88| Money Mindset Series #4: Gratitude - How you view money is how you view all areas of your life.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast I'm Jessica Hefley. I don't know why I did that? Okay listen if you're not in the podcast group, we have a Facebook group Prosperity with Purpose Facebook group! We're doing some fun giveaways and some fun stuff in that group. You want to be in there! My show notes has a link and Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship is where you will get coaching from me to have the breakthrough individualized one on one. To help you process all of these money money mindset things at a level that you've never thought about before. At a level that is so transformative in helping you step into a different purpose!

Today we are talking about all about the attitude of gratitude, because how you view money is how you view other areas of your life! You may think all this talk, by the way we're on episode 4, of a four part series on money mindsets. This is the fourth one - go what we've got lots episodes for that! We're in a series right now about money minds up and how you view money is how you view all other areas of your life. You might. be thinking “You know, money's not that important!” Ah that was my evil laugh! Okay, money's not that important, and I bet if you that is your core belief, I bet you don't have very much of it because the people who have money understand that it is important. Understand the tool that it is and understand it's way more than just money and I'm going to show you how? Okay,. So for example, how you view money is probably how you view all areas all other areas of your life If you're thinking I don't have enough if you're thinking I don't have enough money and I bet you. You're also believing I'm not Enough. Or you may be thinking I'll never have enough money what else in your life. Do you? Also think you'll never have enough of love Relationships Happiness peace seeing the correlation here if you feel a lot of like bitterness around people who have money a lot of judgment around people who have money or don't have money or whatever. Ah I bet you're struggling with some bitterness and judgment around lots of different areas of life. Lots of other things in life and if you're feeling like obsessed with the amount of money or obsessed with what you have or obsessed with what you don't have. I bet you're more of a jealous-obsessed person about other people's opinions or and what you own or what you don't own like the obsessiveness of being involved their children's life or the obsessive enough of of everything your husband does or you know like it. It equates to the other areas of life start noticing the correlations. Maybe maybe you're suspicious like isn't that suspicious of that meme on Instagram you know like maybe you're really suspicious of somebody who has a lot of money huh I wonder if you're also suspicious of. Lots of other things going behind the scenes or in the scenes or you don't trust anybody or notice the theme. Maybe your maybe your thought or your belief is that money is slimy or bad or dangerous and then I bet you don't just think money is slimy or bad or dangerous. You probably think. All humankind are all people are slimy and bad and dangerous. So that's so interesting because all of those views right? They tend to have like a closed-ness a stuck-ness you know, bitterness, jealousy, judgment - judgmental, obsessive, suspicious, slimy and dangerous. I'm not enough like those all kind of are like a closed way to view life- a closed way to see the world, right? Instead of this this attitude of gratitude. I hate cheesy cliches. I hate them. But I mean attitude of gratitude, but it's true. This attitude of gratitude. This way of being in life that is abundant and full and open and you know gratitude. I bet you if you have a lot of gratitude around your money, I bet you have a lot of gratitude in other areas of your life for the things that you own the things that you have the experiences. That you get to experience the relationships that you get to be in a relationship with I bet you. There's a lot of gratitude in all areas of life I bet if you are accepting of the reality of your money situation right? now we talked about that last week as if when you are more accepting of what is accepting of reality when you. , are willing to come to grips with what is that I bet you're accepting with lots of other areas of your life and I bet you that brings you a lot of peace and a lot of empowerment if. You're really generous with your money that I bet you. You're really generous with your time and you're really generous with your thoughts and you're really generous and how you believe in people and you're really generous with your , your curiosity with yourself and generous with your curiosity with others and generous. And how you think about yourself and generous and how you think about others. So interesting how that is also correlated to how you are with money. If you're really trusting what you're trusting around money you're trusting in yourself, you're trusting in your ability to create more. You're trusting, and I bet you're more trusting of other people and more trusting in your relationships and more trusting of God and more trusting like when you I bet you when you give when you if you you know when you tithe like that isn't and just a law to do just because God said but it's it creates this relationship of trust it creates a. This relationship of I Trust God with this I trust that he will provide for me this this beautiful generous open stance in life right? like it's open when you believe that money is a tool for good and I bet you believe that lots of other good is possible in the world. Lots of other things can be used. For good your times your talents your resources can also be used for good and I bet you're using your money for good but you're also using other areas of your life for good. It is such an open stance a wholeness view of life Such an It's a way of viewing life from ah from a posture of growth. A posture of abundance from a posture of openness and all of those ways create Peace. So the other day when I was thinking about doing this episode just gratitude in general and I I noticed that it gratitude takes a pause right? like so much in Life. We have to pause and notice our thoughts pause and decide if you want to keep doing or acting the same way or if we want to do or act a different way like there's so much power in the pause and gratitude takes a pause and so I just paused there and I was just and I literally started to list things out like everything that I am grateful for, and because it's so easy to be grateful for the big things. You know the ways that you get at work or a really phenomenal connection or a reaction or interaction with your spouse or just a really, but a fun vacation. It's just so easy to be grateful for those things, but we lose the gratitude in everything. So I just started to write it out like for me to be and grateful about every little thing I was like: I'm grateful for my bed. I'm grateful for my shoes. I'm grateful that I have clean underwear. I'm grateful that I have running hot water and a fridge that keeps my food cold, and I'm grateful for a stove and I'm grateful for my flooring. Some people don't have flooring in their homes or it's falling apart. I'm grateful for my couch. I'm grateful to have a hair dryer and toothpaste and a car.I let my mind like wonder and then it was every single little detailed aspect about the next - about my car like I'm grateful that I can afford gas and have insurance and for a radio and for a heater in my car and that my windshield isn't cracked and then I'm grateful for the airbag in the rearview mirrors and that I have automatic rolldown windows. I am grateful I don't drive a stickshift. I Just let there be enjoyment around every single possible detail that I could think of to be grateful for and so I really want to challenge you guys this week to how yes in every area of your life. But how can you be grateful for every single aspect of money.

What if the next time you sit down to pay bills it is instead of a closed stuck mindset of, “Oh my gosh I hate paying bills! The IRS is stealing my money! I can't believe how much the gas was this month!”, what if instead you’reI so grateful that I get to pay this bill I am so grateful that I had heat. During the one week of freeze in Arkansas. That's why my heating bill is higher I am so grateful for the the muscles in my hand move so I can grip this pen and write this check I am so grateful. That I have stamps sitting in my desk I don't have to go scrounge up pennies to be able to even put my bill in the mail just that attitude of gratitude around money and watch that openness that growth stance what that will do to help you be open. And the money do to increase and grow in your life and so I got a little activity for you guys because again on this theme of how you view money is how you view all other areas of your life I want you to be clear with yourself on how you view money. So make a list of 1 through 25 do this right now 1 through 25 1 through 3 or 5 six seven all the way through 25 and I want you to make a list of reasons why money is good. Why money is fun. Why money is enjoyable! Why money is a blessing to you and a blessing to others! Literally write write a list of 25 reasons to give your brain clarity. Give your brain expansiveness. Give your brain creativity. Give your brain areas of growth and gratitude to see all the reasons. That money is good and money is purposeful and money can be used for great things that and how view view this from a place of openness and enjoyment and have fun with it like stopping your rigidness and all my money and all don't only list all the ways that money. Feeds the poor yes money feeds the poor absolutely money also pays for vacation and there's any money can buy you a poll can buy me a boat buy me a truck to pull it. Okay there's a really redneck song that talks about how money can't. How it the house. What's it called money can't the money and this says money can't buy you everything but it can buy you a boat. It can buy you a truck to pull it. It was just saying like the fun things that it cant provide stop being so rigid and stop thinking money is so bad and something. Such an awful person for having money or wanting money or doing things with money money again is neutral. It doesn't mean anything and money has no ceiling. We've learning these these are these are all been foundational steps on the and and this journey with money these past 4 episodes if money doesn't mean anything and there's literally no limit to the amount of possible income that you can earn! Have fun because you know what you're going to do more of something that you enjoy something that is fun something that brings a fun result in your life. Discipline Equals Freedom The hard work that you do the the Mindset intentionality, the active ways you fight against the enemy. Those are all you know - they’re work. But where who said work was a bad thing? It can provide you a lot of freedoms and a lot of fun and so in this episode I Just want to. To remind you and encourage you to have this attitude of gratitude this attitude of openness to notice the areas of your life where you may be closed off Maybe that's around money but also notice when you're like getting really possessive or really jealous about maybe a friendship. Or you're getting really uncomfortable about how somebody acted or how you don't like how you're not showing up to exercise all of these things are related all of these things are related how you view money is how you view everything else in your life and so maybe you can start with. Maybe. You know the uncomfortableness or the feelings that come up around money will help open you up to other areas of your life. But I Also want you to notice the other areas of your life that think that you think have nothing to do with money. Also also are related. Your relationship with money and everything in life is related and everything goes back to your thoughts an it. That's why it is so incredibly powerful for us to be noticesers of how we view money, because I want you to make more money. You want you to make more money. You creating more peace in your life means getting a hold on your thoughts. Being more open to the attitude of gratitude will affect your relationship and your results around your money around your income so to recap this quick series because we got lots more to talk about and don't you worry. We're gonna talk about money again, but we've got some shame to talk about. We've got some acceptance to talk about. We got some other areas of your business. We're got talk about in the episodes coming up so this series of 4 things on money mindset episode 1 is about how money is neutral, bringing the neutrality back to money number 2 was really getting like having a lot of awareness around. What your thoughts around money have created for you going back engaging with your past story around money episode number 3 in the money mindset series was really about ownership empowering you to have a different future with your money ownership around it. Oh so good and then episode 4 here is just an attitude of. Gratitude and attitude of openness and wholeness and growth so make that list of 25 reasons why money is good and awesome and fun and enjoyable and it is a blessing to you and to others and shift how you think about money which in turn will shift. How you feel about money which in turn will shift your actions towards making more God bless you God bless your family God bless your business. Yes, it's okay for to pray for God to bless the bless your business bless the hand of your work bless it. And let me pray blessing for you right now. A blessing I'm just going to speak scripture over you me and my friend Michelle Stuchill and some other people were thinking about just what is the way that we can bless our business, bless our organization, bless our team. How can we speak the literal word of God when you don't know what to pray? You can just speak. The word of God, there is so much power in it. So I just took verses from Psalm 67 and Psalm 90 and put it together in a blessing for our business, and may I speak this blessing over your business. We'll put this in the show notes may you speak this blessing over you and over your business. May you focus on the truth may you focus on the word of God may you cling ah to the hope against all hope Abraham and hope believed against all hope Jessica in hope believed may fill in that blank with your name your future with your business with your income. You're going to do with it having prosperity with. Purpose. So here we go may God be gracious to us and bless us so that your ways may be known on earth your salvation among the nation may all the pupils praise you God oh Lord our God let your favor rest upon us come work with us and then our work will endure. You will give us success in all we do. I'm going to read it again straight from scripture Psalm 67 and Psalms 90 may God be gracious to us and bless us so that your ways may be known on earth you know so your salvation among the nation may all the people praise you God. Ah, Lord our God let your favor rest upon us come work with us and then our work will endure. You will give us success in all, we do Amen and Amen apart from you can do nothing. This is a partnership and what episode was it I think it's episode 81 ish around 81 talk about the good news. how how to share the gospel with people. This is so much bigger than you the purpose of you making more money is not just for you. It's ok that you like in the book or how having invade your finances talks about when things flow through a water hose you're going to get wet too. But the whole purpose of you having more income making more income growing your influence. So the blessing can flow through you. You will be blessed because of it. But it's to flow through you to bless other people and once you grasp that I mean it just very simply is the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor make. More money I'm so grateful that you are here I'm so grateful that you're partnering with me and others in this mission this prosperity with purpose to create more peace so you can make more money and because of your list of 25 all the reasons why money is good

And money is purposeful and money is fun and enjoyable and money is a blessing from the Lord and there's no reason it can't flow through you.

God Bless You - see you next week.

87| Money Mindset Series #3: Allowing OWNERSHIP to EMPOWER you to create different results.

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Hello welcome back to the prosperity with purpose podcast with Jessica Hefley we are on our Money Mindship Money set series talking about extreme ownership. The ship was in there somewhere ok money ownership is what we are talking about if you just jumped in on the series. Make sure you go back and listen to episode 1 and 2 in this series where we really talk about neutrality of money and then we really talk about our thoughts and engaging with their story of why we are in the place we are right now with our money. Now I want to teach you about extreme ownership when it comes to money. Okay I I kind of stand on a pillar foundation. I think some there's important. 3 kind of leaders. Leaders steer a ship, leaders are problem solvers ,and leaders take extreme ownership. Let me say those again leaders steer the ship. They can change the the direction they can change the trajectory for their team for their business for their own lives. They can steer the ship. Okay, you can steer the ship you can steer the ship in a different direction for your own life ,for your own team for your business. Leaders also are problem solvers. Yes, that's right. They have the ability to solve problems. They have the ability to not wait until somebody else takes care, fixes it or does this, or they take extreme ownership in the way but they are problem solvers and leaders take extreme ownership. Okay, so now we're going to equate that with money. Okay I've got three ways for you for money ownership.

Number 1, 2 and 3 -

Number 1- I am responsible and accountable for where I am right now with my money situation. We'll unpack that just second.

Number 2 - I am the creator of my relationship with money.

Number 3 - I create my financial future.

All of these are I statements I want you to know like because first of all apart from me, you can do nothing let me preface this every part of these are in partnership with God. so I'm not saying go be your own god you can create, you can do whatever you want. How I teach foundationally in everything, so all of these are in partnership with God, but I want to empower you that there are things that you can do to have a completely different creature.

So let's unpack number one. Well first of all, there are so no money problems just thought problems. Let me say it again.

What if there are no money problems. They are just thought problems!

So sorry, Biggie biggie biggie Mo Money does not equal Mo Problems. Okay, there are no money problems just thought problems. Meaning the way that you think about your situation.

So number 1: I am responsible and accountable for where I am now.

This will free you. This will take a huge weight off of your shoulders if you live this out taking responsibility taking ownership. Taking accountability for where you are right now, where are you in your financial situation right now. Are you in a lot of debt and hiding it? Do you have no idea what you're doing and want to make sure nobody else knows about that. Do you have a lot of shame around past decisions that you have had about money and are you blaming somebody else for your current situation? Did an accident happen and you lost a lot of money and you didn't really don't believe that it was that it is is your fault? Whatever it is, we have to come to a place that we it's always you have to start on a place of honesty. To stop like not admitting or not coming to terms with what reality is what your true money situation is right now we can. We can keep hustling, hustling and has and us and because we're trying to but figure out how to like we have to make the money or we're gonna have to get another job or we have to do this so the collectors are going to come out of us. Or you and maybe I should say lead. Let's come to grips with where you are. There's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This is not for you to spiral into shame or come in agreement that you are a mistake, or you are a problem. Or you can't figure this out or something is foundationally wrong with you? No, it's just a beautiful place of accepting what is incredibly important so take a moment right now. What is your true and honest financial situation? What is it? Do you have a ton of credit card debt?

You have no plan for saving or investing in the future and what is where are you right? Now you can't hide it. You can't outrun it. You can't keep pretending that this is not your reality. This is your reality. It was always supposed to be this way because it is right. Come to grips with what is if you want to accelerate your view of money your mindset of money your results with money your future with money. You have to come to grips in reality with what “is”. Take some time with that. Journal with that. Get that all out. You may not like where you are. You may love where you are, but you have to know where you are you have to know your red dot. You have to know on the map of life on this journey of where you're trying to get to you have to know where you are starting and there is such freedom such beauty such authority with just even. Acknowledging what is so number one I am responsible and accountable for where I am now. Okay, all of this all of this thing that I'm talking about today is meant to empower you to have a different future. So this is empowering. It actually IS empowering. To accept what is, because it is reality. It is something that you cannot. You cannot change the past you cannot change but happened 5 minutes ago but you have the ability to have a different future when you are honest with where you are now. Also word for every year of your life but on your health journey, your weight loss journey, your marriage your parenting your leader like whatever this is where you are today. We can work with that. We can't work with you pretending that. It's not reality. We can't work with you living in La La Land not taking ownership but we can work with today. Okay. We can move forward from that, so number 1 take responsibility and accountability for where you are now no shame. No condemnation. It is so incredibly powerful to you to accept what is. And have hope and belief that the future can be different. Number two: I am the creator of my relationship with money. I love that I keep using the word create. It's a word that I use so often because it helps you not take a passive role in your life. It helps you create things in your life. Create things that are different. Create a different future. It is such an empowering word to me. We need to say it more. You are the creator of your life again. That's not you playing God. In partnership with the Lord, you can create something you were made to create. This is why people who don't have jobs -this what happened with my husband. My Plexus was amazing. It still is amazing. It provided way more than any income than he was ever making outside of the home, and so he got to be home for a couple years and that was great. That was a beautiful season for us and he was home when our children were little but he was also made to create. Made to create with his hands - creativity is his gift and like other men, he was made to create. There's something really, really empowering in that. You were made to create. You were made made to create in your business. What you sell. What team culture you're creating. What you are offering to the world. How you are adding value like those are all ways that you create, and it is incredibly empowering.You are the creator of your relationship with money. In the past 2 episodes we've really gotten more clarity and more a-ha. More curiosity about your story around money because you are the creator of your relationship with money, and how you view money equals your results with money. You can change the results that you have with money when you change your relationship with money. How you think about it. How you've processed it. How you have made certain things lower down the emotions and came to a place of neutrality, and how you then want to powerfully decide how you're going to relate with money, what you are making money mean, (and a side note with that is everybody gets to choose what they believe). So if you're growing in this area and you are changing what you believe money means and you feel empowered and you have a purpose behind why you want to make more money and what you're going to do with it and how you're going to change the world and how you're going to affect culture people get to choose what they believe. Other people may disagree with you other people may still judge you but that doesn't make it true their thoughts their judgments their views of you doesn't make it true and also their views of themselves doesn't necessarily make it true. So if they're still believing they're better than you because they make more money than you or if they're still believing. They're not as good as you because they're not making as much money as you that doesn't make it true There's a beautiful part of like surrendering that people get to choose whatever they want to make things mean. But so do you you get to choose. What you make things mean and I'm going to choose an empowering thought wealthy people think differently people that go to the next level in life think differently you as a high level leader achiever think differently than others and so I'm constantly having to check in with my own thoughts to elevate my thoughts last week we did the money exercise where you had to double your income. How would someone who makes that income think how would they show up? You know if your dream income was million dollars then double to 2,000,000. You may not be that person yet. But what is 1 step in the way that someone who makes even $10000 more than you? How do they show up differently than you do now? What an empowering way to think about it not of like oh my gosh I'm so never going to be there I'm not like her you know like how I'm clinging to hope i'mlinging into my future. So how can I show up like that. Maybe I put makeup on 2 times this week instead of 1. Maybe I go on a walk. Maybe I do some exercise. Maybe actually do the creation cycle that I learned about in Jessica’s “How to get off the Hot Mess Express” course. Maybe actually incorporat it like that because someone who’s living from their identity and their purpose shows up differently. They think differently. They think empowering thoughts. This is an active step if you look at all these ways in the Bible of our faith is active. The putting on the Armor of God is active. They are forward movement. They are on the offense. This is not like a just certain arrows case or else or all whatever happens happens. No, in partnership the Lord we still can live on the off like it is forward. It is intentional and there is that battlefield on our minds and if we do not take offense if we do not play on the offense moving forward then everything that just comes towards us will destroy us. This is an empowering way to live. An empowering way to think so number 2 was I am the creator of my relationship with money. That means I get to create something different. Number 3 I create my financial future. I create in partnership with the Lord I create, we create our financial future. That means you play a part in it. That means it can be different than it was in the past. So years and years ago I used to always hear this this saying and you've probably heard this before that, you know that most millionaires if they were to lose everything within 2 to 3 years they would be a millionaire again, and I used to think, I do not understand that at all because that sounds so impossible to become a millionaire and if they were to lose it. Oh my gosh! So it would be so much work to do it all over again. No, it's not because abundance isn't like this place you arrive to it is abundance is a place that you can tap into it's something you tune into it's a way of living. It's a way of being It's a way of thinking, and it's different than the rest of the world. So it does come easier because they have done the mindset work. They have done the actionable steps. They have elevated their thoughts. They believe that they are a creator of their relationship with money they believe that they are the creator of their financial future. They're not sitting around being passive waiting to win the lottery and they do do it again and you can do it again. And I would do it again and it doesn't have to be hard who so there are no money problems just thought problems isn't that so interesting. So let's take this back to just a couple couple really tangible examples. Okay, so back to number 1 - I am responsible and accountable for where I am now in my money right? Correct. Okay so what are your current thoughts and what are they playing out for you? I am bad with money. I am bad with money when you think I am bad with money. What does that create for you in your life when you think I am bad with money? That means you probably hide or ignore looking at your money and pretend like you don't have a problem, so you charge everything on a credit card. I don't know. How does it show it for you when you say I am bad with money? What is empowering about that? What does that create for you? What are the actions that you take when you come in agreement and think the thought, “I am bad with money”? Okay, what if you flipped that to “I'm capable of learning more about money and my future with money is going to be different than my past”. How does that change in your body? How does that change your actions if your thought is capable of learning more about money? It feels a little bit lighter doesn't it ? It feels a little bit more empowering because you are capable to learn something new. You are capable to change your relationship with money. You are capable to change your financial future now, but I'm bad with money just lets you go eat sandwich and keep being bad with money! Okay. Another really tangible example”I'll never get out of debt”. I coach a lot of people that have a lot of shame around past decisions and they're not coming to ownership with it. Not the number one. They're not coming to the very first step of accepting what is and so because of that they just keep running from it. They just keep running. They don't like the feeling of shame, so they don't want to feel it so they just keep doing other things so they never have to feel that they never have to acknowledge it and it never changes. So what is a instead of I'll never get out of debt. What's a different empowering thought a different empowering view that you could have about it? How about “I believe I can get out of debt. I believe my future can look different than my past”. I am better with money today than I was yesterday. Give yourself breadcrumbs. You don't have to go from I will never get out of debt too. I will be debtfree and next Saturday. You know, like but give yourself this bridge point take take ownership of what your thoughts are take ownership of what they've been creating for you take ownership that if you don't have the results that you want with money with your relationship with money in your career with your income level take ownership but take. Tory of what those thoughts even are that are creating where you are in the first place another really disempowering thought is if only blank would do this then I could have more money if only my company would do this if only my company would provide this if only my team would do this if only my husband like. That is so disappowering. But you make perfect sense if that is your thought if you keep waiting until somebody else does the specific thing that you think is going to be the money shot that you think is going to be the key to unlock everything else. Let me break it to you I'll break a tea if anybody else got to break a tea I'll be honest with you, you're gonna be holding out forever, and that's not an active way for you to create. If we go back to the leadership, leadership is about steering the ship. Leaders are problem solvers and leaders take extreme ownership. Nobody else is responsible for your success or unsuccess. You’re an active participant. You are the creator of your relationship with money you are the creator of your financial future and you're the creator. Um, you're responsible and accountable for where you are now because it doesn't have to be where. You are in the future. A tangible thing that me that we're currently doing is this year I hired someone from a biblical from a biblical spiritual perspective who also is a Cfo Chief Financial officer. I could spiral in embarrassment and shame around this or I could live with my own advice and take responsibility and ownership for where we are now is that we haven't been the most organized with money. It's not I'm a nerd I don't want to spend. My husband is a free spirit and he loves this. But it's just it's been in an evolution is within our marriage money right? Because it brings up lots of things and both of us. But where I came to reality is I can go another year without being really organized in this area and having more purposeful plan in our financial area or I could do something about it. So I did something about it and I'm paying a pretty penny but I. Because I want to have a different future. So I'm going to stop taking a passive role and just being like oh the money comes in and the money comes out I want to take and I want to be an active participant. I want to acknowledge that I don't like where we are, right? I just I feel like it could be in a much better place. It could be a much purposeful place I feel like we could be better stewards with our money and since it's not a strong suit for me or my husband I hired that you get to hire areas or people are zones of in their zone of genius that's not yours and so I am. Excellent with mindset I'm excellent with the growth aspect of it. You know I wasn't the best with some of the details and so I hired somebody to look at it I hired somebody to import their wisdom their knowledge their viewpoint I hired somebody to ask me questions to um, help me help us have. A game plan to help us have the future that we want so not just stop thinking about it or dreaming about it but I did something about it I became an active participant I became a creator in my future and that's at all levels. Every single level. You are at you get to explore and figure out. Okay I don't have the results I want in this area. What can I do about it. How can I stop complaining about it or whining about it or wishing that it was different and how can I be an active participant in having a different result so extreme. Ownership with your money I hope that you find I know that you I know that you have I know that you have found this episode empowering on steps that you can take on that you being an active participant in your future relationship with money and your future results with money. So go back listen to episode one and two. Listen to this again and we're going to do one more and to really kind of I could talk about this forever and ever and ever honestly.But you want to know my best resource I've ever had on money is from a Biblical perspective and the book “How Heaven invade your finances” by James Baker get it, read it. Read it again in the beginning. I have never highlighted a book more in my entire life. I have never taken to heart. So it is a different way to view money ,and it if you allow it to if you want to be a creator active participant it will allow for everything to change about you and your family financially. There you go you have fun noticing your empowering or disempowering thoughts about money this week notice be a noticer of your thoughts. Do not sit back an active way to change your life is to notice what your thoughts are and notice what they are creating for you. So. Elevate your thoughts elevate your thoughts around money wealthy people think differently people at the next level think differently people who who double their yearly income think differently show up differently. You are a creator for your present and for your future.

86| Money Mindset Series #2: How to Generate More Money OR More Scarcity in Your Life.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose podcast I'm Jessica Hefley, and we are having a blast in the Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship where we are breaking down these things even further and you get a coach to personally help you work through, ask the questions, help you have this breakthrough even deeper to the next level. We're gonna give you lots to think about today - lots to chew on lots to help you have that freedom but in that mentorship is while you're at www.jessicahefley.com/grow to get signed up. We're starting with an exercise today. Okay so get your pens out. Even if you're driving I need you, you just have to write one number, right now. What I want you to write? We're going to unpack last week's episode. But first of all I want you to write down what is your dream annual income in your business - your dream income? You know you're not going have to tell me this you don't have to tell anybody this you may be scared or embarrassed or whatever. But what is your biggest possible thing that you can dream of as being your yearly income in your business write it down. Don't not write it down - literally write it down! Pull over on the side of the road, if you're driving, and if you're in the middle of making dinner get out that scratch piece of paper and pencil write it on a napkin. I don't care but physically write it down and as you are doing that I'm go unpack last week's episode. Okay, so last week if you're just jumping in we're on a 3 to 4 part series. Not sure how long we're gonna do it.

On Money Mindset and last week we really explored this concept of neutrality around money. We often have such heightened emotions about what we believe about it about what we believe about ourselves about what we believe about other people based on how the amount of income that they have or don't have or what they want or don't want or what they like or don't like there's just a lot of judgment and which we're going to go a little bit of story work that really goes back to our background.

Because most people don't even know that they have a money mindset issue. For example, I just put on my Instagram that I was going to be recording some podcast episodes letting people give me their opinion on their inside on what area they'd like me to talk about to help them have breakthrough and I realized like me saying money mindset, money mindset is pinched my nose I don't know where I did that. Okay, so me saying that most people don't even realize they have a money issue. They feel so valid in their feelings or in their stance or they've never engaged with their past story of why they believe the way they do or why they act the way they do so they're just coasting through life and staying about the same but we and about staying about the same on this episode we are about breaking through going to the next level next level of healing wholeness and wealth. So we're going to get really curious. Make sure you've written down that number, haven't forgot about it. We're going to come back to in a minute your dream income. Okay, but so for me, what started so much of my study on abundance, working through my money mindset, finding growth around all of these things. So I can't say this enough and I guess I could just keep saying it, but I want to help you have an experience with it in that thoughts are everything the way that you think will generate more money, or more scarcity in your life. I can tell you strategy all day long. I can tell you the exact things to do to grow your business, but every single person's dynamic is different. Their personality, their influence, their reach, their number of followers on social media, how they experience and fear, growth, embarrassment, perfectionism all of those things.

That is why it's so important to go to the foundation, because the way you think will generate more money or more scarcity in your life, and you can 100% change your relationship with money which means that you can change the amount of money in your life.

Next week are really going to talk about ownership. To unpack some more of last week to really the gist of last week when I was talking about Louis Vuitton and how it's not my thing, and I was thinking this makes me little bit uncomfortable. The truth I don't know if I ever got the hit the nail on the head but the truth of the matter is my uncomfortableness was coming from my own judgments, and so I had to actually repent of that I was judging people who wanted to have a Louis Vuitton and because I was thinking that my way is better I was higher or nobler or better because I didn't things things like that. It didn't matter to me. I didn't see the importance of such petty things. It literally was from a place of judgment for a place of comparison and so we've really, and anything in life, is in leadership. We really have to come to a place of humility of that's how that's the truth of my story I don't like it. I didn't even like to tell you guys. I think that's why I never flat out said it last week but there is something about the repentance acts to us the humility aspect of there's something about. Spirit of comparison that we can cast off because when we are comparing ourselves to other people that means we are either thinking that we're better than them or we're thinking we're worse than them and so either comparison is always leaving somebody in this hierarchy of better or worse which gets away from the neutrality that we're theme of we're trying to get back to around money. Taking the emotions out it and be able to look through it look at it objectively and um with curiosity. So anyways, some things that really helped me start to discover is when I because gonna most people do not do not know their money story but what will help you uncover it is why. You get to notice why you really want things you want in life when it comes to money there's certain things in your life that you're going to say “I want that!”, “I want that"!”, like “I desperately want that!”, “That is something that is important to me, I want that!” or you'll start to notice things in your life of that I want nothing to do with that I want nothing to do with that person. I want nothing to do with this object, I want nothing to do with this. Those are some some ways that you can start to notice. There's something in your story. That's always an invitation I call those invitations to bring before the Lord invitations for the Holy Spirit when you are noticing such strong feelings or noticing you can't stop thinking about a certain thing - what is this to unpack - so many years ago. What started all this is I was I was in a life coaching session with my first life coach that I had hired because my life was kind of feeling stagnant and stuck, and I thought it I thought my company spoiled. I thought it was my husband's fault. I thought it was my friends' fault. I thought it was everybody else I was ready to change and so much this it just broke for you a lot of things. Anyways, one of the stories I was talking about with my life coach is I said something like I don't want my kids to be spoiled and he was said,

“What do you mean?” tell me more about that and help me understand what you mean when you said that and I was like “Yeah, we'll probably be able to afford to buy our children a car or pay for their college which both were things that you know my parents could not afford and or they chose not to spend. There's a whole. I don't like to say can't afford because there's a whole other thing around that and but anyways so he helped me discover. He was like “Well why would your children be spoiled if you had the means and you bought them a vehicle?”, and I was like “You know I just don't want them to be spoiled, and it helped me see the meaning I had attached to people who could when I was a child. People who could buy themselves, who bought their children cars. I viewed them as spoiled. I made the judgment. The agreement as a young child that if anybody or any parent bought their child a car that meant that they were spoiled little brats. That was so interesting, because here I was in a different dynamic as an adult desperately wanting my children to not be spoiled little brats and the only thing that I could equate to spoil little brats is if their parents bought them a car. That meant they were sport little brats, and so I got to choose If that's still the story I wanted to believe. I get to decide if that's how I want to move for it or if they I had choices or if spoiled little brats could mean something else besides someone and he said “Well, what makes someone not spoiled?”, and we got to the root of it and is just being really, really grateful. Not a sense of entitlement, but a sense of gratitude and so we got back to you know then we when we when we know we want to do better with our kids or somebody else or even with our business. This is so fascinating when I coach a lot of people but they're like okay well tell me exactly what to do to make my children grateful children like tell me the exact. Step. So The thing the actionable things that I have to do in order to fix this when it was like you just model it you first get to experience more gratitude in your life and you get to model that to your children and then they're not spoil little breads. It was just there interesting because it's in every especially when you have small children every area that you have breakthrough in it thens it's like literally breaking generational curses. It's allowing. It's giving you the the agency and authority of your children to not to have to go through that experience like this is biblical like second and third generation. You can break off generational curses even like in your health like or people say alcoholism just runs in my family It's just and I'm like no what ran in your family was possibly depression or unable to process thoughts or something else on a much deeper level and when you. Find freedom in that that breaks them free from that curse and it's really fascinating topic to study. But anyways so what are some of the reasons I want you to unpack some of your story. What are some of the things that. You're noticing that's coming up that's weird for you around money. So another example I've done a lot of money mindset work but just last week on the episode I realized that the Louis Vitton thing was really bothering me and so that I viewed as an invitation for something bring to before the lord an invitation for something to explore within me. Wasn't somebody else's problem or somebody else making me feel this way. It was me and I got to then explore my story. My judgments my decisions my agreements that I had made with that brand or those people who liked that brand or whatever and so you get to do the same you get to do that. Another couple ones of mine were I got to the root of of about 3 of them. So I'd really highly encourage you to kind of get to the root of 3 of them. Here's the lies that I didn't even know as believing, wealthy people are spoiled and entitled number 2 hard work. With your hands builds character and number 3 “wealthy people are taking money away from poor people”, these are fascinating and then these is just my story and because I was finding I grew up lower middle class and so when I started to work in network marketing and make a 7 figure yearly income I felt I was betraying something like to my core, to my roots. It felt wrong. I had to really, really, really unpack that and that may be what's keeping you from getting to the next level on your income because you feel like you are literally betraying your roots. Betraying where you grew up betraying. You came from betraying your blood and this is an opportunity for you to go to the next level because you know what as simply as I can put it the poorest way to help the poor is to be poor. So the best way that you can help people who need. Help or help um the situation that you came from or the situation that you can currently in is make more money which is a huge part of this podcast to help you create more peace in order to make more money and what is holding you back from making more money is a story that you have told yourself about what you've made money mean or about people who have money mean. It is something in the meaning, something in the thoughts and because you can 100% change your relationship with money which in turn will change your amount of money if you don't like the results you have with money you've got to stop beating yourself up, and get curious about what are your thoughts are that created what you currently have. The current amount of money that you have is a result of years and years of thinking feeling and acting around your money story. So we're going to go back at the beginning of this podcast. Oh wait, let me explain this a little bit more my 3, so “wealthy people are spoiled and entitled” and so we kind of talked about that this spoil and entitledness for that camera when I was talking about buying a car for my children. Number 2 “Hard work with your hands builds character”. And so my dad he was such a phenomenal man. He worked in a glass factory his entire life. He worked swingshift. They wore steel-toed boots, safety goggles. He worked hard. He could fix anything. He could build anything. I grew up associating that a good man, a good person worked hard with their hands. They sweated when they had to bring in the example before me and my parents weren't doing this on purpose. This was just the example before me how my father provided for our family was sweat and tears. He was coming home and taking a shower because you worked hard. You were sweaty. You were dirty and so when I and my profession was literally laying by my pool working from my Iphone and making 7 figures like it was like but again that feeling almost of betrayal like, “Wait! No, like you have to work hard and have the sweat of your brow” in like that I was thinking that was the only option to be a person of character like because I also that was my story I've worked since I was 13. I paid for almost all of my college. I've always had a job I worked. And I almost again that spirit of comparison ,I almost had I had this like hierarchy about me because I had to work through college my spoiler my spoiled friends who their parents paid for everything didn't have to work. You know so I viewed myself as better than others because I worked hard. And so it was like this identity crisis when money was coming in easy or money was coming in without the so like so literal sweat of my brow. There was other areas that I had to work through and grow in and um, but the beauty of it is my dad cannot do something successful on a phone and I cannot do something successful. Building or working with my hands like those are in our zone of geniuses. There's nothing right or wrong about the way I make money or the way my dad make money those were that was what we knew and what so I'm saying I'm taking the judgment away from it and so I got to explore, got to redefine what it meant to make money from my iphone while sitting on my couch and that's freaking amazing. It doesn't mean I was doing something wrong or doesn't mean I don't have high character. Um I learned a different way to do it. There's no judgment around it and the number 3 is wealthy people take money away from poor people. This was so Fascinating. I don't think this at all now. But I I believed this to my core I believe that me making more money was taking more somehow this weird distorted view of, I did really well in my business, that meant other people in my business couldn't do well or I was taking money or I should feel bad that they weren't making a lot of money and I was making a lot of money like what? No like there's different levels of me putting myself out there. Me learning, me growing, me investing in coaching, me reading personal development books there's lots of factors. It's not like a black and white thing and I am not doing anything wrong that was but again, that's such a trigger for me like am I doing something wrong that may not be your particular trigger. You get to explore. And get curious about what your triggers are but you have to understand so many of you don't don't even know that you have come in agreement with your old story. You feel like it is such a betrayal to make more money than than your husband or make more money than your dad or make more money than this person or it feels so you get what I am wanting to say, begging you, but I I don't have that control over you. It's all an individual choice but I'm inviting you to explore where you can find freedom in this, because making more money changes the world for better. I believe with all this is why I do what I do because more money needs to be in the hand of good people and you got you're the good people listening to this podcast because you do good things with your money. We're going to talk about that way more in another episode anyways. Okay. Your dream income. So at the beginning of the episode I had you write down. What is your like stretch I'm not don't don't make this comfortable y'all like what is the biggest dream that you have in your current job or not even have be like just you're a yearly income like oh that would be such a dream that would be. If I could do it but that's like my dream. Okay, so you've written that number down correct right? Great now, get your pen back out I'm just going to have you do 1 more thing. I want you to look at that number and I want you to scratch it out and double it and write the double number next to it. Yes I want you to take that number that was so scary and so big and may have appeared to be so out of reach ,and I want you to scratch it out and I want you to double it!

Woo what's coming up for you right now? ‘Your first goal was already a stretch and now double it. Yes, double it! You will not make more money than what you believe is possible for you. It's time to start allowing the expansiveness of possibility. It's like blaring at me I can barely see my notes but that's okay because we're just going by the seat of our pants I think the holy spirit works that way. Okay, so you're being open. The possibility of more income is a great first step so many of us are close minded. This is the amount of money that we have made for the last five years and it's going down a little bit each year or. I get a 1 % raise each year and that's what I'm going do until I take those blinders off look at that number for a moment that double number you get to then, what are you? How does that make you feel inside? We're going to have the gamut like I I wish I could like have a what one conversation with you right now like for some of you. You're like “Heck yeah, let's go game on this is fun!” This is exciting some of you are thinking, “Oh my word Jessica is crazy. That number is impossible!” Okay, so let's take away the judgment on whatever your reaction is to doubling that number and just look at it and just with a mustard seed of possibility look at that number. What is the saying? “Your body won't go where your mind has never been.” It's a great saying. I have my concealed carry license so I can carry a firearm. In the class it's a really great guy in order to do that in the state of Arkansas anyways, you have to go through this class where it's very much about situational awareness learning about the gun getting very familiar with it. You have to practice you have to unload it load it. You have to they they test you you have a written test and you have to go out to the range and actually use your firearm. That's a great program I think it's very smart very wise but 1 of the things they teach you in situational awareness is you have to think about a situation before it happens. They have you go through scenarios that involve a gun so you are thinking about them before they would ever actually happen to you in your real in your real life. So smart. And I apply this so much to when I teach people about money mindset because your body won't go where your mind has never been so this double number is opening you up to a place that your body has never been before but you are going to start thinking about it. You are going to start believing it. You are going to go start being. Open to the possibility of it. Okay, you also get to be honest so much about growth of what I teach is about being honest. So if you're not like gung ho ya. Let's go if you're having a little bit of a freak out moment or some fear or some doubt or even some embarrassment or some like feelings of that number? Yeah well that sounds great, but how the heck am I ever going to do that, or I'm going to have to hire some people to get to that number and that feels horrible right now like whatever it is I am never encouraging you to to doubt your reality but I'm encouraging you to be honest with it journal about it. Write it down and put all those fears out on the paper. But I'm also asking you to cling to an ounce of hope, to cling to the openness of possibility because there literally is no ceiling on the amount of money you can make. You may be in a 9 to 5 job right now and you maybe think no because there is always possibilities on the side additional things I believe in supernatural and. Relationships connections downloads ideas things that come when you are partnering with hope and faith and possibility instead of when you're hoping with doubt fear scarcity death because death dead things don't grow right. Dead things shrivel dead things get smaller dead things. Don't get bigger and so I want to partner with life in life more abundantly and there and life that is growing, life that is an expansive life. One of my favorite Bible verses and from Romans for it talks about Abraham and it says “Against all hope Abraham in hope believed and the promise was given to him.” so to this, I vcling. Do you guys have scriptures that you cling to? It is the living word of God to you and that is one of mine against all hope Abraham in hope believed that is so I could unpack I could do a whole episode on that like unpacking when everybody else says no when the world says another way when and it doesn't in the natural makes sense. Abraham against all hope Abraham and hope believed. Maybe you don't have a cheering inner circle. Maybe you currently don't have a lot of people that believe in you your business your ideas your possibilities and your potential in this world but against all hope. Sarah, Amanda, Melissa whatever your name is against all hope Jessica believed in against all hope Jessica in hope believed that is powerful so your assignment this week is to look. At that doubly number look at it look at it look at it think about it. Be prayerful to it. You could do so be be have fun with it, let's just be.

It may seem impossible or it may seem hard or it may seem whatever right now, but let's let's go ahead and plan it out your body won't go or your mind has already been so here's a fun thing. I don't know what number you wrote down, go ahead and make a plan of what you will do with that money once you make that much make a plan. How much are you going to give. Out of that what percentage are you going to give where you're going to pay down debt where are you're going to invest in more streams of income where are you going to buy um a lake house, where are you going to do something fun for your children, where are you going to ,how much are you going to spend on help making that dream happen? And all it like make a plan your body won't go or your mind has been why not let yourself dream. Let yourself go there. Let yourself be open to the possibility cling to hope. Last week we really built on this concept of neutrality around money lowering the emotions around money this week we got really curious about maybe what of our stories or our agreements are hangups what we have about money about amounts of money. All of those things. Whatever your story is but. Then also clinging to the hope and a possibility of an income that is so much larger than it is right now. So have fun, clinging to hope come back next week and we're really going talk about ownership around money because I want to empower you that the ability to change your amount of money the ability to change your life and empower you with the ownership that you actually have around that so many feel so many people feel like that's out of their control. There is specific ownership things and thoughts that you can have around that that will change your results with money I'm so proud for y'all for being here. This is big! This is a big deal to help you create more peace in order to make more money. We'll see you next week!

85| Money Mindset Series #1: What if it's not good or bad?

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Hello welcome back to the prosperity with purpose podcasts I'm Jessica Heffley and we're starting a money series. Excited and 1 of my favorite topics 1 of the hottest topics. 1 of the most popular topics talk about is money and being a christian and making more of it and talking about all the things that people shy away from but why did they shy away from them. What made it weird who taught them. Ah, talking about money was taboo or wrong or anything all these okay anyways, we're going to start out of the series I want to lay a foundation for you to start thinking about money as neutral money is not good. Money is not. Bad I want you to start noticing that money is neutral. You can think about it. However, you choose it's literally neutral. You think of a I don't have 1 in front of me like a brick like if like a big big like a rock and pretend to have a rock. No, but. Aids here for you guys watching video on Youtube but um, think you have it pretend I have a rock in my hand. A rock is neutral. It's not morally good. It's not morally bad. You can take the rock or this brick that I have in my imaginary brick I have in my hand and you can throw it through someone's window and rob their house and break into their house. You can do that with a brick, or you can take that brick and that can build the foundation of a church or a home or a homeless shelter. You can build something good with that brick. The brick itself is neutral. What you choose to do with it makes it what you can. You can rob somebody or bash somebody's window or you can build the foundation of something to understand, but the rock itself is neutral. So I want us to start thinking about money as neutral, neither good neither bad.

What if we started to take the judgment away around money?

Oh that person bought that car that means nothing oh that person drives that car. Still. Means nothing oh that person lives in a double-wide interesting. Oh that person lives in a mansion interesting. What if it's neutral what if we do not attach a meaning to money you get to choose whatever you want to make it mean. Okay, you you can make a certain amount of money mean whatever you want, for example, $200 could be an incredibly life changing amount for somebody for somebody else $200 who's in like major huge trouble or debt. To them $200000 may not be enough. The amount of money doesn't mean anything. You are the one who gets to choose what you make a certain amount mean, what you make money mean! What are you making a certain number mean? You get to ask yourself - this is important. We're going to lay on this and in the weeks to come but I want you to start noticing how much judgment you currently have around money. Around people who have money. Around people who don't have money. What you are making yourself mean, or your success or your worth because of the amount of money you currently have or the amount of money you currently make? I just want you to notice - I just want you to be a noticer of your thoughts - this is foundational in everything - mindset work. Everything for what I teach in leadership and success. Is you have to start noticing what you are even making things mean. Okay, so I wanted to start out with this because well I always love my own life circumstances. What I'm dealing with what I'm going with what I'm like struggling with wrestling with and I like to bring those to you guys because that shows that well first of all I am normal I am a certified christian life coach but I also still struggle with some mindset stuff. So here's here's what happened recently so recently I was at a retrest - I work for a network marketing company Plexus, and I'm in the top of that company. They had the top 30 come and they did a special retreat to a mastermind retreat. They had Phil Jones come and he spoke to us. It was phenomenal and they did a special gift for us. I might tell you about we got training we got time with our CEO, our President our CFO all of the C-s suites- the chief training officers. The the people who comes out with our products and the marketing . We are partnering with them to bring about the future to work together to row in the same direction. It' a beautiful partnership. Anyways, it's this really special trip. We we went to the The Waldolf Astoria in California and Orange County to this really bougie fancy, nice restaurant. It was gorgeous. But y'all actually flooded in California it was like this noaic flood. They talked about where we were so excited to go to California in February to get sunshine from the drab duriiness we've currently been having in Arkansas and most of the country and we get there and it literally rains the entire time we are there. Pouring! We're on a hill right by the ocean at this resort but California is flooding! All the streets are! One of the worst floods! Anyways, we stayed inside but it still was amazing and wonderful.

Last year at this trip there is supposed to be like a special top 30 trip and so they're new at this. We're new at this. We get to offer suggestions. You know they get to run with it. The gift wasn't exactly like top notch. So this year that we were just like please have it be like something really special and anyway so we walk in the room and there are Louis Vuitton boxes where all of our seats are and there are these beautiful yellow boxes, yellow-orange whatever you call it boxes. You know the label. They've got the fancy Louis Vuitton ribbon around it, everyone is squealing, freaking out, getting pictures taken with it. It already upped the essence of the room and nobody even knew I was inside the box. Nobody had even opened the box yet. I feel so unique in this but we're going get to and just like and nobody had even looked inside but it just the fact that it was a Louis Vuitton box may you know.

Just was a completely different vibe different feeling different experience in last year, so anyways ended up being these beautiful scarves and super fancy stuff. All that stuff so great ,and I am going home and I'm still thinking about it. But I'm still thinking about it because I don't care about Louis Vuitton, but for some people it’s their dream. It was so luxurious. They felt so incredibly special. They've always wanted that and I just literally don't care. The meaning I have attached to Louis Vuitton is different from the meaning they have attached to Louis Vuitton, but I was I was still thinking about it. So if you're ever like still thinking about something and it's this is a surefire sign like if something is making you feel uncomfortable and to me that is always an invitation to explore deeper. There's always an invitation to get the journaling out to get the creation cycles out to use the tools I teach with my students to figure out what I have made something mean, right? And so I got to be real honest. First of all, you can' find healing in breakthrough. It's rare to find healing in breakthrough until you're completely honest with where you are, so I had to get honest on how I judged people who love Louis Vuitton just being honest, the truth isn’t always pretty.

Sometimes like I literally don't care like I did not grow up aspiring to get Louis Vuittons, and it doesn't mean anything to me. It doesn't mean that you're more special or you aren’t. I just don't care, and it's not something that excites me. It's not something that I guess the meaning I have attached to Louis Vuitton is almost unnecessary. But so I was like wait, am I ok with that I know most of the people loved it? I'm so glad they listened. It was a nice treat. A nice treasure. I'm not dissing the gift anyway, I just got really curious about why Louis Vuitton doesn't matter to me. I got to really thinking about it. iFor example I do own one Louis Vuitton never full I did not pay for that house I'm not kidding anything fancy that I own plexus has paid for or is from a shopping spree that I earned or a a contest that I had that they did and I it was It's like super fun I I don't know I just It's just not a core value of mine and that is okay. I have worked with lots of people on my team that they've thought the meaning they have attached to is if “oh if I get to the top of the company then I have to wear Louis Vuitton or I have to dress this certain way or have to act that certain way.”, and it's almost like they feel like they're betraying who they genuinely are. You get to choose. You don't ever have to own a Louis Vuitton. You can own 10 Louis Vuittons. You get to decide what you make that mean. But for me when I was still really wrestling with this. I had to come to grips and I was judging people who loved it . What was I making that mean like they were thinking that was some sort of status or some sort of important made them more important than somebody else or did to do but really no, it doesn't I don't know I like on I just don't like it and that's ok, it's ok for it not to be my thing. It's okay for it to be some other people's thing. Okay, the measure you use will be measured against you so when I was so worried about what other people would think when I'd be wearing this louis baton scarf or the one never full that I ownd because I got it from a Plexus shopping spree that I don't even carry, because I still was worried what people would think about me or think that they would think that's important to me or that's where I would spend all my money or to to when I literally only use it when I travel on Plexus trips because it's literally a never full bag. Have you ever seen how much you could fit to a never full bag? It is a lot. Okay, but all of this went back to what measure you use will be measured against you, and so when I was over there judging , what I was making it mean? What about people who enjoyed that brand or wanted that brand or sought that brand out that in turn the measure you use would be measured against you. I was so worried then about what other people would think about me when I carried that purse or wore that scarf or whatever.

I want you to think about a situation in your life. This may be super dumb and you may not relate to this at all I do believe there's going to be a lot of you that will relate to this but you may not but there is something I want you to get to notice. This is what we're doing this week noticing something in your life that you have judged around money. Maybe someone who has less than you or more than you or what have you made it mean because all of this comes down money has nothing to do with your worth? We don't work from a place to gain our work our worth. We don't work so we'll be worth something or the money! No, we are already worth it. Jesus died for us to make us worthy!

Nothing we do or don't do can make us any anymore any less worthy.

But when you operate out of a place of already knowing your worth You're not working for it. That's a completely beautiful different place of abundance, because you are working from a place of purpose.You are working from a place of, “I know who I am!” “I know who I've been called to serve!” “I know why I am showing up here on social media!” “I am so obsessed with helping the person who needs what I have to offer.” Because I know that that I am worth it I know it that they are worth it. That's also a beautiful thing that you get to do in leadership is you get to rise other people up who do not believe in themselves yet who do not think they are worth. You get to call call life forth in someone else. Anyways I just thought that was super interesting and I've gained a lot since I've wrestled with this or that. I no longer care. I don't care if you carry a Louis Vuitton or not. I'm not making it mean anything about you anymore. I'm not making it mean anything about me anymore. It's a preference good for you or not for you? It doesn't matter. But as long as I was holding onto like making that mean something bad about me or bad about something else. It was this like ick cycle of judgment , and I get to choose. I get to choose what I make something mean. You get to choose what you make money mean. So this week as we build upon as we go on to next week well first of all I want to hear what your stories like what have you some things that you've made mean something that wasn't and you're learning like if you are truly to look at money as being neutral again we're going to build upon this. This is a foundation in this money series. Just start thinking about it as neutral, “Huh,this bill was this much, interesting”, “My house payment is this much, interesting”, “My car payment is this much, interesting”, “My paycheck was this much this month…interesting”. What if you didn't make any of that mean anything about. you? And to kind of piggyback on that a part of all of this we'll get into this in another week but and no matter what how you live your life how you spend your money and what you do for a living. Whatever, I want to I want to introduce this to you be willing to be misunderstood be willing to be misunderstood.I think there's some incredibly important pillars for leadership for leading.

I was doing a training call on Friday, and I was kind of rising them up to a higher level and some of the pillars that I was talking about is leaders steer aspiring leaders and take extreme ownership, and leaders are problem solvers and in all of those areas. You have to be willing to be misunderstood. So as you're learning and gleaning and growing and money and as you're becoming more neutral about what you choose to make it mean other people are still going to choose to make it mean things. So the choices that you make they may judge you. You have to be willing to be misunderstood. Me teach you a little trick, like what it feesl like to be misunderstood. It usually feels like “Oh I don't want people to think that about me, or that's not who I really am” it may make you feel sad or make make you feel grief. It may make you feel angry defensive like whatever that is for you. You get to start noticing. And then you get to take a deep breath. It's okay, if somebody misunderstands you it's part of you moving forward. You don't have time to explain yourself to everybody and you don't have to because the truth sets you free. The truth comes to light in the end. But be okay with being misunderstood and this week start thinking about everything around money as neutral, get curious with yourself - “Huh, why did I react that way? Huh why did I think that way? Why did I judge that person. What am I making this amount mean about me. And come back next week we're going to build upon it and it's going to get better and brighter and juicier and juicier. But for this week look at money as neutral. Have fun. Let me know how it goes!

84| Unconventional Thoughts on New Years Goals: and WHY it's so hard to get up early in the winter.

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Hey guys welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast! I'm Jessica Hefley ,and we're going to talk about why it's been so hard for me to wake up in the winter. I've got some thoughts. We're going to process and walk through and this is really interesting to me so I'm really been pondering that. I was pondering this. You know it's January Twenty something now, and I'm recording this and I have been pondering this for a while, and I wanted to share it with you because I think there's some really interesting insights. Okay, so usually because this has so taken me by surprise. Usually I am so excited for New Year's. Building up to New Year's, even in November I'm already thinking about what are my goals. What are the things I want for the New Year? What's my word going to be? You know all those things, and so I'm mindful that if it is it my season. Yeah, we just moved into a new house in October. Listen to the last couple episodes that explain some of that process and my sabbatical and all that. But. It was just so interesting to me that this New Year's in particular I wasn't that excited about it. I wasn't gung-ho about my new goals and getting really ah pumped up about all the areas in my life and all the different area things that I want to improve and focus on and and it really was really interesting because. I loved that for so long and kind of coinciding with that I've been reading through the old testament and just read through some things which I find incredibly fascinating and just in the okay first of all our calendar is not the original calendar of Jesus back in the Bible that that calendar passed it started around March was their beginning of their New Year okay so I don't know where we messed up. You can go down that rabbit hole. You can find some lots of interesting things but our calendar does not line up. Okay, so let's just think about this objectively. Okay, when is a natural time for it in in the in the year and the seasons when's the natural time when you are inspired to do things inspired to clean to go outside to exercise more to just come alive to grow. Okay, it's spring right. And what's the natural tendency of when it's cold outside and dark outside and snowy outside it is too rest to stay inside to heal to get warm to do less movement and so I'm just finding.

All of this incredibly interesting with the natural I think as I am growing spiritually and also as I am growing just emotionally with life coaching tools and getting real curious about things. I just found that interesting but I found that interesting because I was having so much trouble getting up in the morning. And there are seasons when I am incredibly disciplined and it's but I am when I wake up to get my kids up for school and it is still dark it is doing something to me and I can't I can't get my thoughts around it I can't you know think my way you know think a new thought to get me out of this and just thinking naturally, let's go back to also objectivelyback in the good old days the farmers they woke up with the sun and went to bed when the sun went down back in the olden days when they didn't have electricity. They did the same thing. They woke up when the light came out or when the rooster crowed and at night they didn't have electricity so they went to bed and so it's just all these circadian this natural rhythms are just finding it really interesting to me that how non naturalural it is to get up. So much before the sun rises and I was just having a really hard time it was is this the time change but I don't remember having this heart of a time with it for so long in the past. So it really really got me and just curious about that and so I was wondering tell I would love to know common or. But I put this on Instagram put that you know tell me how the new Year's the time change the darkness whatever is doing for you but it also freed me up because I also was having a little bit of guilt, like, wait I don't have all these huge and ambitious goals around January 1st,is something wrong with me? Am I not being a good leader that I'm not gung-ho about this right now? And so it's really interesting to explore that with curiosity and compassion too, and some of the 2 biggest words and that I teach and we explore and coach in great detail and inside of Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship. It just was super interesting to me that I actually know nothing is wrong with me because I actually live my life in twelve week increments I teach people the twelve week breakthrough which is a way to set goals within ninety days which I think is excellent and you also don't have to wait till January first or you don't have to wait till spring or you don't have to wait till the beginning of a month to start those. It is a one of a kind framework that really,really gets nitty gritty. First of all getting really clear about what you want in the next twelve weeks but also why we go 7 levels deep with your why. We do. We anticipate the obstacles that will come up ahead of time and already have solutions planned for when those come up, we go we go on around our thoughts and what ah rewards you'll give yourself when you achieve the go. Anyways, it's very in-depth that it's way more than just writing a goal on a piece of paper and wishing that it'll happen and it's it's transformative. so I do that throughout my year and so I'm focusing on certain things I have goals for how many people I want to reach in my mentorship and my coaching program. How many podcasts I want to put out a wee and that I want to read the old testament. So I'm really marathoning that but those are some of my current goals but it was just interesting to me and I want to. To say this because winter is it's time that it naturally again naturally or we can say in the natural realm I want I want to operate from the spiritual realm but in the natural realm. It's dark. There's less sunlight. You're getting less vitamin D which is highly associated with depression. t's just easier to feel those feelings or to feel as if you may be depressed or lonely or apathetic and I just want to break that off of you in Jesus name I want to. Want to teach you how to have the authority to break that off to be aware that that's happening and to fight back against that last night I was listening to a podcast by John Eldridge and they have a wild at heart ministry and podcast. It's really great. My husband is a part of man alive. There's local ones all over the country that have broken out from what they were taught at wild at heart from John Eldridge I think the book is called yeah wild at heart it was a book that John Eldridge wrote Twenty five years ago bestseller it's a great book and then there's a woman version called “Captivating” I highly encourage you guys to check those out to really recapture the heart of a man. And the heart of a woman. Maybe even in today's pop culture society going back to how God created man and woman the man is made for adventure and to rescue a woman and to fight for what is right? and there's certain things about a woman that God innately made within them. It's really interesting, but what he was talking about last night was doing a 2 part series and it was just on I what I took away from it is that there's so many words when it talk when it talks about spiritual warfare in the bible. They're active words they're not passive things we are to fight for this. We are to call things forth. We are to put on the armor of God. They are active words. They're not passive words, so I was just really encouraged I'll say when I was listening to that, to share that with you guys in this winterish gloomy season to really encourage you and push into you to fight back against loneliness, depression or apathy . To go back to be reminded of what your purpose is and what your mission is and why you are here and why you have this business in the first place and why it is important for you to take the steps to create more peace, in order to make more money. Why that is important because you're going to get in this season 1 of my episodes. Previously where I was, it's just easier not to do it okay it is and especially in the winter. It's easier not to do it. But I just want to do let you know let you off not off the hook and I mean I don't have the permission I don't have the power to do that. But just if you are also feeling a little bit of guilt and shame. They don't have these massive goals. You're not going to go run a marathon January 1st.

That was another thing I was remembering as I was I was trying to think of some notes for this podcast episode is years ago I did do a half marathon I know I know you're impressed right? Jessica who literally hates running. so that's good for you. Let me tell you this that is good for you in seasons of your life to do something you absolutely hate. Okay, or I am all I am very much about living in alignment with your you know your values which what with what gotts told you to do being curious with your thoughts and feelings and actions. But sometimes you got to push yourself. You gotta do hard things. But anyways when I did a half marathon years ago I so remember they started training in January and that was horrible getting up when it's dark outside and it's cold, if you know. Have lofty goals of running a marathon or making $1,000,000 in the next six weeks you know it's okay, but be pick something that you can be consistent in this winter. But so when I look at for example for me when I look at exercise goals. There are seasons when I've done 75 hard. There are seasons when I'm done very consistent weight hard heavy lifting weight straight weight lifting training and there's a season right now and where it's winter or there was a season a couple months ago and I was very much traveling a lot we were in the heat of the home building process. It was a very stressful season for me. Which also is taxing on your body. We're going to do some health episodes coming up soon. But it's really tax if you're an incredibly stressful state. It may be detrimental for you to be doing excruciatingly hard and taxing hit workout exercise regimens or heavy lifting there is. Season. So anyways, listen to your body in the season but be consistent. So if you're not your goal is not to do couched 5 k and go run three miles a day do twenty five pushups and twenty five squats every day do something to be consistent. If you're in a season in your business where you're not “ I'm going to reach my next goal in the next ninety days and I'm going to push, push fresh pressure.” If you're not in that season there are seasons for that if that's not if that's not you today. Still ask yourself what can I do today? What can I do daily in my business. To maintain consistency. Okay, so anyways, this as I I hope you guys know? Do you know the song Seasons by Hill Song, it came also came to mind and I was thinking about doing this episode with you guys. So I just wanted to share that with you that that this winter is . Really funking me out but I'm taking active steps to be consistent but also especially since last night be encouraged to actively pray against that actively and meditate on specific scriptures that go against the spirit of depression or loneliness or apathy or how you can cast those things off, you can say I break that. And the name of Jesus I'm not coming in agreement with that. Get off of me sometimes I physically will wipe things off of me sometimes I'll go around with oil and and pray over my house and anoint it and just it's just another act of obedience to show that I am dedicating this to the Lord. I am calling on the lord to be present here to fight for us here to he is welcome here, anyways, so this all this might be a great time to go back in I did a five part series years ago on spiritual warfare which was a great great series for beginners and experts alike on how for you to take authority of your home, your life, your business and some really tangible and practical tips in that but I'm going to sign off for now. Seriously let me know. I think I'm just longing to not feel alone in this. But I really do know that I am not alone in this. That this winter is different. And how I have been setting goals some of it may do with the climate of the world. We're in an election year 2024 who knows what's going to happen. Let me give you a little bit of advice for the 2024 year is to hold onto it loosely. I have some really, really, really, really, really exciting travel plans this year with my family. We're going to some really exciting places. I will tell you guys all about it. They're big memorable once in a lifetime trips. But I'm also mindful that it is 2024 the who knows?I just hold life a little bit looser and my plans are not set in stone because you know. We never thought 2020 would happen but the world could shut down. It could not I have no idea. It's kind of fun for it to be “Oh I have no idea it's going to happen, but I am not holding on”, plans very much could change, but I am. To be consistent I'm going to be gentle on myself in the winter. I'm so excited for spring and the natural and motivation and inspiration that comes with that. But in the winter don't just do nothing. This is a great time to reflect to journal to be consistent and even to plan. But what you do want to do in the spring. So God Bless you, God Bless your family ,God Bless you as you fight for you and your family and your businesses, and God Bless you and your consistency. We'll see you inside of Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship.

83| What to do with regret, when you wished things turned out differently.

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Hey, welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast! I'm Jessica Hefley. We got a quick episode about regret today. Oh I've got big, big feelings and thoughts all about regret and shame. I think they're kind of different. We're gonna do a whole other episode on shame. and maybe shame is not a bad thing, but what is it trying to tell you or teach you. But today's about regret, and I view regret and shame as more the feelings that you just tend to take on when you or your identity is bad. But regret is when you just wish you would have been a different choice. You would wish you made a different decision or you wish you would have done something differently and. We as business owners cause ourselves so much pain and expend so much energy wishing we could change things that we cannot change sans from the past we have regret over oh I should have done this differently, it's literally. Sucking the life force out of you when you when you are stuck on. Oh this shouldn't have happened but this shouldn't have happened if only I would have done this differently I should have fill in the blank that did did that is totally irrelevant. It happened. You are at the rank you are right now you are at the position you are right now you are at the place you are in life right now it happened and guess what it was always supposed to be this way that was a really hard truth for me to understand because I'm I lived in this place of no, but if I just would have done this or I wish you know reeling in my head going back over the things I said I would have said it differently. I would have acted differently- how my actions would have been different, how my interactions would have been different all the I would just play this playback reel all the time until I found the phrase. It was always supposed to be this way. And it gave me so much freedom I really really, really really resisted that it ah resisted it at first meaning no, it should not have always been this way. Things could have been different did it did to do and I fought tooth and nail to keep myself in that place of pain but it was always supposed to be this way. Friends. Because it is and there's nothing we can do to change the past let that weight fall off of you right now. So I'm not saying just sit in this it was always whats up in this why and it sucks now what is life trying to get your attention at what lesson is it trying to reveal. What invitation is it is it inviting you into to unhook yourself because if we literally cannot change the past we have got to stop living in regret if we want to move forward in our true purpose. Our true calling why we are here to multi steward and multiply our businesses. To grow in those areas here we go I've got 3 questions for you to turn if you if you are if you as a christian truly do believe that god works all things for good. We're no longer going to live in the past regrets. We're no longer going to spin and swirl and think about it and oh I shouldn't this shouldn't have happened if only I had done this differently. Only I was in a different place than I am now fully. “If only this person did this.” “If only this person didn't do this to me.” Now we take radical ownership of our own lives.

So here's 3 questions when you are reeling in regret. Or when you are literally continuing to suck the life force out of you wishing you could change something from the past that you cannot if you living out the statement. It was always supposed to be this way because it is question number 1 what can I learn and what can I change about myself and my choices for next time very simply put everything into a lesson. Do not let the pain of regret go without it changing you. Not to real on it not to stay in that place forever. But what is the lesson that you can learn in that maybe your marriage failed. Maybe your business failed. Maybe your relationship failed. Maybe you regret something that you did or said to your child.There's so many different situations but to look at this from a radical ownership perspective to look at this from a person who wants prosperity with purpose. There is a lesson in everything. So what can I learn and what can I change about myself and my choices for next time.

We're not looking at what everybody else can change. What that person should have done differently, what this person should have done differently, how this person wronged me. No, what can I learn and what can I change about myself and my choices for next time? Maybe you legitimately were wronged and so this is an area for you to explore with boundaries or ways to and. What you are going to allow you to how how you are going to allow yourself to be treated whatever it is again. You cannot change the past but you can change moving forward again now course number 1 what can I learn and what can I change about myself and my choices for next time number 2 what is Holy Spirit revealing in me that I can take ownership of and he can bring freedom to. Okay, we're gonna pack this one for just a second. What is Holy Spirit revealing in me. That I can take ownership of and that he can bring freedom to okay, here's a tangible example I built a house we built a house this past year lots of feelings come up with building a house. We actually had a a pretty good experience but I have some other friends who've gone through the process of the past or gone through the process in the current. And there's lots of things that may come up, for example, “Oh I wish I would have done this differently.” “I don't like how this turned out.” “I wish I would have changed this and that.”, it's just and so incredibly painful to keep thinking, “Oh I regret that decision.” “Oh I wish I would have done that differently.”

Basically just stay with me but I want is Holy Spirit revealing in this situation that will bring about more wholeness in your life. Okay, maybe it's Perfectionism. Maybe he is bringing this feeling of regret or feeling you did something wrong or feeling you wish you not being perfect, not everything being absolutely perfect. Sometimes it's good to have something that's not perfect in your house to constantly remind you of how the lord is trying to refine the perfection of somehow you are human and you make Mistakes. You are human and you will make mistakes the the whole idea of everything not being perfect is how life will be in this fallen world. But as you bring that up is you bringing up that tendency to love like. O Holy Spirit What is this about what is this element of Control. What is this element of feeling out of Control. What is this element of I regret What is this element of I feel like I did something wrong? What is this element of I just cannot let this go? This is where you get to explore with the Holy Spirit, which is the ultimate Healer coach. But maybe something else. Maybe you it was a situation or a misunderstanding or conversation and maybe the Holy Spirit is revealing that you got some pride. Maybe there is an apology that you owe somebody. Maybe there is some selfishness that's being revealed in how you handled that situation or didn't handle that situation because it was way more comfortable to avoid it and maybe there are some laziness The Holy Spirit is revealing in you Maybe he is wanting to bring about more discipline and Consistency. What is his message to you in that. Maybe. You didn't speak up for yourself in a situation and you should have Maybe this was a time when you were supposed to fight for yourself or fight for what was right? and you didn't and so maybe that's awakened within you. Oh So many God works all things for good. So What is the lesson. The Holy Spirit is trying to reveal in you. Where you can take ownership and he can bring freedom to because when it continues to trigger us when it continues to hook us when it continues to feel so regretful that is where we don't have freedom and man he in him is an invitation to truly be free. And that may take some repentance I may take some confession to him and oh who knew who knew is going to lead to this in this short little episode. Okay and the number 3 What weight do I need to release to him here is a great check-in for yourself if you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders that is not how God designed it. His yoke is easy. His burden is light and when you're footing the weight, trying to hold up the weight of your past decisions or your regrets of your mistakes, if it's weighing you down, that is an invitation to release it to him. You are walking in true prosperity with purpose and light. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying you're gonna have to really, really, really, really work on your mindset. The majority of the time. But I if you are walking through life viewing everything as a Martyr or woe is me or This is just how it has to be. You know the Christian life is hard. I'm gonna invite you to release that. Maybe that's what the Holy Spirit is why this happened, so he could bring. I don't believe that God brings bad things upon your life. But I believe that there is everything is an opportunity to bring you about to more intimacy and more wholeness in him so just wanted to give you those 3 quick tips on what. To do when you wish things would have been differently what to do when you're feeling regret because it's going to suck the life force out of you to continue to think I want you to start catching yourself start catching yourself when you say things like this shouldn't have happened if only I would have done this differently than blah Blah blah or. If I had to do it all over I should I should have done this. You know there. It's all irrelevant. It's all totally irrelevant because it's in the past it happened it Happened. You're human you make mistakes.

But you now get to take radical ownership of your life, your choices. You now get to explore with the Holy Spirit what he is revealing in and around you to bring about wholeness. You get to release that weight over to him. So important!

See you next time, guys.

82| Fear is the Fertilizer of Growth.

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Welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose Podcast! I'm Jessica Hefley, and I thought I was supposed to outgrow this! I thought I was supposed to outgrow fear. But you think as being like a business coach a life coach knowing every single tool and just kind of coming of. Age you know I'm 41 now you know fear is for little kids who are scared of the dark right I had some realizations I wanted to share with you because I think it's pretty relatable on where you are in your business is fear like it just rears its little head sometimes doesn't it. And doesn't always come up. You don't even realize that at first that it actually is fear is what's showing up but it shows up as oh I'm gonna not do that or oh I'm not going have that hard conversation or oh I'm not going to post that or oh I'm not going to start making reels. Or did do did do do feel in the blank and if you really uncover it. It's fear like you're scared. You're scared of what people will think of you scared it may not work out scared people won't sign up for your program or buy your product. Or fill in the blank but listen listen to me fear is the fertilizer of growth sometimes I just laugh because I I don't like cliche sayings I don't like to do things how everybody else does them so when it's like this catchy little cheesy saying I get a little sarcastic but fear is the fertilizer of growth. Okay, because in order for you to grow. There is has to be some sort of fear that you overcome. It's important for us to remember those people that you envy on social media or maybe these professional athletes. Or um, professional network marketers or professional. You know CEOs of businesses and we look at them and we think oh they've got their shiz together like oh must be nice. Oh they've got it easy breezy or those business owner must be ranking in the dough or whatever your thought is when really they. Had to overcome and are currently I promise you still working through fears. But if you are seeing growth as an outcome in their life if you're seeing growth as a fruit of their life. It's because fear's the fertilizer. Oh. Yes let's use that fruit analogy if you you can jut you can see if something in somebody's life is working by its fruit. What is it producing and how does so how does fruit grow or how does somebody produce something. Okay, it's fertilized. It's fertilized by fear. Okay, so congratulations to you if you are on the cusp of doing something scary. Do something scary every single day to ensure your growth but I was saying about this in bed last night because I was having a little bit of a freakout moment and I was like and I freaked out, and I anyways I was like I got to do a podcast episode about this and tell them about this. Okay, so last time my husband is out of town this week all week for work. He's in Vegas at the shot show. It's like a big thing we own multiple gun and ammo and tactical stores in. So. It's like this big thing people from all over the country is I don't really understand exactly what they do there. It's now it's a really big deal for the business. So he's gone and so it's just me this week and I have still been having a I'm just going to be honest with you guys I still like I have a fear of talking to you about things that are hard for me. But then i'm. But then I realize no wait. They have things that are hard to so let's normalize it but give you tools on what to do and these hard things happen. So I have a last episode I talked to about how I had a friend that's helping me me edit the podcast but i. Here's what was happening to me last night I was being a little bit stubborn and I was like no I want to figure out how to do it myself I don't want to be dependent on anybody else I want to be able to put a podcast out there really fast if I need to and so anyways last night when I'm single parenting at this week right so my children are going to need some more attention. It's just me. Um, Judson our son goes to basketball practice on Tuesday nights and so usually me and rainy hang out and she looks forward to that. It's like her special mommy dalater time and so after Judson leaves I'm like on my laptop trying to edit this podcast or not this one. It was another It's the one on the gospel or share the gospel and teach you how to do it, go check that one out episode number 81. And for some reason like I feel like I have got to do this tonight. I've got to do this right now you know when it's supposed to be my time with my daughter I'm on my laptop like frustrated and like. Getting so angry like if somebody would just I'm sure if my friend would just sit down with me face to face and teach me he could teach me in 5 minutes but what so what took me 3 hours could be done in 5 minutes but for some reason I felt like I needed to figure it. But and I was upset and I it took so long. And then my daughter is like why aren't she snuggling with me. Why are you doing this and I just kept being like oh honey hold on hold on hold on I'm almost done I'm almost done. This is really important I got to get this done. You know whatever you you guys? do it to whatever you say to your kids to try to buy more time on doing something. That's not more important than they are. Um, but you're just stuck in this so I did that and then at the end of the night I regretted it I was just like what have I gotten myself into like am I going to have to hire more and then I thought about all these other things like I want to do a lot of things with our podcast group prosperity with. Excuse me prosperity with purpose. We have a podcast group and we're about to do tons of engagement and prizes and a lot of neat things in there I'm like do I need to hire someone else for that and then I'm still um in my plexus business and I have somebody else for that and it just was it just was feeling weighty right? Which it does, when we're being irrational and which it does when we let our mind our thoughts go crazy without taking them captive right? It feels these are surefire signs. It was starting to it was feeling heavy I was like wait a minute can I go back to sabbatical because it was really fun and sabbatical. Everything felt light and easy and this feels heavy. Which is an automatic indicator. Okay, if something feels heavy that there is a different way to go about it. There is something that I need to release to the lord bring to the lord. Go back to my. Partnership with him remember not trying to do all of it on my own and figure it out and getting flustered and upset. But so I last time after the kids of Tibet I just was like I just started crying and praying to the lord because which I had not done in a couple of days hint hint ten ten hint there as well. Which was. Again I was like oh my gosh I have been trying to figure this out on my own I have been trying to do I've been working so hard and it and I felt like I've been spending so many hours and getting not very much done and it didn't feel fulfilling. It didn't feel purposeful I wasn't feeling like a good steward and so i. There you go I broke down and I was just started crying I was like Lord what is like oh my word I have been trying to carry. This is this even what you want me to do and I was like well you help me find this is lord you've told me this is what you want me to do okay, this is that you have told me that you want me to help Christians handle stress, help the overwhelmed business owner, so send me the resources send me the people that can help send me the systems if I keep my eyes on you I trust you and it was just like I was exhausted and I just stopped what I was working on I i. I prayed about it I took some deep breaths I got realigned to what my purpose is why I'm doing is this in the first place and hello my big huge versa say all the time apart from me, you can do nothing and it was like a break in clarity. It was like. Oh hu like I went to bed and immediately got a download of someone who could help me with my business that I am interested in hiring and I messaged like um I messaged a couple people and then another one was like oh my goodness. This would be a perfect fit and it was just the immediate immediacy of going back to stop trying to do it on your own going back to god wants to work through you if if your if your business helps serve people if it solves a problem like it brings if it brings the kingdom of heaven to earth like that is good. He wants to partner in that. So let him. And that and stop trying to do it all on your own. So anyways, here's a couple of things that I was reminded of I wanted to teach you guys is how how will it?

How whatever you're spinning out of control in or feeling like is so heavy or feeling like you can't get done or feeling like you know whatever how do you want to feel when it's done very simple question. How do you want to feel when it's done and so last night when I was you know talking to god about this I'm like I want to feel like what I do matters I don't want to feel like I spent 2 hours making graphics in Canva when I know there is somebody that can do this in 5 minutes like I want to feel like I I am utilizing my time importantly I want to feel purposeful I want to feel like I'm making an impact I want to feel like I'm contributing in the areas where only I can contribute okay, somebody else can edit a podcast I'm the only one that can have my voice on. This podcast and over overcome other speakers and trainers and teachers is not I'm talking about but like what are the things that I absolutely only meet I can do and how can the lord provide somebody to help me delegate the rest. Okay so I wanted to feel like I was being wise like I wanted to feel like I was being smart so I got. Had to remind myself of what do I want to feel like when it's done not right now when it feels like oh this is a lot but when I'm truly walking in my calling living in my purpose operating in my zone of genius how do I want to feel when that's done and I reminded myself of that and that's what I want you to remind yourself of that. And align with that. Why are you doing this in the first place. Okay, whether it's your your business. What is your business. What are you selling? What product do you provide? What service do you provide? Why are you doing this in the first place. Do not forget your first love why are you doing it we're doing it to help people doing it because you provide a solution and so when you're spinning in overwhelm and chaos and I can't get it all done and stubbornness and I have to figure this out and I'm the only one that can do this when you're spinning in whatever that is for you fill in the blank right there when you are spinning in burp I'm going to put overwhelm. Kind of how I felt last night when you are spinning and overwhelm what are you not doing. This is the key because the the good ol fairs will analogy like I talked about in a couple episodes back like when you're spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning. You can't stop spinning so when you're spinning, you're stuck. And that you're like obsessed with that you are focused on that 1 emotion of overwhelm or fear or anxiety or what is it because when you need to notice that when you are spinning in that. What are you not doing because what? ah last night what was I not doing I was not. Delegating the things that could be delegated I was not focusing I was not stewarding my time while doing the things that only I could do I had to pause and say oh my gosh I was spinning in this and what do I doing? Okay so here we go. This one simple thing I want you to start starting your mornings with this one simple thing I like to keep things simple around here round here. We keep thinking. Okay god what do you want me to do today very simple in your business if you would start each day God what do you want me to do today? God how can I serve the people you've called me to help today? Okay we I am so over the 1 year long term goals. Okay, there are people in your business. There are people who need to be in your business or need what you have to offer and there are people in your homes who you have both called to serve you called to serve the people in your home your your spouse your kids you've also called to serve the people in your business that is what God is utilizing. Working partnering with you to steward and multiply your business. So God what do you want me to do today that 1 simple question will help you zone in laser focus on what needs to get done today that you can do. Not getting stuck in Canva for 3 hours trying to make some graphics beautiful when you can hire a college kid. What do you want me to do today. Okay and I met and I came out with the list last night of the things that I have to do that God has called me to do. And I did them today. All right calibrated I get him today. God is doing a new thing. Every new day is a new opportunity so fear is the fertilizer for growth y'all is always an invitation for you to grow. So when you're spinning in the blank, when you're spinning in fear, when you're spinning in anxiety, when you're spinning in worry when you're spinning in oh my goodness I'll never get it all done. What are you not doing? God what can I do today? What do you want me to do today in my business?

81| The Good News of the Gospel and how to teach someone about Jesus.

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Hey, welcome back to the prosperity with purpose podcast I'm Jessica Heffley and we're doing something different today in light of me on my journey which I've been telling you back told you about in the last episodes. Ah 1 of the 5 lessons I learned from my sabbatical and all those things I've got lots of things I want to teach you about business. About working your business about growing your business about multiplying your business and I am here to help you create peace and make more money but I'm also here to help you be obedient to the lord and so this keeps coming up for me so we're gonna do a little pivot and I am gonna teach you about the good news today. The Gospel the good news because there's no point the reason of increasing your influence as overwhelmed business owners business owners the the more that your business grows means you will be impacting in touch in connection with even more people and what is the point of all of it. If we are not helping lead people to the lord. So I had mentioned that I have been kind of binge reading the old testament like from the beginning all the way through and I got up my old study babble if you are watching me on YouTube you can see that what is like this was a really sweet gift of mind. Do you have? what's like. 1 of the oldest things that you've owned that you've had for the longest amount of time like I was going back through and looking through my closet the other day and like do I have anything from when I was in high school and I don't think that I still do but this study bible our little church I grew up in every senior that graduated high school that was like the gift from from church.Is this really nice study bible and engrave your name on it and and so it's big. So I don't carry it around on the time like I I take a smaller one to church or you know just around I have one that's just kind of like the new testament in psalms and proverbs. That's one I study and I read out of most often. But I was I was going through the old testament and got out this old bible. Now why I am so glad I did for the purpose of today is I had and I went to a Christian college and Scott Adaire was the best professor I have ever had. He was a bible teacher and I took every single class that possibly could that he. Taught and sophomore year we we there was a class called life of Christ and he taught us many wonderful things I took I took took at least 3 of his classes if not more but 1 of the things he taught us in that class or we read the case for Christ. And so if you are doubting if Jesus is real or what all this is even about or can it be proof or you're like what? no no about this that is an excellent book and it's also a movie it talks about a husband and a wife and the husband was really really skeptical and he was a journalist and so he went and. Did a bunch of research and even just the history of Jesus like even people who don't believe that Jesus is a savior of the world. There are so many things that lined up with history that it's actually documented by even Non-Christians that this man was real and that he did do miraculous things and so it was really interesting and in his research to prove Jesus wrong. He actually in his research ended up proving Jesus right? So it was really fascinating anyways, that was one of the things the books we read boy back then but he had us right in our bible I'm I'm a big writer in my bible or are you guys. Like I write notes in there or aha moments I put little side things out to the side side notes out to the side and but he had us in the book of Mark write how to lead somebody to Jesus? okay, like it's a literal bible study like flip here then I have arrows written that tells you where to go to the next. And then it questions to ask somebody as you're you're leading them to Jesus or letting them explore letting them see in the word of God for themselves. What? Ah the good book says about Jesus what he did for you how he understands you how he came to be. He was fully God and fully human and all these I'm we're gonna walk through. This we're going to teach you equip you remind you of the good news. The gospel of Jesus Christ but also I want to equip you with a tool for you to help lead somebody to know Jesus Christ so I am going to There's going to be a printout JessicaHefley.com forward slash good news 1 word good news jessicahafley.com/goodnews I will print out each one of these verses that I'm going to cover in today's episode and the questions that you can ask yourself or someone else as you're leading them through this because this is the most important thing. Don't you worry you keep listening. We're gonna talk about our business. We're gonna talk about growing it. We're gonna talk about tangible things. But there just isn't anything else more important to this and I want to be obedient the lord told me to do this so this is what we're gonna do so get your bobbles out with me. We're going to have an old school bible study. Okay, we are bringing back the bible study making bible studies cool again open up your books bibles to Mark chapter 2 this is so fast side note before we get started go ahead and be flipping to Mark one one I am so grateful that my bible professor did this. He literally made us write it in our bibles. We had to copy it on a copy machine that to prove that we did write it in our bibles. Everything that I'm gonna be telling you all the questions that I'm gonna be asking you and we had to turn it in and we got a grade like he he made sure that we did this like he wasn't be like oh this is a good idea to someday lead somebody to Jesus know like this. Thing that he did over twenty years ago that I'm now going to be sharing with you guys is going to bring people to christ like do so I I want to equip you in the same way, get your pin out. At the end of each part that I read I put a little arrow that and then I write the next chapter in verse that we're going to so. It's like okay you read that part and then it goes or arrow tells you where to flip to next? Okay I have any questions about any of this please message me but get the printout so you can follow along or um, just listen along because here we go.We're going to learn about the Good News. The best news of all time. Okay Mark 1:1 says in the the beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ the son of God that's the gospel. The good news. The story of Jesus Christ and then I have an arrow that says. Flip on over or're staying in Mark until the very end. Okay, so that' they're all going to be in the book of Mark Matthew Mark Luke John the beginning of the new new testament go to Mark chapter 4 verse 35 next. Okay, Mark 4:35 I'm going to read, and I'm going to read until it tells me to stop this is like a pretty large section here. But here's what I want you to hear. Okay Mark 4:35 that day when evening came he said to his disciples. This is Jesus saying this. Let us go over to the other side leaving the crowd behind they took him along just as he was in the boat. There was also other boats with him a furious swall came up and the waves broke over the boat. So it was nearly swamped Jesus was in the Stern okay, go let me pause for just a second like they're they're out in the middle of a boat on ah on the water and a huge storm comes like huge waves are coming. And here's what it says Jesus is doing okay I mean it's like rocking the boat I'll not yet, but we just went on a cruise ship and it was pretty There were some storms going on like I couldn't walk a straight line but this was nothing. This was not a cruise ship. This was a little tiny ship. Okay little tiny boat. Um, and here's what this says Jesus doing in verse 38. Ah, Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him up and said to him teacher don't you care if we drown he got up rebuked the wind and said to the waves quiet be still and the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples. Why are you so afraid? do you still have no faith when they were terrified and asked each other who is this even the winds and the waves obey him? Okay, when and in an example of this story. What could man do with that storm. What did man do that with when there was the storms are waving the storms are crashing what could man do and and do nothing. Okay, what could Jesus do with the storm Jesus as the book says calm to the storm he literally calmed the storm. It is good. News that Jesus not us Jesus can calm the storms in your life. Okay I want you guys to keep reading this goes all the way through chapter 5 verse 43 talks a story about the healing of a man who was demon possessed the story of a girl. Um, a dead girl and a woman who was really sick. She had been bleeding for over twelve years like she had this constant bleed I want you guys to read these sorts. Let me just read them. we're we're here let's just do it. Why not? Okay I didn't prep for any of this I want you to know I was like I'm a little nervous. I'm no bible scholar. I am no bible teacher I have never even done what I am doing to you right now with anybody else. But I just couldn't not do it anymore. Okay, so I'm going to let the word of God do the teaching teaching in the talking. So we just realized that Jesus has power over to calm the storms now. Let me read a couple stories I'm just gonna read all the way through and then we're gonna I'm gonna ask you guys some more questions about this? Okay so they went across to across the lake to the region of gu and this seas you also don't know have to you don't know how you don't have to know how to pronounce things. Okay just ski over that. When Jesus got out of the boat a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him this man lived in the tombs and no one could bind him anymore. Not even with the chain for he had often been chained hand and foot but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones when he saw jesus from a distance. He ran and fell on his knees in front of him he shouted at the top of his voice What do you want with me Jesus Son a son of the most high God. Swear to God that you won't torture me for Jesus had come had said to him come out of this man you evil spirit then Jesus asked him what is your name. My name is legion. He replied for. We are many and he begged Jesus again and again not to send him out of the Ur area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside, the demons beg Jesus, "Send us among the pigs allow us to go into them." He gave them permission and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs, the herd about 2000 in number, rushed down the steep bank to the lake and were drowned. Tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and the people went out and to see what happened when they had saw when when they came to jesus they saw the man who had been possessed by a legion of demons and he was sitting there dressed and in his right mind and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon possessed man and they told them about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region as he was getting into the boat. The man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him. Jesus. Did not let him but said go home to your family and tell them how much the lord has done for you and how he has had great mercy on you. So the man went away and began to tell in the diac in the Decopolis and how Jesus what Jesus had done for him and all the people were amazed. Next story when Jesus was again crossed over by a boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one by one excuse me then one of the synagogue rulers named Gyrus came there seeing Jesus he fell on his feet and pleaded earnestly with him little daughter is dying. "Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live." So Jesus went with him. Ah, okay, so this is a guy whose daughter is like sick about to die and he was like he's heard word on the street. Let me get a little bit little little bit of backstory, there's an excellent episode of The Chosen. Ah, kind of covers this as well. But read it from the word first. The word is the truth and then like then you can like see some of it visually in the chosen bit. Um, okay so he has word on the street is that Jesus is can do these miraculous things. He's a healer people are like I don't know. Don't know about this this sounds kind of crazy but he's this guy is desperate. He's like my daughter is about to live if there's excuse me about to die I heard that this man can heal people if there's any chances is but possible I've got to find him I've got you know you're desperate. It's your child and so continuing reading a large crowd followed impressed about him and a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years. A separate lady, she had been bleeding for suffering with something for 12 years she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had yet instead of getting better she got worse. When she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought her thought her faith. This is what this is what she believed if I just touch his clothes I will be healed immediately. Her bleeding stopped and she felt it in her body that she was freed from her suffering at once Jesus realized the power had gone out from him and he turned around to the crowd and asked who touched my clothes you see the people crowding against you this disciples answered and yet you ask who touched you? Okay, this was like a really crowded people were like pushing claiming. Trying to get through. There's tons of people. Lots of people were touching Jesus but this one particular woman was different but Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it then the woman knowing what had happened to her knowing she had been healed came and fell at his feet trembling with fear told them and told him the whole truth he said to her daughter. Your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering while Jesus was still speaking. Some men came into the house of gyrus back to gyrus whose daughter was on the brink of death who your daughter it they came they fight go they find gyrus and they she she died. Okay, so they come like your daughter has died mer. Ah, they said? Okay so why bother teaching anymore and ignoring what they said Jesus told the synagogue ruler don't be afraid just believe he did not let anyone follow him except Peter James and John and the brother of James when they came to the house of the synagogue ruler Jesus saw a commotion with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them "Why all the commotion and wailing this child is not dead but asleep?" but they laughed at him because they knew she was dead but after but but he put he put them all out. He took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him and went in where the child was he took her by the hand and said to her talitha calm which means little girl I say to you get up immediately. The girl stood up and walked around she was twelve years old at this. They were completely astonished. They gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and they told them to give her something to eat. Okay, this is the first part. We just read some stories if you need to help with some backstories the bible recap I highly recommend it helps and helps you better understand like. What was happening in the culture that day. What some of these things mean what's the backstory on you know, a synagogue ruler named Gyrus. All those things that'll help you explain that. But the gist of this right now is we just read some stories and it is good news that Jesus is it. Let me ask you. But Jesus and comma storm is that good news. We just literally read about him coming a storm Jesus has the power over disaster Jesus has the power over demons Jesus has the power over disease and Jesus has the power over death. Okay, and the beauty of walking somebody through this, you don't have to convince them of anything. They read it for themselves, the truth speaks for themselves. Okay, so over to the next part I literally have an arrow now that says an arrow that says go to 16 chapter 16 verse 1 through 6 so flip over to Mark chapter 16 through 6 so Jesus has the power over disaster demons disease and death. Oh that's pretty awesome. Okay Mark 16 1- 6 when the sabbath was over Mary Magdalene marry the mother of James in. Alone brought spices so that they might go annoint Jesus's body very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise. Okay, this is resurrection this is right after Jesus dies. Okay. They were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb. But when they looked up. They saw that the stone which was very large had been rolled away as they entered the tomb. They saw a young man dress in a white robe sitting on the right side and they were alarmed. Don't be alarmed. He said you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He is risen say what who was crucified and he's no longer in his grave He is risen.Okay, ah, that's that's into that's it in part one? Okay now we're gonna go on to I have a start now in Mark chapter 1 verse 29 what a cliffhanger dude was dead and now He's alive!Okay, Mark 1:29 so at at Mark 1:29 my bible I have the beginning of start number 2 this is the second part of it here. We go I want you as I'm reading this because this is the good news. Jesus is the good news I want you to come to know. Who Jesus is who Jesus was so in these phrases that I'm going to read next I'm wanting you to find phrases that show that Jesus cares. Okay I want you to get to know Jesus and know that no. Find find find phrases in proof about Jesus Caring so I'm just gonna read for a little bit as soon this part is called Jesus heals mini as soon as they left the synagogue they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with the fever and they told Jesus about her so he went to her. Took her hand and helped her ah the fever left her and she began to wait on him that evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon possessed. The whole town gathered at the door and Jesus hid many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons. But. Would not let the demon speak because they knew who he was very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went to a solitary place where he prayed Simon and his companions went to look look for him and when they found him they explain everyone is looking for you. Jesus replied, "Let us go somewhere else to the nearby villages. So I can preach there also that is why I have come." so he traveled throughout Galilee preaching in in their synagogues and driving out demons. A man with leprosy came for him and begged him on his knees if you are willing you can make me clean, filled with compassion Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, "I am willing." he said "Be clean.", immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured. Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning see that you don't tell this to anyone, but go show yourself to the priests and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded. Your cleansing as a testimony to them instead. He went out and freely began to talk freely spreading the news as a result Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places yet the people still came to him from everywhere. So, are some phrases you caught during that that was so that Jesus was so filled with compassion. Some backsttor is like why he's still kind of hidden is people more and more and more brave are finding out who he is and so more crowds are coming and did to like it's just a lot It's a lot of people a lot of people and there's a timing that goes with everything and so anyway you I'm not going to explain them back to the backstory right now. But. Why is Jesus so filled with compassion some phrases that I caught is and he gets up early while it is still dark to go and pray for the people. He saw that someone was really really really sick with leprosy and literally said he had compassion on him. He healed so many people that that were brought to him what are some other things that you caught, but why is Jesus so filled with compassion. Does he heal all these people because he understands we want you to see in the truth of God's word that he has compassion is compassion towards those people in need he he wants to help those people in need. Okay, so now we're going to go over er arrow to Mark chapter 6 verse 1 through 6 okay, Jesus left there. This is okay, just left there and went to his hometown hometown accomplished by his disciples when the sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him were amazed where did this where did this man get these things they asked. What's this wisdom that he's been given him that he has done done. Miracles isn't this the carpenter's son isn't this ah Mary son and brother of James Joseph Judas and Simon aren't his sisters here too and they took and they took offense at him Jesus said to them, only in his home town among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor. You could not do any miracles there except lay hands on a few sick people and heal them and he was amazed at their lack of faith. Okay, so. Has your family ever. Misunderstood. You has your friends ever misunderstood you maybe taking this back to the context of our businesses have you ever started a business and like your closest inner circle or your friends or your family didn't get. You didn't understand you didn't understand why you're doing what you're doing. And Jesus understands that mark 6 now growing to Mark 6:30-34 the apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all that they had done and taught then because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat. He said to them come with me. Ah, by ourselves to a quiet place and get some rest so they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place but many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of him so when Jesus landed the boat and saw a large crowd he had compassion on them. Because they were like sheep without a shepherd so he began teaching them many things you have been stressed out you ever had lots of people who had lots of needed needed lots of things from you. So Jesus did, too. Jesus did too. Okay, now we're going over to Mark chapter 14:32-44 and when they went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to the disciples “Sit here while I pray.” he took Peter, James and John along with them and he began to. Began to be deeply distressed and troubled my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. He said to them stay here and keep watch going a little further. He fell on the ground and prayed if it is possible that this hour might pass from me Abba Father he said everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me yet. Not what I will but what you will then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping Simon said to Peter are you asleep could you not keep watch for 1 hour watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the body is weak. Once more he went away and prayed the same thing when he came back. He again, found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy. They did not know what to say to him. Okay, pause. So Jesus is about to be Crucified. He knows he's about to be arrested and crucified and he's just like okay. Yo best friends can you like stay up with me and pray I'm a little bit dis distressed right now. Okay, this is what kind of what's happening back to the ring returning the third time he said to them are you still sleeping and resting enough the hour has come look the son of man is betrayed into the hands of the sinners rise let us go. Here comes my betrayer and just as he was speaking Judas, 1 of the 12 appeared with him was a crowd armed with swords and clubs sent from the chief priests and teachers of the law and the elders and then it says go on to verse 50 then everyone deserted him. And he fled. How do you ever feel alone? Do you ever feel alone? You ever feel like everyone has left you nobody else is is gonna help you? Jesus knows what that feels like Jesus knows. Over to verse 55-56 the chief priests and the whole sanhian were looking for evidence against Jesus so they could put him to death but they did not find any many testified falsely against him but their statements did not agree. Anyone ever started rumor about you anyone ever say something that wasn't true spread a lie Jesus understands so verse 65 then some began to spit at him. They blindfolded him struck him. With their fists and they said prophesy and the guards took him and beat him. Why does he take it. Why does he do this. Why does he let this happen to him and is he identifying what it's like to be bullied, to be spat on, to be lied about.

It took a lot for me and for you on 2 are still in Mark chapter 14:66 through the end of the chapter while Peter was below in the court. 1 of the servant girls at the high priest came by when he saw Peter warming himself but by the fire she looked closely at him. You also were at. We're with that Nazarene Jesus she said but he denied it now. Peter's like 1 of his closest friendss but he denied it I don't know or understand what you're talking about he said and he went into the entryway when the servant girl saw him there she said again to those standing around that fellow is one of them again. Peter Denied it and after a little while though standing near said to Peter surely you are one of them. You are a galilean he began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them all I don't know the man that you are talking about immediately. The rooster crowed the second time then Peter remembered the word God had spoken to him. Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me 3 times and he broke down and he wept have you ever had a friend not claim. You pretend to not know you pretend to not be your friend anymore. This just to Mark 15:16-20 the soldiers led Jesus away into the palace and called together the whole company of soldiers. They put a purple robe on him. They twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him and they began to call out to him “Hail! King of the Jews!” again and again. They struck him on the head with the staff and spit on him falling on their knees. They paid homage to him and when they had mocked him they took off the purple robe and put his clothes and put his own clothes on him then they let him out to crucify him. Have you ever been publicly publicly humiliated I mean you probably have but have you to this degree Jesus understands what it feels like to be publicly humiliated on to verse 30 one 32 in the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. He saved us they said but he can't save himself let this christ the king of Israel come down now from the cross that we may see and believe those crucified with him also heaped insults on him have you ever been insulted. Verse 33 and 34 at the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour and at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice Eloy Eoy Laha subbogany which means my God my God why have you forsaken me and. How can you apply that to your life have you ever felt like God was abandoning you and your darkest deepest hour of need. Did you feel like God was abandoning you? Jesus understands verse 37. And with a loud cry Jesus breathed his last and then he died now. Why did he allow this. Why did god go through all the suffering being stressed out being let down by a friend. And being feeling alone having rumors and lies talked about him. Why did he take it. Why did he's had friends not claim him. He's been publicly humiliated. He's been insulted. He's been felt abandoned by god why did he allow all of that. Let's flip over to hebrews the book of Hebrews chapter 4 14 through 16.

Therefore since we have a great high priest who has gone through the who's gone through the heavens Jesus the son of god let us hold firmly to the faith. We we profess for. We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. But we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we are yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we might receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. 1 more verse we're gonna go to do you understand what this is saying we have somebody who empathizes understands any of the hardest things we could have ever experienced in our life yet was still without sin. He didn't lose his ever love and mind and. Yeah, all each and every one of those circumstances he carried that weight he carried that burden. Yeah, it was without sin. Let's go over to Hebrews 2:14-18. This is the last one. Okay, since the children have flesh and blood. He too shared in in their humanity so that by his death. He might destroy him who holds the power of death that is the devil he endured all of this. to destroy death to destroy the devil verse 15 and free. Those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death or held in slavery by um, by the devil. For surely. It is not angels he helps but Abraham's descendants which is us for this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to god and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted. He is able to help those who are tempted he understands he endured all of it. he took on scorning the shame he took on all of it so we wouldn't have to we sinners deserve death deserve destruction but when we choose to partner with Jesus when we choose to believe that he did this for us. He died for us. That's it. You just have to believe that I believe in yours like it's that simple and and so I just wanted to walk you through this I wanted to equip you with these verses for you to go back through. You can do this more slowly. Take your time with them better see. And through the lenses of everything that Jesus did Jesus endured Jesus' ' died for you that is the good news. Don't have to complicate it I think a lot of times, especially if you've grown up as a christian and you've kind of knowned this story your whole life. It's kind of like well how do I lead somebody to Jesus? How do I share the good news. You know here's a simple way to and then if you have never accepted Jesus as your lord and savior it is as simple like you can repeat this prayer with me right now like it's just so simple. Okay, let's all you can say with me out loud dear god I know that I have sinned and I want to ask for your forgiveness I believe that Jesus Died for my sins you just have to believe that he died for you. He did all of this for you I believe that Jesus Died for my sins and I now accept your offer of eternal life I will follow Jesus as my savior and try to obey him and all I do thank you for my new life in you in the name of Jesus I pray Amen believe and accept, but Jesus has done for you and you will be saved. So if you've never done this before then I highly encourage you to plug into your local church or local mentor. Go get baptized like let there be a public declaration that you believe that Jesus Died for your sins he understood you he can relate to you. He took on the sin of the world. So whenever you're you're feeling the weight wait wait wait that was not meant for you that is for him to carry that he carried and he died and you and partner with him in dying and resurrecting a new life. That's the good news. That's the Gospel. It's all right here. In the bible verse by verse go check it out for yourself and know that the purpose of growing your business as I teach on on prosperity with purpose as I mentor people in my twelve week mentorship on how to create more peace and make more money in their business. A huge part of that is for you to change culture influence culture to bring more people to christ as you grow your business because you have something to offer. You have something that helps them tangibly yes, give the man a fish give them some bread but you also have something to offer them that will save their soul. So god bless you all. Um, thanks for a little pivot on this week's episode. Not like the traditional but probably maybe nope is the most important podcast episode I have ever done so I am so grateful for the gift of cheese I'm grateful that I got it.

Share a glimpse if you didn't know him of what he was really this is just a taste of what he's really like of what he really offers. Um I'm going to give a plug for the chosen. It's ah it's a Tv series. It's ah it's free and. And I mean you get in the scriptures and read the scriptures for yourself, but it's a beautiful way to bring Jesus to life in a tangible way that sometimes is hard for our 2 d brains to understand when we're reading words on paper but you'll understand. You'll better understand the compassion that he has for you so start from the beginning I think we're about to be on season 4 of the chosen. But and start from the beginning and get past episode 1 episode. 1 may be hard weird different making make my might might make you feel uncomfortable. But every episode after that like we watched with our children they lead on top of each other and they have always pointed me back to the word of god to read and study for myself. So don't take you don't want your faith be anybody else's and don't overcomplicate it Jesus Died for you accept that. And believe that and you'll have eternal life bless you guys.

80| 5 Things I learned on Sabbatical.

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Hey, welcome back to the Prosperity with Purpose podcast. I am Jessica Hefley, and we've got some things to talk about today about my sabbatical 5 lessons I learned from my sabbatical. Okay, so sabbatical, what is the sabbatical? What is that all about? I actually took almost two months off from my coaching practice and I am going to tell you why I did it, what what that means, what I learned from it. But first let me preface loud and clear are I am not your boss. I am not your holy spirit. Don't go telling ever to whoever your superiors and say, “Well Jessica told me I have to rest for two months or life won't work, my business won't grow.” No that is not what I am saying. What I always say is you have to listen to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. Everybody's life circumstance is different. I definitely had a different 2023 year then you did and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about it because it was a lot so this is just sharing my experience, the lessons that I learned, the fruit and the gifts and the blessings that I gained from taking some time off. Okay because I got sick and tired of saying over and over and over again life is so busy, life is just so busy. I got tired. I'm tired of hearing other people say that. I got tired of myself saying that. I got tired of that being the story of my life. So I made a radical change, and one of the those 5 reasons is it just doesn't happen on purpose. We're gonna get down. Let's get let's just get into it. The number 1 reason, the lessons that I learned from my sabbatical. Okay, so 2023 here we go here's what happened we built a house have any of you ever built a house before? There's lots like go into it. Lots of emotions. Lots of money. Lots of time. Lots of thought lots of decisions. Lots of lots lots lots of things so throw on building a house on top of our family has drastically changed in the last year and a half. We have gone from Rob being home with us almost all the time having a really flexible life. So grateful through Plexus the right network marketing company that is our bread and butter that's provided for lots of options and freedoms for our family and my husband was still just looking for something that was like his to do. I believe that men are called to work and provide and have something that was his and so and anyway some he's had little backstory on me and my husband's marriag, he is the dreamer of our marriage. He has always had ideas like I remember when he first got married. He's like we're going to be millionaires and I was like I can't even fathom that what does that even mean? But people like us that stuff like that doesn't happen to people like us. I had so much of a poverty mindset of thought and no one ever told me that I couldn't do that. It was just naturally ingrained in me from from my life experiences. You know my dad worked really, really hard his entire life in a factory. You know 9 to 5 like swing shift. So sometimes he worked midnight sometimes he worked days sometimes he worked afternoons. You know, steel towed boots and safety goggles I grew up with the work ethic that you worked hard for not very much money. You worked hard but you went in debt every single Christmas you worked hard but everything you owned was used, old, falling apart. You know you had a good life. You never went without but there wasn’t extra and so the concept of dreaming for me wasn't even there. It was never tapped into there, so I'm very thankful for my husband in that. But anyways, so he’s had lots of business ideas over the years, and they're all really hard to beat when mine costs 34.95 to start, $35 and folded 7 figures year after year after year, so it's just a different model so he had lots of business ideas that cost a lot of money to start. Hurt or alone to start in debt or you know and he had lots of ideas and he always calls me the dream killer but I like to call my call it discernment. I shot down a lot of those ideas and thank goodness I did because when the right one came around the right one came around. And we were able to do that. We bought Arkansas sportsman. It's a gun ammo supply store, all your needs in that tactical arena and then and that's in Atkins, Arkansas, a small town. It’s where we kind of used to live and then so bought that one and then opened a brand new one, Graybeard Ammo. Graybeardammo.com, check it out in Conway Arkansas where we where we currently live and have lived for about 4 years where we have our community, and it is a it is an amazing thing. But it's been a lot of work. Okay, so not only do we have ammo subscriptions guns tactical needs all of those things ,but there also is a jujitsu gym attached and he really had this vision. He has such a heart for vets first responders. Just men to have a place to go to to hang out to to belong more of a community. So. It's way more than just a gun store. It is a place to be to belong to and it's a man thing. Okay, but anyways. So I'm very excited for him very thankful. He has an amazing team. We have multiple employees 2 locations business loans, 2 bills, taxes, debts all the things but it's growing. It's you know it's a traditional business. So it's going to take multiple years to see the income from that anyway, it has transformed our life from my husband being home a lot to my husband being gone almost every single day getting these businesses started. All the stress, thought management and people that come along with that is a lot, and so that on top of us building a house and living in a renthouse. Can we just talk about that for a second? Because we had a great rent house. We were so grateful for that rent house. But when you're living in something that's not you like not your permanent home. It's just like it's hard, and so I had to do lots of. Ah, at work very often on just just around that just around not being in the place where I didn't have any space and have any extra none of us had like y'all like we love each other. We love each other a lot but somebody just nature own space just need to to see get away from everybody else for a minute. Do anyway. All that to say we also had I was involved in 2-3 different masterminds last year. I'm not doing only doing one this year so I have learned that I'm very much and I love to and intake information. I love to learn, I love, love, love, love, love ,love, love but this year I'm committed to create more than I consume. And so I have really scaled back on that. I will always I still have a coach, of course, myself because I have made a commitment that always if I am a coach, if I am coaching you, if I am coaching paying clients and I will always have a coach myself that is just a no brainer for me. That is absolutely dream for my life and I constantly need someone to run things by someone to help me see what my thoughts are creating for me. Someone to be a sounding board for me, someone to to help bring out blind spots for me. That is just a a must for me and the beauty of it is is every time, where I sort through those things, work through those things, have a breakthrough in those areas, I then have the authority to help set you free in those areas to the authority and the wisdom and the experience. So. It's a beautiful thing anyways, all that to say it was a lot going on last year there was a lot going on last year and right around October is when we moved into our new house. And so it was just like I was just feeling the weight of ah of it all it just was a lot and and for me again, this is not February this is just my story I got tired of saying my life is so busy. Life is so busy. Life is so busy. Like I would have local friends that wanted to do something and I found myself saying I can't I've got this going on or this going on I just didn't have the mental capacity for it anymore and so I decided to make some radical changes because I didn't want to say life is just so busy I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life I didn't want to die saying my life is so busy I wanted to be. Fully present I wanted to enjoy it so back to my 5 lessons number one rest equals trust and trust equals obedience.

Let's unpack that shall we okay so many people are working are working their businesses and living their lives. Never resting which means they're never even giving God a chance to show up for yo,u to provide for you in miraculous ways, to to do things for your business to send you the context to send you the person to download that supernatural idea that is going to transform your business. To give you that marketing idea, to give you that quote ,or that post to go and put on social media if we're just going ,going, going, going, going. Also what happens then the only person that would get the credit is you? Apart from me, you can do nothing is what the Bible says, and so rest is an example and a time and a chance for you to trust over and over and over and over and over and over. I've been reading through the Old Testament I'm like trucking through I've never done this before. I like read it reading it this fast, honestly like, I love the Bible. I love to read the bible. Love I've been more of a new testament person, but I am like wait a second. There is a lot to unpack and all the beauty and a lot of truth and a lot of things that from the Old Testament that I need to read more and understand more. So anyways, it's probably been since college since I have read the entire Bible all the way through, and when you're a freshman a hoarding in University you're required to read it. So I don't know how much of it actually did you know way, way, way back then? Anyways, it's been really interesting and so the Bible recap I highly and highly recommend that helps you. There's a daily reading plan and you can listen to the free podcast, and she helps explain like what's happening. Culturally, what's happening in that time how to make sense of it all because it's it's confusing. Okay, if you're not familiar with it. Even if you are familiar with it or if you've never read the whole Bible before there are some weird stories going on that may not make sense when you're like only focusing on it right there. But if you take a step back and see the big overarching picture of the entire Bible it is a love story of God longing to redeem his people, to bring how He rescues his people and they forget about it. They sin so bad things happen somebody else comes along he rescues his people. They forget, they send like repeat repeat repeat repeat, but Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice that saved us from all the sin and punishment and sacrifices that we should have been required to do or that we deserved. He took all of that for us. Anyways, that's a whole other episode.

Let's go back to rest equals trust. Rest equals trust. It is relinquishing some control to somebody bigger than you and also is obedience. Okay, it did not make sense for me for to and to over two entire months to not be trying to get new clients. I mean we we built a house! Y'all , if you've ever built a house under budget or right at budget, congratulations! congratulation! I actually don't think that that is possible. Is that even possible? So all that to say we needed the income. The income would have been a nice thing to have so in the natural this is also how things work in the natural. It never makes sense to take a break. It never makes sense to rest. It never makes sense not to work not to go for it, not to do more but over and over and over in the Bible and talked about Sabbath. He set it apart for us. And I have seen over and over and over again if you do not set that time apart in some way he's going to make you whether you're going to have a nervous breakdown or you're going to get physically sick or something else is going to happen like it. It is required but that's not in like they're required of like this is that rule that't require. It's a blessing that we are missing out on if you set aside the time to rest and truly operate from rest instead of work, work, work, work, work, work ,work burnout. If you are resting on the regular, and then you can then work from a place of rest. What's fascinating to me when I was learning about I was learning about Jewish culture like back Bible culture like to learn about how they did things and why they did things and you know why we don't do the things this day to this day. Maybe we need to do more of the things today in this day and age but the Sabbath started at sundown which is really fascinating. It started with rest. You would think oh no, the sabbath starts in the morning you wake up and you get to it? No sabbath started with rest. It started at sundown. It started with sharing a meal with those that they love it. Started with remembering the Lord.

It's started with rest.

Isn't that fascinating? Isn't that countercultural to the world that we live in? I want to be countercultural to the world that we live in. I don't know about you but you probably you, too if you're here and you're still listening. So anyways, I found that was fascinating ,rest equals trust, so it really wasn't exercise in trust for me the Lord was whispering and over and over and over again, you know it's time to take a rest It's okay to take a rest actually I want you to take a rest Jessica. He clearly told me, He's like “I want you to take the holidays to enjoy with your family ,to settle your children and your husband into your new home, to find rest and rhythms with your family in your new space. I want you to rest and enjoy.” Rest equals trust and trust equals obedience to what the Lord has called you to.

Number 2: change does not just happen. Your life is not just going to slow down. You have said it, just let me just ask you this question, how many times have you said? “Okay, but once this happens then life will slow down, once that once we get to this point life will slow down, once this thing gets off our to do list or this thing gets done or this project or this then life will look different. It'll feel different. It'll be different.”

That's not me just clearing in my throat ,that is me asking you did it ever happen, probably not. I can almost promise you it is not because change does not just happen. It took radical decisions on my part. Radical changes on my part. It was not easy to slow down. It was not easy to do this. It was not easy. My husband who was in the in the midst and the throes of these 2 new businesses which I was seeing signs of burnout. His physical health wasn't doing well. Seeing signs of burnout in him, believing that this is what our family needed, and God was calling me to lead the way in this to lead by example in this for me to slow down, for me to attend to my husband, attend to my family, to to show the example of what it looks like to live a slower pace life. To say no to all the activities and possibilities that are among us even and it was just just during the holiday season. We could have done something every single night but it is okay for you to make the most important things in your life the most important. Actually when you do that, I believe your business will be even more blessed because you're prioritizing your family and your marriage and when those things are solid, when those things have the attention and the thought and and the the rhythms and the systems around them to help them function properly and with health your business will thrive also because you'll be.. You'll be able to truly focus on your business because the health will be increased in the other areas of your life.

Anyways, change does not just happen. It is hard. It is hard to say no. It is hard to recalibrate. It is hard to rest if you are someone who is a doer and a worker and a succeeder and a planner and all those things. They’re hard, but Biblically, I just got to go back to the Bible over and over and over and over and over and again, it talks about rest a lot. And our dear friends I've taught Cedar Rock Ministries If you guys are unfamiliar with that I talk about that ministry a lot. It's a phenomenal marriage ministry and that does marriage retreats, personal marriage retreats. It's unlike anything you'll ever, ever, ever have experience. We used to serve on the board for them. It is like an experiential experience on how to connect with yourself connect with your spouse and connect with the Lord but it's really, all around rest as Well. So check that out Cedar Rock Ministries.com but change does not just happen. I mean times over but im will say again change It will not just happen. It is going to take you making powerful decisions making powerful changes that will affect the rest of your life. So I was I was to the point I was ready. And I was willing and I was not willing to not make powerful decisions for life to not be so busy number 3 some people will not understand. Okay, when you cancel when you say no, when you don't show up to something that you had committed to or promise to like some people will not understand this was one of my fears is when the Lord was whispering like you need to do this, and I'm like nope but wait lord like people had signed up for my Mentorship! They had signed up for the program they were expecting me to show up. They're expecting me to be there. They had already paid ahead of time and so I had to work through a lot of those things but I had the but I had to go back to rest equals trust and trust equals obedience and it was so beautiful I taught on so I started this the beginning of November. The lord told me this to do this in October, and it was like when I finally decided and put it out there when I finally decided, and I told my my current old members and the old leading ladies program now it's “Prosperity with Purpose.” It's completely revamped completely different. There's some similarities but it's it's very targeted a twelve week mentorship program called prosperity with purpose www.jessicahefley.com go o find all the information out about that. I want to lead by example and everything I do. At the beginning of November I taught on rest I taught on sabbatical I taught on rhythms I taught on obedience to god I taught on radically changing your life to not be so busy. And you know what it was so well received I pivoted I obeyed the lord and blessing came and had the conversations with people that had to come up conversations to I had to refund people if I had to do it. There's a couple of things that I had to do and everybody was great with it because I was walking in obedience to the Lord and when you walk in obedience to lord blessing comes not sorrow comethwith okay, um, and you know what the people if there is somebody who doesn't understand like if you make a choice to rest or do something different or or change your rhythms or something and you have somebody that doesn't understand. The best way to help them understand First of all, it's not your responsibility to make them understand. It's your responsibility to do what god's called you to do but your living example of your life being different speaks for itself. It will speak for itself when they notice that you're a person of purpose who lives on purpose. When they see you living a life that is more peaceful, more restful, more intentional or you have gotten off the hot mess express that speaks for itself that speaks volumes I will say it again. The overwhelmed leader can't help other people who are overwhelmed. The anxious stressed out person can't help people who are anxious and stressed out and that's why this is so important you are a person of purpose who lives on purpose and that's going to take some slowing down to recalibrate on what your purpose even is. It's going to take some slowing down for your life to not be so busy. Moving forward number 4 this one was really interesting to me technology depletes rest. Ok so let me explain this so there were certain days you know during Christmas vacation. The kids were home and I would find like at the end of the day I like oh that was so restful like we would have family dinner at the table we would play a family game. We would maybe watch some episodes of the chosen and you know I would kind of maybe organize an area of the house and journal read my bi like all these things I'm like. Felt really restful and then I noticed a couple of the other days where I would kind of like I would be talking to Robin bed that night and be like what did I do today I I literally did nothing today I laid on my butt was on the couch all day long like in my robe all day long. And I was watching like mindless Youtube videos with the kids scrolling scrolling scrolling my phone scrolling my phone some more scrolling my phone some more you know just eating snacking laying there doing nothing and at the end of the day I was like in the world. Was like again from the worldly standards my but physical body was resting see notice the air quotes but I did not feel rested and that is the difference that is the difference that you have to be aware of that that technology can deplete your rest. Okay, when you're scrolling scrolling scrolling. You're comparing yourself to everybody else. You're looking at what everybody else is doing. You're just intake intake intake. You're made to create by the way and so if you're just intaking intake and intake watching Youtube videos watching this intake is like something about that is not going to feel restful because it's not your you're calling your calling is not to intake. Calling is not to just be a sloth on the couch like and so it was just really interesting. So I thought I wanted to share that with you guys just be mindful of during your rest time maybe making the choice to cut back on technology or cut back on the scrolling. What am i. Favorite weeks of the entire year we go to pine cove family camp out in South Carolina each year with our some friends and with my family there isn't cell service there. There is at some of the main buildings but in your cabins and just around the campground There is not cell service and I turn my phone off for the entire week. Like I turn it off like it's off. It's not like oh let's every time I go to the they um the meal the meal the meal cabin boom five hundred notifications come through and let me see what everybody else is going on in the drama and what's happening in the world and the latest news and did know it's off. And I sleep amazing I sleep amazing that week I wake up rested that week I go on walks every morning my mind is clear I hear from the lord I end that week and so restful there is something to technology that depletes to rest so just wanted to share. That with you just wanted to share that little nugget you do with that what you want too. But ok so number 5 also from part of the the fifth lesson I learned from my sabbatical was a renewed purpose a renewed purpose on what I am called to do again. So many people have this fear whether for themselves or for their team or for anybody else have this fear. Like if someone someone takes a day off, a week off, a couple days off, if someone rests then they're going to love it and become lazy and never come back. So, contrary to popular belief, rest does not mean that you will go fall in a hole and stay there forever. I mean if that does happen to you we need other things that got to be involved. There's some underlying, possibly depression - some other things that are there. But when you rest, when I rested in this way it renewed my purpose. It renewed my passion. It really surprised me like it was really really, really fun when I didn't have like the deadlines and the pressure to get things done by this amount of time or work on this project like sometimes when you find like. Okay, I've got a this is due tomorrow like I've got to get this speech written or I've got to get this post up or I've got to get this notes for my training like there comes a little bit of anxiety and anxiousness and sometimes we get stuck because we sit down like okay I'm going to work on this now and then nothing comes to mind or you get distracted or. So. It was really fun to sit down and journal about like the revamping of the prosperity with purpose mentorship and even the Minicourse how to get off the but mess express like I I didn't have work hours during during my sabbatical I didn't even really work hardly at all, but sometimes I would find myself wanting to sit down and journal and dream and the Lord would download ideas on what he wanted me to teach you guys, what he wanted me to show you, how he wanted me to do it. I wanted to incorporate it. I would get incredibly clear on who I serve and how to market this and just like all these and it just kept surprising me. And because it was really really fun. The creativity that came when there wasn't the pressure. So anyways, these are fascinating so the five lessons I learned from my sabbatical was rest equals trust and trust equals obedience. Number 2 change does not just happen your life will not just slow down that's going to it is going to cause you to make some decisions to make it slow down number 3 some people may not understand number 4 technology depletes rest and number 5 there was a renewed. Purpose a clarity of who I am and who I am called to serve so I really want to challenge you guys because if we're going to do prosperity with with purpose. This has to be with purpose on purpose. So how are you going to start incorporating rest. Okay I want to challenge you at the very least 4 hours 4 hours this week I want you to incorporate rest in some kind turn off the phone turn off the work. Do something enjoyable for you do something that refreshes your soul do something to really prosper spirit soul and body to rest to rest. To do it for 4 hours at the very very least and then I want to challenge you to at least you know work your way up to a day a week every week to really incorporate. This is not a legalistic thing. This is not oh my gosh, “What's the rules for this?” “Want to make sure we don't break it.” See how my voice just even changed with the anxiety and franticness of this like his load is easy. His burden is light. This is a gift to you and this is this is. Bigger than you. The reason that you are resting yes is for you. It is for you. It is for your physical body and for your brain y'all we gotta we because what I was saying I was sitting on the couch but I wasn't resting my brain rest if you incorporate regular rest. It will invigorate your work time. It will bring more passion and purpose back to your work time. So really want to challenge you to to do that and thank you again for being here you you overwhelmed business owners you you don't have to be overwhelmed anymore. That's why I am here to help here to help you handle stress. Here to help you create more peace. Here to help you make more money. We’re gonna get into those topics in the episodes coming up but hope this blessed you and I hope you are blessed I know you will by your rest this week see you next time.

79| What if prosperity wasn't selfish? WHY you should succeed in all areas of life.

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Hey welcome to the prosperity with purpose podcast I am Jessica Hefley! We have revamped we have improved. We've got our twelve week very specific very targeted mentorship that is out live. We've got our “How to get off the Hot Mess Express.” mini-course out to the public. The podcast is rolling and growing and I've got special effects! Thank you, thank you everybody! Yeah, we've all got to laugh because I recorded 2 podcasts on my old equipment and my assistant was like, “Yeah those were like really fuzzy and something is wrong with the microphone.” So, you know I did some Instagram stories about this other day, like how sometimes resistance is the tax you pay to get the results to get to your dreams. So many people when they experience resistance are like “My God what have I done that we are doing the wrong thing"? I know I know, that I know that I know, that I know that I know, that I'm supposed to do this and so I'm excited because we are going to change what prosperity means. We are going to change the face of prosperity, and when I was looking and I was thinking about different titles. There's a couple of different things that came up. Here we go. So okay, so I was looking at different ways to name the podcast. I was looking at prosperity. Like what does prosperity mean? And so I looked up the definition of that, and it means to like succeed or make successful, prosper. But it also means to flourish, physically grow strong and healthy, to thrive. So I was looking up okay so there's lots of stuff and definitions about prosperity or prosper and they have to do with success. So I was like what is the definition of success or to to be successful? And it's to achieve a desired aim or result. Okay. Third John 2 says “I pray that in all things you will prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers”, prospering spirit, soul and body is so important for the overwhelmed business owner. I am here to help you thrive in all of those areas. Spirit, soul and body, and I know, that I know that know, that I know,and that I know, that I know that I know, that I am called to teach this. Teach God’s people how to handle stress. That was very evident to me as I took my sabbatical. I took about 2 months off from my coaching practice, and I want to do my next episode on that and really reveal what the Lord showed to me through that through resting through all of those light bulbs downloads. Super good. But anyways, okay I really believe you have an epidemic of anxiety and adhd and adult ADD. How many people do you know that have have like developed ADD as an adult, or it's definitely gotten much worse? As a overwhelmed business owner, and I have it there, and I have a theory, and I believe that ADD is nothing more than unprocessed anxiety. You go from 1 thing to the next to the next to the next to next to avoid feeling like a failure, feeling uncomfortable, having a difficult conversation, doing something you that you may not be perfect at, you may not be the best at that, you have the possibility to fail at that. You're just like being me minimum and you make perfect sense. Makes perfect sense how you have acted like that and developed patterns like that in many ways thrived in doing that that was your way to get things done but and so I want to help you explore those with compassion and curiosity like what really though. Can we explore can we uncover as part of this add to really so help you be a person of purpose who lives on purpose. Not this thing to this thing to the same and this thing this thing but know who you are and what you are called to do and so I the thing about renaming the podcast. There's lots of different names that came up. Since holistic health is so important to me a leader that is like I said before like healthy in spirit and soul and by it so healed leader, a holistic business leader to lead holistically, lead yourself first and others will follow all of these things but but didn't want it to be people think it was only like a crunchy podcast. But we are going to cover some crunchy topics that's for sure, because it has to deal with Health in all areas of life, Prosperity with Purpose because the overwhelmed leader can't help others who are overwhelmed, the anxious leader can't help others who are anxious. The stressed out person can't help other people are stressed out, so we are going to get to the root of that to really live fully present with purpose because healed people heal leaders who have the tools and are practicing incorporating the tools that I teach inside of Prosperity with Purpose Mentorship will steward their calling with more confidence want some confidence in what they're called to do and what God has called them to do on this earth. And they're feeling like “I'm not good enough”, “I don't know if this is made number 1 What we are going to steward is incredibly important. This life is not yours. This job is not yours. This family is not yours. All of these belong to God and you have just been entrusted to steward these ,and so I'm going to help you steward these and steward your business with confidence. Number 2 Carry your calling with ease. It does not have to always be heavy. There are tools, tangible tools that I teach you that will help you to carry out your calling with ease, help it feel lighter, help it feel more fun, help it feel more meaningful and number 3 multiply what God has entrusted to you the parable of the talents is one of the bible stories that it shows people were given some and what they did with it, and the ones who utilized it, who multiplied their gifts, talents, money were given more were given influence over cities. The Lord was pleased with them. We must use our talents gifts resources. Whatever that we have been given to multiply it and so I just really, really believe what if prosperity isn't selfish what if you are taught about prosperity or money are truly thriving, truly being happy and healthy? Truly making a difference in this world. What if that wasn't selfish what if prosperity and abundance and living as a recipient God's overflowing blessing, including finances, is meant for you. Is meant to transform generations of your family members to come by the things that you do today. What if it's meant to change your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country which we might be in . Let's do this, what if it's meant to change the daily living circumstances. Those who are going through tough seasons of life for you prospering more provides the necessities that so many people need food, water ,shelter. You know what? The best way. So many people are like how do I, how can help the poor, how can I help other people? One of the worst ways to help the poor is to be poor.

We need you to not? We need you to prosper. We need you to be more than enough, to help your family, but also to help others. What if being prosperous was to bless someone else with vacation or marriage therapy or pay their tuition? Like are we dreaming big enough about what these income can do are we understanding. Where we live and where we are part of there are so many nonprofit organizations so many just people in need so many people with dreams that are praying for them to be funded praying for ways to for the kingdom of heaven to come to earth and that's going to be through you as you prosper and as as you teach and help and live your living example. Helps other people prosper too, and what if it's too like some other fun things that think of wanted what does it mean to prosper like I always like to think of big picture things and I love to think of like tangible things like y'all there's some new parents that you know they’re burned out. They need a gift card to Texas roadhouse. They need to go out on a date. They need you to help babysit their kids and need you to be healthy enough prosper in us be able to bless them in that season because you may be past that you may be in that but just 1 step ahead and that's how we give back to those. And what if it is time to stop shying away from stewarding and multiplying our God-given gifts to bring more of Heaven to Earth. We'll say it again and again and again and again as He as His conduits in partnership with him in partnership with him apart from me, you can do nothing. John 15 my most favorite chapters of the Bible which leads us to second Corinthians 9:8, yes god is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace so that you will have more than enough of everything every moment in every way He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do. amen Prosperity with Purpose, I'm so I'm ready to start stop playing at comfortable. Okay I'm ready to stop just paying the bills, saving some for a rainy day, which are all blessings definitely, but I'm ready and could continue continue to grow. Bless the socks off of others, and for them to experience the overflowing abundance and love of a generous heavenly father. So we have dreams and we are praying to see those come through fruition so keep listening because Prosperity with Purpose has just begun and we have got some fun, big powerful themes that we are touching on coming up real soon! Who is with me for Prosperity with Purpose.

78 | 5 Reasons to SHARE more to SELL more

Listen, you are not posting and marketing too much, your customers want to hear more from you! There is often so much fear around selling and sharing and promoting but I am here to tell you that you need to share more so you can sell more! In today’s episode, I am diving into why you need to share in order to sell more and I share five valuable reasons to do so. 

During today’s episode, I dive into how creating a strong brand presence, overcoming the fear of judgment and confidently oversharing will bring you to the next level in your business. Lastly, we look to Proverbs 29:25 and we do not fear another man’s opinion, this is crucial when it comes to selling and sharing online. Whether you're in network marketing, a realtor, a church leader, or any other leadership role, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you take your sales game to the next level.

77 | What If It Were Easier than You Thought?

Do you ever find yourself asking “What if this were easier”? Especially when you are stuck in indecision or simply do not know what your next steps are. Today’s episode is all about one of my favorite and most powerful thoughts to help you break through, telling yourself “This was easier than I thought”. This thought can be applied to every part of your life from personal to your business. I dive into how you can apply this thought to your everyday life and share practical tips on why things often feel hard, even when they aren’t. It’s time to make life easier and empower your choices.

76 | Feeling STUCK? This Is Your Invitation to Change! Take RADICAL OWNERSHIP and Make POWERFUL DECISIONS ASAP, No One Else Will Do It for You

Raise your hand if you are feeling stuck where you are in life. It is time to stop waiting around and make the changes you need to make! In today’s episode, we are diving into how you can take radical ownership of your life and make those decisions today.  In this episode, I share my story of choosing to advocate for myself and take charge of my own well-being. View today’s episode as an invitation to change. Where is God leading you to change? Where is God leading you to make a decision? Get ready to shift your perspective, embrace new possibilities, and discover the freedom that comes from taking radical ownership.

75 | Shame Around Money Mistakes? 3 LIES That Are Keeping You from Making More Money!

Today, I have an incredibly powerful and transformative topic to dive into. In this episode, I explore how past mistakes with money were actually meant to happen and can lead to personal growth and a higher purpose. My goal is to help you find peace and make more money by following God's principles in business. I discuss three lies that keep you from making the money that you need and deserve and I explore the possible reasons behind the money mistakes. I also provide practical guidance on how to leave your past behind and cultivate a partnership with the Lord to create a new future.

74 | Do You Have a VISION For Your Business?

Today’s episode is all about having a vision for your business. Figuring out the vision you have for your business is what anchors you and holds you true to your values. As Christians, we have the power of God’s vision for our lives that we can build on and build a business that can change the world. I’m sharing the steps to craft a vision that is centered on your values and honors God’s vision for you. I encourage you to slow down and listen to God’s voice and seek advice from him when making decisions with your business and life. I further discuss Proverbs 29:11 and the value of having a vision given by God.

73 | How to Engage with WISOM, Lead Your Business From a Biblical Perspective Instead of the World's Opinion

On this episode of Christian Leadership Coach, we dive into the importance of Scripture and its role in our success. Scripture is like a playbook in sports, with plays necessary for winning in life. It's clear that many Christians are facing challenges such as anxiety, fear, resistance, procrastination, and boredom because they are not utilizing Scripture in their daily lives. I'm sharing about the 31-day Proverbs challenge I'm hosting and how you can join in too. I firmly believe that God's word is alive and active today, offering the opportunity to make changes in our lives through our study of the Scripture.

72 | Are You a Perfectionist? How you're keeping yourself frozen and how to extend grace to move forward.

In today's episode, we're talking about perfectionists! Raise your hand if that's you. I'm raising both of my hands right now... Who do you associate perfectionism with? Typically, we don't associate that with OURSELVES. Did you know that procrastination is one of the BIGGEST indicators that you may be a perfectionist? “A B minus is better than an F”... what if you just get it done and stop trying to make everything perfect. Stop overthinking every detail. Just DO IT. What if you got curious about the weight of your own judgment? Maybe it's your own expectations keeping you and blocking you from moving forward, not the weight of others' judgments.

71 | The Theme of Condemnation. Shame vs. conviction and how they are very different!

 Do you feel or know someone who constantly feels condemned for not being good enough, doing things wrong, or making bad choices... AKA: constant shame towards ourselves. What a terrible cycle to be in! "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" -Romans 8:1 I challenge you to get CURIOUS about what you're feeling, WITHOUT coming in agreement with it as our IDENTITY.

70 | Bible Recap Giveaway and fun summer ideas with kids!

I'm here today to encourage you to GET IN THE WORD! I've also been thinking a lot about intentionality around what I'm teaching my kids and what I want to invest in this summer while we're all together! What are YOU doing with your kids or family this summer? "So faith comes from hearing and hearing comes from the word of Christ" -Romans 10:17. We've revised and relaunched the #BREAKTHROUGHprogram, making all the needed changes for it, and prioritizing rest. Rest is key for personal and professional growth. Remember, you don't have to do it all alone—partner with Jesus and embrace rest.

69 | Don't miss out on a #BREAKTHROUGH!

Recently, I attended a mastermind in South Carolina with other life coaches. It's all about personal growth and pushing limits. In the midst of the chaos, I witnessed the power of life coaching and taking control of my thoughts. No conflicts with the kids, and it was a truly remarkable experience. I've also been working on launching the revised #BREAKTHROUGHprogram, making all the needed changes for it, and prioritizing rest. Rest is key for personal and professional growth. Remember, you don't have to do it all alone—partner with Jesus and embrace rest.