a room. It's a closet. It's a drawer. It's you just stuff stuff in there for forever. Here we go here is where we're starting the place that you have been avoiding the most that is what you were going to declutter and clean first. That's the one we do. One of my one of my biggest and best pieces of advice is do the thing you're avoiding the most first - get it out of the way. Get it done! Everything after that will seem easier. Everything after that will be easier and it will be less work. Do the thing that you are avoiding the most first that's a word. Number 2 I want you to clean your desk or office space. This is something that I'm doing over spring break. We're in a new home. But I for somehow forgot to do my office like it's just plain and I wanted a really pretty black ground if you're watching me on YouTube lI'm in my closet because I have this window here and I kind of like a little mini-desk but also in my office I want to have a beautiful background I want that space to be a space that I love to be, and that I can quickly utilize that I can turn my video camera on and make a video and everything is ready to go so your desk office space create a space for you and there's still like shame for six first six months of my business I work my business on my kitchen table. That's fine with me. But if it but get some organization get some pins get a stapler get your plugins that you need get a some of y'all need to get some buy a printer some of y'all need to go today and actually buy a printer or go buy ink for that printer. Okay, a business owner has a utilizing working printer. What are those areas that just it's like been annoying and you just have been putting off what can you do to make your office area your office work your office space more user, friendly with less resistance. Do you need to buy some sticky notes.? Do you need to actually clean off the top of your desk? Need to buy some new extra notepads and do you need to organize your bills? What is it about that space? How can you make - this is in the book Atomic Habit it's like how can you create the least resistance for the things that you need to do most? Okay, so make it prettier. Maybe you need to do something pretty. And there but a pretty background, paint it I don't know but make your office work space uncluttered and easy to access. Something that you enjoy. A place that you want to go to often and a place that when you go there to work everything that you need to work is there. Okay. Pretty easy. Number 3 your clothes. We actually have foregone a big spring break trip this year actually, had a really amazing trip planned our friend invited us on, but it got canceled. That's another story, so we were sad. Because we had huge big plans and then we didn't have any plans and then we just that was an invitation for us to just to evaluate this is a season. My husband just got back from a long men's retreat and there's lots of things going on at his work and honestly since we moved in our house about four or five months ago there still are some things that we just need to get done. I'm taking my own advice here like there's some things we need to get done around the house to help us feel more at home. I want to do some things in my office. He wants to clean his office. We've been throwing everything in the third garage. That's my number 1 thing is the space. We've been avoiding the most is our third garage. Yeah, but just like I've threw all my Christmas stuff in there. We still have stuff that. Everything that we didn't find its permanent place when we moved in as in the third garage and our third garage kind of opens up to our pool area. It has 2 doors you can like you can park a car in there if you want to or you can open it from the other side and we can use it as like when we have large parties we could put seating at table and and seating in there. We'll put our floaties and pool supplies and stuff in there. So anyways, it accesses to the back part of our yard to our pool and it's full a junk right now and we actually have like this really cool dolly our builder built this in where it's a dolly like one of those things you called dumb waiter, but it's huge and it can hold up to 300 pounds. It comes down from the ceiling. If you're watching me on YoutTube I'm doing our motions where you you're welcome. Um, it comes down from the ceiling you can pile boxes stuff up to 300 pounds of stuff on it and then it goes up into the attic and so you don't have to carry all the heavy stuff up the stairs. So it’s actually really amazing and so we actually just need to utilize it and put a ton of stuff up in the attic which will take me and Rob to both be there at the same time someone loading it someone up in the attic unloading it. We're going to do that this next week because that's the biggest area that we have been avoiding. But also what I'm going to do this week, number three was clothes. This is what I want you to do because I was you can see some of my clothes you get it inside scoop if you're watching on Youtube. Clothes, clothes that can be 1 of the biggest areas of clutter of unmade decisions. How many of you have a closet full of clothes but you go in and you're like oh I can't find anything to wear! I'm tired of saying that because I do have things to wear or if I keep saying I don't have anything to wear. It is time to release it. Go watch some KonMari videos. What is the Magic Art of Tidying Up. What is her tidying book? It seems silly. She like thinks and thinks things for bringing them joy and then gets rid of them if it doesn't bring you joy anymore. Get rid of it. There is freedom. There is more so brain space when you declutter when you make powerful decisions to release something to get rid of something and so I'm going to be going through my clothes. Because I don't like when I come in and I'm like I don't know what to wear I don't know what to work when I'm literally like touching 20 different things I'm going to maybe you just need to organize like give your ah ah and great thing to do is find 5 to 10 outfits that you love that you love because here's also what happens. And I tend to like not wear the clothes that I love because I'm like saving them from special occasions where are the clothes you love wear are the clothes that make you feel good. Okay, so get together like 10 shirts 10 outfits that you love just rotate those. You feel confident in those, they fit good. Get rid of the stuff that just doesn't fit good. Get rid of the stuff that you got to keep pulling and tugging on and that just like doesn't you just like are like oh I don't even like this doesn't even feel good. Why do you keep wearing it? You don't have to eat it. So anyways, this an invitation and this invitation for me to kind of get some. We're moving out the winter clothes bringing down the spring clothes, figuring out what really brings me joy and getting rid of some stuff or putting some stuff to the side that's uncluttering my mind out of the way. So I do have like I have another closet upstairs where I keep like my fun Plexus has provided a lot of like really fun opportunities. For things that I wouldn't have otherwise like I've got some formal dresses. I've got a lot of like dresses up when they take us to Hawaii every year just hawaiian dresses, beach dresses just some fun form other things I don't have down here cluttering my space down here. That's okay, like maybe you need to. Have some of those fun pieces that you really only wear once a year or on a special occasion. Maybe put those in another closet. Go put them in your guestroom closet if you have the space or figure something creative out or maybe get rid of them who knows but close is the third one and then the fourth area is I want you to pick one of the most frequently used. Bases that just it just just needs some attention you know like it's just gotten overwhelmed like maybe it's your silverware drawer like maybe you've just thrown junk in there and you're just like okay it's time I use this drawer all the time. What could I do to? What could this small thing that I could do to provide more peace for my life is just taking a pause and doing that and maybe it's the the top of your vanity like in the bathroom. Maybe it's just covered and hairspray and face washes and makeup and hair stuff and maybe you just pause and you take a moment. This is a space I see every single day. What can I do to get more organized some so really, really like silly thing that I did last month a couple months ago but I was just so proud of myself. Okay, so I had this makeup bag that was a gift it was a gift for my company and I had been using it for years. It was like the perfect size it held all my makeup stuff but it was hideous to me like it was so ugly. Like neon pink and neon purple and I was just like every time I used it I was like I love that this holds my makeup I love it. But it's ugly so I finally just got on Amazon and got me a beautiful new neutral makeup holder and ah and every time I see it now it brings me joy. That's another thing that she teaches you in that KonMari whoever she is. She's like if it doesn't spark joy for you get rid of it like it. It is okay for you to have things in your life that spark joy I went through a season once where I got rid of the socks that always went down when I wore them that drove me crazy. I just done got rid of them. Okay we keep to this is the example of like why do we? We have choices when life is so rushed, and we just keep wearing the same thing that drives us crazy or keep putting on the sock. that we know is going to go down and we're going to be pulling on it and tugging on it forever. We keep using this thing that is just so hideous to us like take a pause. What is something that you frequently use so often that you just need to replace? Are you just need to declutter or maybe you need to get a couple things from the store to help you organize that space or really what you need to do is probably just get rid of some Stuff. Don't get in this notice if you just keep buying organizational bins or baskets or things. To organize your crap when you just need to get rid of some stuff. So anyways, I'm excited for you for this invitation for you to spring clean those 4 areas again where the space you've been avoiding the most is number one get it out of the way number 2 is your desk office space have that be an inviting welcoming. Easy accessible place where it has everything that you need number 3 your clothes that is something that you will need to use every single day please wear Clothes. So do something about that to make that space lest make some decisions you are capable of making decisions to create peace for your life. You are capable of making decisions. So life can move forward and the number 4 is just a frequently used space something that you can do to that space to help you feel more peace feel more ease and ultimately doing all of this is going to help you feel more in control. Okay, that's why. That's with these these cluttered spaces. They feel out of control so they're creating back to the good old feelings wheel they're creating these feelings of chaos or avoidance or um, can I just say chaos again. Like it is which is the opposite of peace and so if you want to create. Maybe you clean out your car the trash in your car like just make the powerful decisions trying to snap into the microphone make powerful decisions that actually don't take very long. But you avoiding them creates more chaos in your life, so create some more peace for your life make powerful decisions. Clutter is nothing more than unmade decisions. Notice how that also is happening in your thoughts and your brains. But that's another episode. We got lots of them. So check the ones in the past check the ones in the future. Still continuing to get so much positive feedback about the 5 part money Mindset Series episode 85 through 89 check that out if you home on Spring break or going on a walk. But anyways here we go I'll let you go have fun decluttering. It's important you are capable of creating more peace for your life.

See you next time.