THE LIE- it’s bad to love yourself because if you do it will distract you from taking care of and thinking about others. Want to learn how to truly love others in a HEALTHY unconditional way? Start by LOVING yourself. Self-love isn’t’s actually quite the opposite. It actually opens you up and empowers you TO love others more fully. February we are exploring the TRANSFORMING power of our loving thoughts which affects how we show up as a leader, and as a mom, in how we view and treat our physical bodies, how we RECEIVE, and how we can create what once seemed impossible because love and loving thoughts CHANGES everything!!!!
67 | Are You Smart than a 4th Grader?
A couple of weeks ago our 10-year-old son Judson was in the school spelling bee. It was optional to sign up and they had over a month to study the practice spelling list and prepare and he was terrified but he signed up on his own anyways. And I secretly did the HAPPY dance because my very shy, and easily embarrassed, basically, me incarnate but a boy as a kid who chose to do something he was terrified of. This instantly makes him my hero because he was WAY more courageous than I ever did in 4th grade!
66 | Saying No to Something Means Saying Yes to Something Else.
Saying no to something means saying yes to something else. So why is it so hard? Why is it so hard to say NO to someone? Recently on multiple occasions, I’ve had someone ask if I could meet up with them for coffee. My immediate response in my head was “I don’t want to” quickly followed by the self-condemning thoughts of ”ugg I”m such a horrible person.” Why was I equating the thought “I don’t want to do something” to me being a horrible person?! Co-Dependent much?
65 | Sound Mind
When you think of “inheritance” what comes to mind? For some reason, I think of a wealthy person who dies and everything that belongs to them gets passed down to blood relatives as a gift. It’s theirs and they take it. Right? I’m currently taking a Dream Course and in passing Steven Maddox told a story about all his life God had been pointing him to work in film and be a writer and he kept denying it. Not believing that was his identity. Not believing that was for him. One day at church a man even came up to him and said he felt led by God to gift him this box FULL of nice camera equipment, like lots of it, expensive stuff, and he thought “This isn’t for me.” So he gave it away. HE GAVE IT AWAY to someone else! Because he didn’t think “it was for him.”
Want to know my word for the year?
So I’m torn but leaning in. God made it evidence and confirmed multiple times my word for the year 2023. But then I read the book the “12 Week Year” and it rocked my world and how I now set goals, which I taught all about inside Leading Ladies this month including a goal-setting sheet like I’ve never before seen to help you plan and dream and execute from a place of love and PURPOSE and powerful, meaningful decisions instead of fear and past failure and self-hatred.
What do you define a good steward as?
What do you define a good steward as?
For most the first thing that comes to mind is money. Fear and or longing to do the “right” thing with their money. This is wise, and one of my favorite topics BUT might I propose stewardship as something much much deeper…
Stewardship just so happens to be one of the 6 CORE VALUES of Leading Ladies that lead to WHOLENESS.
You’ll Never Be the Same
A life changing transformation.
This work affects generations.
You will NEVER be the same. Those are big promises that I stand behind them I million percent! I have proof from current members and from my own life! I feel so compelled and am so convicted in making sure you know what I’m offering here.
“I help God’s LEADING LADIES walk in the reality of WHOLENESS now without fear of yesterday’s limitations holding them back ever again.”
Is This Your Longing?
Spiritual Warfare Part 3
‼️Week 3 ReCap‼️
We listened beforehand to “The Place We Find Ourselves” by Adam Young episode #43 Warfare Part 3
Some agreements we make with ourselves-
I will not trust again.
I will not love my spouse again.
I will not put myself at risk again.
I'm ugly.
I'm a loser.
I'm worthless.
Spiritual Warfare Part 2
‼️Week 2 ReCap‼️
We listened beforehand to “The Place We Find Ourselves” by Adam Young episode #41 Warfare Part 2
Verse- “Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his kingdom, talking about Satan here. You'll trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority.”
Luke 10:19
Spiritual Warfare Part 1
“The greatest trick the devil ever played is convincing the world he doesn’t exist.”
‼️Week 1 ReCap‼️
We listened beforehand to “The Place We Find Ourselves” by Adam Young episode #41 Warfare Part 1
Out of Sight, Out of Mind S1, Ep 54
Just over a week ago now we got a Peloton bike. So grateful and excited! If you go to their website, there's a two to three month back order and I'm so thankful that my good friend was willing to sell hers so we got one quickly. There's this cool idea. Like I decided to think I talked to you guys about this briefly. I'll tell you real quick as a reminder. I'm working with my trainer twice a week and then by needing to get cardio in on my off days. And I just local spin class, loved it, sweated a bunch, felt like I was really doing some toning exercises and getting cardio in. Our good friends delivered it to us and Rob brought it in the house and put it right in the living room. The main floor of our house has the bedrooms and my office, kitchen, dining room. Like everything we use regularly on is on the first floor. Like we've got a row machine, an assault bike machine, a weight bench. Rob has worked hard to set up a nice workout space. But it could be a week or two before I even go down there.
I Did Not Want to Record This Episode S1, E53
Have you ever listened to a podcast where the host starts the podcast off by saying, I do not want to record this episode? I'm just going to keep it real. It is November 4th, 2020 the day after election day. I am exhausted as I‘m actually sure that I'm not the only one that feels this way. Usually, we're like, Oh, I bet nobody else is feeling the same way I'm feeling. No, I'm pretty positive. Almost all of y'all are feeling exhausted today. First of all, physically exhausted. Cause you probably stayed up later than you did for New Year’s Eve.
Can You See It? S1, Ep 52
A lie that I believed for almost all my life is tall people can't have muscles. I am six feet tall. Through childhood and even college, I was extremely thin, like really, really, really, really skinny could not even gain weight. Even if I tried, I ate all of the sugar, all the fattening things and it didn’t work.
Don’t Forget What You Loved Before You Started
Our Story with a Positive Covid Test S1, E50
Today, I'm sharing my family's personal story with a positive Covid test. Now, this is not everyone's experience, this is ours. I share it to spread hope and respect. I understand that everyone experiences are different and I can only speak on what happened with our family.
The audio comes from a Facebook live video that I shared on my personal page and wanted to share here on the podcast too.
Once Isn't Enough, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!! S1, E49
My kids are on fall break and we’ve been home relaxing. I remembered Pippi Longstockings and thought I could share it with the kids. Even the intro music was so nostalgic for me! Everything came back to me as I was watching it. Before pressing play all I could remember is that she had red pigtails. As we watched more and more, the movie became familiar. It’s been close to 30 years since I’ve seen it. So I must have watched it so many times as a kid to remember it all! This has got me thinking about what happens to our brains when we repeat, repeat, repeat!
We Need You to be Healthy Right Now S1, E48
You Have More Influence Than You Think S1, E47
Embarrassment is a Rite of Passage S1, E46
One of my goals for the year was to work on my arms and leg muscles so I did something very scary and hired a trainer! Not just any trainer, but a bodybuilder who is very muscular. Now I’m not planning on doing any bodybuilding competitions but I figured it would be best to learn from someone super experienced in that area. I had my first session yesterday and she’s giving me all the things I need to get started like meal plans and measurements.