Today we’re getting into some social media strategy! We know how important social media is to your business and brand, but it can seem so overwhelming! Let’s break it down to a few things that will increase engagement and show you’re relatable to your audience.
Good Leaders Ask Good Questions S1, E44
This week we’re looking at the questions you need to be asking and the questions you need to ask yourself…
Recently at a team training, I had someone ask “what’s the one thing I need to do for my business?” And I get this question a lot. Even at my large company convention, this is a question I get asked, in the hallway, in the elevator, after speeches... What I really want to do is sit down, look them in the eye and say “what do YOU think you need to be doing for your business?” How often are we just seeking someone else to tell us the next step? It never really works for someone else to give you the answer.
What Does Younger You Need to Hear? S1, E43
I’ve got a storytime for you today… My husband Rob was out of town, and I had already put the kids to bed. I decided to tackle some big Rubbermaid tubs that I haven’t touched in years and years. There were so many memories! My girl scout vest, so many printed pictures, and letters, and report cards. I came across a picture and it stopped me in my tracks. It made me start uncontrollably crying. I’m not much of a crier, but man this hit me hard.
You're Shaped By the Voices You Listen To S1, E42
What we do and why we do it are shaped by the voices we listen to. And that’s what we’re getting into today!
I moved a few months ago, we’re transitioning to a new town and home, the kids just started at their new school, it’s been a season of realignment for us. I feel like I’ve really been in a season of perfectionism and confusion and distraction. All of us are probably going in and out of these feelings too. I was feeling nervous about leading you guys in the wrong direction or not having the right words to say on the podcast. But the last few weeks God has really drawn me in deeper.
Scarcity of Time S1, E40
Have you ever caught yourself saying or thinking “I just don’t have time for that?!”
I’ve caught myself feeling those feelings of busy, time deficient, and stressed lately. But I had to stop and remind myself I’m creating that idea!
You live into the story you tell yourself! If you are saying that “I don’t have enough time to do that!” then you’re going to get to keep that thought. And you have a choice in how you feel!
I feel like God gives us those stressed and busy feelings it’s an invitation to spend my time with Him!
Do You Love Yourself? S1, E39
Do you love yourself? I want you to REALLY think about this! Like REALLY, REALLY think about it. Pause, give yourself time to turn this question over in your head, and see what feelings come up.
Sometimes we refuse to put any effort into creating a good life for ourselves because we don’t feel like we deserve it. We’re going there, friends! Do you feel like you deserve good things? Remember that you live into the story that you tell yourself, and if you tell yourself you don’t deserve all the goodness, you’re not going to get it!
This Isn't Familiar? Good! S1, E38
Today I want to tell you guys about one of my favorite memories with my teammates.
I’m always looking for ways to push my leaders to the next level. So a couple of years ago, I took some of my top-level leaders to the Catalyst conference in California. It was actually a leadership conference for church leaders, but I believe what we do can mimic pastoral work!
We also went and took trapeze lessons! I was so excited! What a fun way to push ourselves and try something scary!
Setting Up Systems of Support S1, E37
When I was on the way to family camp, I went back and listened to a few earlier episodes of the podcast. Now that we’re halfway through the year I think it’s great to go back and visit some ideas and thoughts from the beginning of the year. I recommend episodes 10 and 11 to get you thinking about where you want to be in December of 2020.
We want to operate at our highest level of contribution. This is the area where you were born to do, make you come alive, and really thrive. I’m talking about this because I see SO many people in their businesses burnt out and beyond stretched thin. And honestly, no one is going to give you a badge for your girl scout vest for doing all the things! The ultimate goal in business is to add value to people for money in return. To get to that level, we’ve got to determine what is not the highest level of contribution for you.
Powerful People Attract Money S1, E36
We’ve recently moved to a new town with several more shopping opportunities like Sam’s Club. I was able to go last week with no kids in tow and just browse. As I was exploring the aisles, I came across a ten pack of nice socks and decided to buy them and get rid of all my old socks that didn’t match.
What I Learned about ME from Rachel Hollis' Divorce S1, E35
After a full week of fun (and unplugging! Woo!!) at family camp, I’m back and refreshed!
While I was gone I heard the news that Dave and Rachel Hollis were divorcing. I think audibly gasped. I was so shocked. If you’re not familiar with Dave and Rachel, they have a podcast, are authors and hold retreats. A lot of their subject matters centers on marriage and of course, they’ve talked about their own relationship.
And honestly, I don’t really want to talk about this topic. I don’t want to be misconstrued, misunderstood, or be insensitive. I’m not here to judge, and really this podcast isn’t Rachel and Dave, it’s about me, it’s about you and what triggers strong emotions.
When I first heard the news, I had a ton of emotions. I was angry, sad, and I felt deceived. But those are judgments and we’ll talk more about that in a second.
Is Social Media Toxic? S1, E34
Out of Control Re-release, S1. E33
Damaging Effects of Efficiency, S1, E32
Let Yourself Go There! S1, E31
This week we're going to talk about letting yourself really go there. Go into those emotions and feelings and really let them run their course. I know we just talked about keeping our hopes up last week, but today we're going to talk about what happens when you are feeling emotions and how to process them.
Get Your Hopes Up! S1, E30
What are you Unlearning? S1, E29
Leaning into Your Purpose with Brooke Thomas S1, E28
Three Benefits of Stillness for Your Business
You Live Into the Story You Tell Yourself, S1, E26
An Ounce of Certainty Goes a Long Way S1, E25
We're entering week 4 of being home and self-isolating and adjusting to these changes in routine and dealing with the stress of the situation. I've really discovered that an ounce of certainty goes along. They've decided in our state to continue schools from home the rest of this school year. Even though this isn't a great thing, the certainty it gives is comforting. I know how to move forward, what kind of plans I need to focus on, and where I can go from here.